Power My Home solar panels in the UK.

Solar panels and the benefits

Only when installed do you truly understand the benefits of solar panels. The earliest solar pioneers are being generously rewarded – daily. If you’re not a solar panel adopter, then sadly you’re still a slave to the oligarchs.

We champion the homeowner, whom the current export tariff is aimed at. Solar panels offer the ability to self-generate and be paid for the surplus. This is a massive constitutional change and why we recommend self-generation.

The generation tariff is designed to give homeowners an incentive to install PV (photovoltaic) solar panels. Energy companies in the market offer a wide range of export rates currently averaging 4.44 pence per kWh.

I’d also recommend battery storage to power your evening and nighttime life.

Owning solar panels is certainly a wise investment in today’s electric-driven world. Upward and gradual climbing in traditional energy costs is the new normal. Traditional energy will always come at a premium price; the days of cheap energy are over.

Becoming an independent self-generating energy user will always be a good thing in the 21st-century.

The full benefits of installing solar panels:

  • A steady income year-on-year from surplus energy.
  • A large reductions in annual energy expenditure.
  • An increase in property value.
  • A better return-on-investment than keeping money in a bank account.
  • Reduced carbon footprint.

The PV export tariff assures long-term stability for the solar industry, and people who adopt this wonderful technology. Today, smart money buys a savvier energy future.

  1. We thought about global warming and just felt that we should, if we can, do something to help generate some energy for ourselves. When PV solar panels came in the idea of doing just that and selling surplus energy back to the electricity companies seemed very attractive.

    We have a PV system on our main house and when the surveyor came I spoke to him about our other house in Wales. That has mains electricity only and we don’t live there all the time. ‘Perfect’ he said. You will receive the maximum feed in tariff payments!

    While you aren’t at home the panels are charging up, running the winter heating and also selling most as surplus back to the National Grid!

    We have calculated that if we get the ‘return’ that we expect. We can run all our electricity needs, the water and half the council tax off the roof for years to come.

    At home I no longer just think’ What a lovely day today’, I rush to the meter and watch the figures clocking up, how sad am I now.

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New world savvy.

"I've witnessed many fantastic changes, innovations, and installation companies come and go. My fellowship with ethically-minded MCS solar panel installers goes back decades. Today, I offer my experience to ensure you gain real independence from this crazy geopolitical world."

Stuart Lovatt
Power My Home Solar Panels
Sundial House, Panton Road, Chester CH2 3HX.
01244 722 607

Est. 2004.