Power My Home solar panels in the UK.

Why the future is PV solar-powered?

Why the future of powering our lives is PV solar-powered?

What does the future hold for us? We will power the 21st-century with solar panels? What the future hold for us is unanswerable unless talking about powering homes.

Will humankind continue to reach for the stars with Space Force? Will we power our homes using the sun’s energy in the 21st-century? These are just some of the questions I ponder. We live in a time when we’ve detached from raw nature in the raw.

Thousands-of-years of human industrial impact, means we’re losing the biodiversity we depend upon. Here’s how solar panels will help?

A significant issue is the global and industrial-scaled burning of fossil fuels. Therefore, decided to change the way we heat and power homes using solar panels.

Power My Home was born.

We don’t have any choice but to adopt solar technologies and harvest sunshine. Energy expenditure climbs higher and higher, so adopting energy independence technologies is just common sense.

Photovoltaic solar panels being the easiest to install today. The continued upward trending of energy prices will mean savvy homeowners reducing dependence. The type of people installing solar panels has changed considerably.

In 2004, during the earliest days of Power My Home, the demographic undoubtedly leaned towards environmental-types. In the last couple of years, see average folks such as retired, professionals, and singles. It’s not just me.

Because of modern PV solar systems alongside the PV export tariffs, people are now self-generating. Today’s embryonic solar industry will grow considerably over the coming decade.

The government’s support of the generation tariff scheme has made it financially viable. Growth is already occurring worldwide and not just in the United Kingdom.

Energy prices rise, sales of solar panels go up! It’s a one-way ticket to self-generation. Power to the people in the purest sense.

If everyone-including governments, companies, and homeowners implement PV solar panels, humanity may be steps away from solving its energy-burning addiction. I’m happy that I experienced the golden age of cheap energy, but notice the past tense in this sentence!

The accomplishment of our civilisation is won; the challenge of keeping it has just begun.

  1. Solar power must be a central plank in our desperate flight from fossil fuel dependency. As part of the Baby Boomer generation I have to accept responsibility for our current situation. We had it all and thought it would last forever.

    Good luck.

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New world savvy.

"I've witnessed many fantastic changes, innovations, and installation companies come and go. My fellowship with ethically-minded MCS solar panel installers goes back decades. Today, I offer my experience to ensure you gain real independence from this crazy geopolitical world."

Stuart Lovatt
Power My Home Solar Panels
Sundial House, Panton Road, Chester CH2 3HX.
01244 722 607

Est. 2004.