Power My Home solar panels in the UK.

How solar panels can help?

North Korea today stopped all incoming flights to protect itself from Ebola.

Western governments have not yet banned incoming flights from those affected parts of Africa. When the inevitable occurs, our society will change forever! One thing is for sure, you certainly won’t get the truth from watching controlled media.

Preparedness has always been the aim of Power My Home, and those who questioned solar panels and the need to prepare are no longer skeptical today. Change is already occurring with people replacing the traditional handshake with fist-bumping. Imagine a world where local supermarket workers refuse to go to work through fear of infection!

A world we can’t yet imagine is creeping upon us. Conspiracy advocates say this is being allowed to spread. I’m rather more skeptical and think it has more to do with protecting a frail economy.

Whatever the case, a sense of apprehension is permeating through the world’s population. My original mission was to forewarn people and prepare for peak traditional energy. Civilisation is a far more delicate lady than first imagined. The thin veneer of our civilisation can break down!

Our friend the sun via solar X-flares, economic or banking meltdown, hyperinflation, global political wrangling, internet fraud and terrorism, climatic disaster, and food shortages caused by any of the above. We’re skating on thin ice daily!

Governments worldwide have been preparing for Martial Law for years and so should you – I digress!

So how can solar energy help in the fight against Ebola? Sunshine kills Ebola and other bacteria/viral infections. If you need to sterilise items, then leave them in the sun. Unbelievably, the same is true with water sterilisation. Leaving water exposed to the sun in a clear plastic water container will kill most pathogens.

The length of time depends on the time of year, but a solar kettle that uses evacuated tube technology will disinfect much more efficiently.

If a new wave of plague does spread through Europe, then being able to heat your home and feed your family for a minimum of three months during any period of uncertainty. Keep calm and carry on.

Are you warming up to solar panels yet?

This monumental change of attitude towards solar panels, is the realisation that the world around us is not the world we remember – even as little as five years ago! Since I heard the North Sea oil fields were in decline, I’ve been fascinated by a self-generation outlook.

A fascination with geopolitical problems encourages the adoption of solar panels while full dependence on the traditional system is simply foolish! For many, it took an economic crash and decades of relentless energy price rises to convince many that solar panels are common sense.

I remember during my childhood, the energy crisis of the 1970s and sitting in a cold house with nothing but candles and anticipation for the electric lights to return.

During the good times, individuals, families, and even governments should prepare for the worse! We’re all fortunate to be alive today because at no point in history have you, me or nine billion other people ever lived here on this planet at the same time – until today. Unfortunately, this planetary-scale experiment is threatening our ability to sustain ourselves – in the energy sector especially.

  1. Hi Ash

    I see the point with the average photovoltaic installation, but proper preppers can switch between grid-tied or battery store. It may not run your high energy lifestyle, but could keep the necessaries running like the fridge and freezerss until any outbreak enevitably burns itself out.

  2. You say above about sitting around waiting for the lights to come back on but in a power cut your solar panels don’t work anyway!! So this is a bit misleading!!

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New world savvy.

"I've witnessed many fantastic changes, innovations, and installation companies come and go. My fellowship with ethically-minded MCS solar panel installers goes back decades. Today, I offer my experience to ensure you gain real independence from this crazy geopolitical world."

Stuart Lovatt
Power My Home Solar Panels
Sundial House, Panton Road, Chester CH2 3HX.
01244 722 607

Est. 2004.