Power My Home solar panels in the UK.

High-efficiency PV solar panels

Solar energy has been around since our planet Earth was young. The ability to harvest it using PV solar panels for our modern age has arrived. The power of the sun created this rich and beautiful biodiversity that we see around us today.

Simple chemical reactions have transformed the atmosphere of our planet into the oxygen-rich air that we breathe today. Just like photosynthesising plants on Earth, modern-day photovoltaic solar panels have developed into a higher-efficiency technology that can be installed worldwide.

In a similar way to the successful spread of plant life, the human race can now see the benefits of using the sun’s energy directly to keep our civilisation. Solar panels have become widely used across the world for many reasons. One of these reasons, ‘efficiency improvements’ are highlighted here.

You may be surprised to learn that early solar heating technology has been around for thousands of years. Solar electric was first invented in 1839 when a French physicist Antoine César Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect.

The first solar cell was created in 1907 and the refinement of the technology taking place in 1941.

Admittedly, just like any technology, the first solar panels were a bit basic, which gave them the “solar panels don’t work well on this country” reputation. However over the last ten years, with research and development, today’s PV solar panels are very impressive and work well even within the UK’s climate.

Stuart Lovatt, the founder of Power My Home, adds, “With new, modern materials, heat and power can be extracted very efficiently from lower light levels and some cloudy days. Every day the UK is bathed in sunlight, either directly or diffused, and the solar panels we install are engineered to absorb and convert both types of light.

The best thing about today’s newer high-efficiency solar technologies is the longevity of service life.

Both solar heating and electric panels, have lifespan of 25– 40 years (depending on the brand of the system). What can you think of that lasts this long in everyday life (apart from the mortgage!).

Solar panels sell themselves when you consider longevity on this scale. Just to prove this point, back in the 1960s, when satellites launched into space, their energy source came solely from photovoltaic solar panels. Today, those 1960s satellites still in orbit are still producing power. This technology is why solar technology is sold as an investment.

In an increasingly energy-scarce world, reducing personal long-term dependence has to be on the agenda.

Take full advantage of the new generation tariff scheme on offer. After all, life itself is a result of the long-term use of energy from the sun.

Light is life.

  1. Roughly High efficiency solar panels can supply up to around 50% of your house hold electricity (obviously depends on how much you use). And like Stuart said if you want them try get them as soon as you can to get the best tariff!

  2. Both types of solar panels are good, but if you can’t afford both then PV solar panels are definitely the way to go, but make sure you do before April 2012 to get the maximum feed in tariff rate.

  3. I use a lot of electric in winter during the day , what would be the best solar panel option for me . Roof space not a problem.

    Many Thanks John Fox

  4. There seems to be some confusion regarding this article. The article is talking in general terms comparing older solar technology to the newer more efficient systems we see today.

    The article does not refer to any particular brand/product.

    More information on feed in tariffs and solar technologies can be found at:


  5. What is the efficiency of the solar panels, what is the make, model price and please email me the panel Warranty.

    Please send details of government grant / and feedin Tariff details (contract period / revenue / what happens if I move house? etc…)

    Kind regards,

    Roger Cane

  6. What is the efficiency of the solar panels, what is the make, model price and please email me the panel Warranty.

  7. “New high efficiency solar panels”

    Are these a recent development/
    Do they have a particular name or reference number?

    Thank you


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New world savvy.

"I've witnessed many fantastic changes, innovations, and installation companies come and go. My fellowship with ethically-minded MCS solar panel installers goes back decades. Today, I offer my experience to ensure you gain real independence from this crazy geopolitical world."

Stuart Lovatt
Power My Home Solar Panels
Sundial House, Panton Road, Chester CH2 3HX.
01244 722 607

Est. 2004.