Switched-on people
Industry stuff for the industry buff:
Industry stuff for the industry buff:
New world savvy.
"I've witnessed many fantastic changes, innovations, and installation companies come and go. My fellowship with ethically-minded MCS solar panel installers goes back decades. Today, I offer my experience to ensure you gain real independence from this crazy geopolitical world."
Stuart Lovatt
Power My Home Solar Panels
Sundial House, Panton Road, Chester CH2 3HX.
01244 722 607
Est. 2004.
I have given up looking for logic or balance. I better go take my medication, before I become normal, like the rest of them! LOL
The majority of people, certainly in Scotland, are installation solar pv to meet building warrant requirements rather than for the FIT income.
Seems odd they cannot get the higher FIT as new build qualifies for full RHI for heat pumps or biomass.
Looks like you will end up with the lower rate and with the new rules extensions to existing systems, do not qualify for FIT payments, you can not go that way either. Very interesting, thanks for the update!
For new builds a Domestic Energy Adviser cannot do a standard EPC it must be done by a SAP Assessor prior to applying for Building Warrant and must show the Solar. I cannot see a work around for the higher rate FIT.
Seems they are doing the rounds!
Hi Norman
Is it not possible to do an EPC without the solar and one with the solar. My understanding is the property must be level D before the solar being added in order to get the higher FIT payments???
It seems to be a catch 22.
They need the solar in the EPC to get Completion Cert.
Yet OFGEM needs the EPC before the solar. Which came first the chicken or the egg.
Thanks for sharing.
Looks very amateurish on first impressions.
Reminds me when I took my car into a well-known branded brake and exhaust centre. I knew my brakes were fine, but after a free ‘health check’, suddenly I needed new disks and pads.
Guess my next article will be warning existing PV owners about ‘free health checks’.
Thanks for the heads-up Norman.
Latest letter doing the rounds of my pv clients. Any thoughts. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cdf619e569711afbe425550e1d9036b8c0c55cb17c0569f55578208d2bf8b4c6.png
Latest “Replace Your Inverter” letter doing the rounds of my customers. They should be ashamed. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cdf619e569711afbe425550e1d9036b8c0c55cb17c0569f55578208d2bf8b4c6.png .
Hi Norman
Very good question! Does the person building the property need to install the solar before the EPC is done? I hate to answer the question with a question.
Hi Folks
Hope all is well with everyone.
Can anyone tell me how FIT and a customer build new house works.
My understanding is the panels need to be installed and commissioned before the Completition Cert issued and a first EPC produced.
Under OFGEM rules, however, the EPC needs to pre-date the MCS date so they cannot get the larger generation rate. Or am I missing something.
Hi Ray
You’re welcome. Thank you for the update and your help also! £1k is far better in your pocket than SSE. Amazing a few clicks of a mouse and you have saved a lot of money.
I hope this inspires more people to shop around for new energy suppliers, well done!
Hi Norfolk Solar.
I rang SSE re; F.I.T & they said that keeping this with them was OK, So no need to change to anyone else. I’ve gone with Avro Energy as their quote was over £1k cheaper.
So thanks all for your help.
Hi Stu
Not one hundred percent clarification but it should point Ray in the right direction.
Thanks for clarifying this issue.
Hi Ray
I am unsure if you have to move your FIT payments, when you change your energy supplier. Contact SSE and ask them. We normally recommend customers who install solar to register for FIT payments with Good Energy, as you do not need to buy your energy from them in order to receive FIT payments form them. That way you can move energy supplier without the hassle of moving FIT as well, if need be?
I ain’t ever heard of anyone changing supplier as in terms of Generation Export in the six years it’s been around.
As I don’t see any benefit in doing so, I personally wouldn’t give them any reason to ‘lose your paperwork’ and spend any of my precious time on their customer service lines.
Let us know how it easy it was if you choose to change?
1st off, Where is everyone?
I’m in the middle of changing Gas/Electric supplier, solely as the cost of SSE is over £1K a year more.
Can I/do I need to change SSE as my Generation export agents. As its them who pay me at present?.
I didn’t know MCS was asking people to report them.
Glad this practice is finally being stamped out by the renewable authorities.
Lots of companies are using this trick to con people,the most common being the solaredge 25 % extra line which again is not true.
Mcs are asking people to report these companies directly to the mcs.
Yes I received an e mail 4 weeks ago with a link,e mail came from carl at solar limpets.
Inverters have an operating temperature which you can find on their data sheet which is downloadable from the manufacturers website.
Vent tiles (near the ridge) and eaves vents can be added by roofers on the non solar side of the roof to improve airflow and convection cooling. Usually 3-4 are sufficient and we include these in our designs if needed.
Retro fitting is possible and fairly cheap compared to a failed inverter.
Hi Ray
No worries here. Inverters are designed to run in hot environments around the world.
In fact, solar is at the forefront of our humanities space exploration and they have to endure really extremes of temperature outside of the comfortable atmosphere.
Guys, I have a 4KW system with a Solar River Inverter in the Loft. (Bungalow) right now 4.40pm Im charging in excess of 3KW.
I went into the loft to check on the Inverter cos’ on very hot days I can here the fan running. (only just very faint)
The loft must be in excess of 40c + as I can only last 5 mins before having to exit.
Should I be thinking of additional cooling where the Inverter is?
Any advice welcome.
Finally have panels after 18 months of planning, financing and building work! Best thing I have ever bought. 2 months in and the electric bill is down 70% although lets not talk about the winter months ahead 😉 Big shout out to Stratford Energy Solutions who were brilliant. Now to wait for battery prices to drop 50%….
