Power My Home solar panels in the UK.

How to purchase solar panels?

I developed Power My Home as a resource for the earliest solar adopters. We helped solar pioneers avoid the pitfalls. Solar panels have been the next ‘big thing’ for many years. The largest lesson learned in the earliest days is if you’re told:

“Our solar panels are the best in the world”, back away slowly and politely.

Regulation and world-leading standards have been great for the UK’S solar industry. Research, research and get trusted quotes, is why your reading this today. PV solar panel technology is still a long-term investment for your household’s future.

MCS solar panel installers will never rush you into a decision and will offer in-depth technical advice – not just a sales pitch! All MCS-accredited solar panels are respected and vary in price and specifications.

Good inverters cost around the same apart from Solar Edge and Enphase micro-inverters that come at a premium due to their individualistic design.

PV-to-hot water converters are a great addition, like battery storage devices available today. Amazingly, solar panels typically last between thirty to forty years and can expect a reasonably-priced system to pay back within the first decade, depending on your plugin options. This is why I love PV systems because you’ll still be benefiting three decades later. There’s a variety of PV solar panels on the UK market, with varieties inefficiency and peak outputs.

Did you know efficiency and Monocrystalline or Polycrystalline govern the size of a panel? Life’s too short to sit through a two-hour sales pitch. Good installers assess your home, your needs and offer options in the time it takes to sip a cup of tea.

What actually sells solar panels is a red flag you shouldn’t ignore. The volatility of geopolitical energy policies is a red flag to continue your PV system research. Although the world around us may be changing quickly, solar pioneers are ready for what may come! Investment into a solar-powered home can be affordable and effortless if done correctly.

Asking for references is possible too.

It’s important to note, that before the quotation, they should be looking at your power usage. We’ve seen electricity rise by 35% in one year, 8% in another year, and somewhat and so forth! Over three decades of the system’s lifespan, this will amount up dramatically. Inflation can be factored in around 3% on a good year.

The long view is the only salesperson you need in your home. The solar industry and its installers have dedicated decades of self-education and effort to bring professional experience to you. I doff my cap to these hard-working professionals. They inspired me to produce this resource.

You’ll get a real advantage with PV solar panels powering your life.

  1. It depends on the size of system. Standard 1-4 kW sized systems do no need permissions in most cases. However, with unlimited space the temptation to to install larger sized systems than the standard model, will mean you have to get approval from the DNO (District Network Operator). This is not something you need to worry about as your preferred installer will do this as a matter of course.

  2. I am thinking of installing PV panels in our field next to our barn conversion. It’s a 3 acre field, so there’s no roof-related space limit. The distance from the field to the house is about 25 yards. It needs to be low lying so the neighbours don’t get upset. Would I need planning permission?

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New world savvy.

"I've witnessed many fantastic changes, innovations, and installation companies come and go. My fellowship with ethically-minded MCS solar panel installers goes back decades. Today, I offer my experience to ensure you gain real independence from this crazy geopolitical world."

Stuart Lovatt
Power My Home Solar Panels
Sundial House, Panton Road, Chester CH2 3HX.
01244 722 607

Est. 2004.