Everyone should always get ‘three’ quotes to compare prices and technology offerings.
Try our quote service that introduces only vetted and longstanding installers.
Hope this helps.
Do you know if Rhino Solar are a reputable company? My mum in Leicestershire is going to talk with them today, and i want to make sure she doesn’t get a poor deal. Thanks!
Hi Peter
Sounds like a product that has not yet been manufactured.
Hi Peter
Sounds like a product that has not yet been manufactured.
I know they make flexible PV rolls, so creating a lightweight flexible PV panel with magnetic properties to hold in place, with an easy fit set-up, could be a new after market product.
I know they attach PV tech to the solar-powered plane to give range, so can’t be unreliestic to suggest the same would happen with an EV equipped with additional input generator.
Anyone with knowledge/experience of fitting PV panels to vehicles? I’m particulartly interested in fitting one to the roof of an EV to extend its driving range, but have found little info so far. An article by Elon Musk dated from 2008 says it’s only likely to contribute 1% of annual power needs for an EV [so not considered by Tesla], but surely there are more efficient panels/materials now, as well as much lighter cars than Tesla make?
Comment seem to have disappeared.
Would anyone here be able to point me in the direction of a ASHP installation company?
Would anyone in here be able to point me in the direction of a ASHP installation company. Preferably based in South East.
No…but make sure you research the EPC requirements for this type of property.
Hope all is good. Ive been asked to quote for a 3.50 kwp system on a Park Home Roof within a caravan park. The owners live there permanently but there electricity bill is paid to the owner of the park each month. He provides them with a printed invoice for the unit used and cost. However they do have a standard metr with an MPAN number.
Any of the installers done one of these type of jobs.
Done. Best of luck. If I win donate the £20 to a Charity of your choice.
I completed the questionnaire for you. All the best with your studies.
Hello, I’m a student from the University of Reading currently studying BSc Human and Physical Geography.
I am writing my dissertation on microgeneration with particular focus on what motivates as well as puts people off installing a microgeneration system in their home. I am also interested on whether those who have have invested into microgeneration feel like their investment has been worthwhile and for what reasons. I have created a questionnaire with the aims of analysing this.
The questionnaire should only take a few minutes and you’ll have the chance to win £20.
Link to the questionnaire: https://goo.gl/forms/kCbc6U1Poy2vpfPx1
Thank you very much.
I’ve got stuff going back to 2009 on an old laptop…..pre Google Drive!
I’ll dig it out and refresh my memory.
The issue lies with the original broad brush advice given by MCS and RECC. Because the export tariff was deemed at 50% of generation then installation companies drew up spreadsheets to show the remaining 50% as being used irrespective of the circumstances and life styles of the householder.
For example a working couple with a system on a south/east facing roof will be away from the house during the most productive period of the pv system.
I tended to use 40% and took time to explain to prospective customers why my projections may look less than on other quotes.
Things changed with the introduction of power diverters though this meant savings on gas or oil and not electricity unless you were an all electric house.
I’ll see what I can dig up from back in the day
Hi Norman
What is the earliest documentation you hold from the MCS,REAL, or RECC, about guidance to customer for
savings on their electric bills from a solar PV systems?
Going back to 2010/2011 solar PV installers where selling solar PV to customers saying that they would save 50% of the total solar PV generations.
Some companies changed this to 50% of customers electric bills and some even said the customer would save up to 90% off their electric bills.
The last two claims are totally false and customers have been miss sold a solar PV system and are right to claim against the company if they are still trading.
But here is where it all falls down when anyone wants to make a claim because they didn’t save 50% of the total generation from the solar PV system.
I’ve found an article from 2011 by Witch? Quoting that the
Energy Saving Trust Says that customers will save £70 on their electric bill rather than the £120 previously quoted.
If we use the information that was given to use as
installers and use the 50% of the total generation then the customer would expect to save the following from a 4 kWh which generated 3500 kWh per year.
50% of 3500 equals @ 14p per kW a saving would be £245.00.
As you can see there is a big difference from £245.00 to £70 on a customer savings per year.
The big question is who is at fault.
The installer giving the customer this information on electric savings per year.
The department which issue the information to the installers.
If you or any other installers have this information on guidance on customer s savings going back to 2010 please email me a copy or just post a link on here.
Hello Adrian.
If it looks like a pig, sounds like a pig, smells likes a pig and walks and talks like a pig….then it very probably is…..a Pig.
Well, what an interesting visit from the sales person from ‘Suns Solar’.
First, he (I didn’t catch his name) didn’t know what he was here for and had to ask me what the office had called him in for. I told him: An energy assessment, new guarantee for the move from MyPlanet, PV+ system.
He asked me several questions about how my panels were doing, price paid, inverter used (inverter? try 16 of them), my current energy supplier’s tariff and a few other bits and bobs. He said my system was doing fine… so that was the assessment!
I asked him about what happened to MyPlanet: Mis-selling, so went under. Fortunately not when I got my panels in 2014, but things change. Or I did my homework and they sold me the system at the proper rate, whatever.
I noted that the guy hadn’t even opened his bag and kept looking at his phone… awkward. So I asked him about where Sun’s Energy now fit in to all of this, and did he have my new guarantee… He said that now that MyPlanet had folded, that if I had any problems then HIES will cover it and to contact them.
Maybe the clue to all of was pointed to by ‘Solar Stu’ and mentioned by the saleman: “We bought in MyPlanets customer lists”. Soooo, not taken on MyPlanet’s customers, just their names and details, to try and sell them more stuff?
The room goes quiet… I asked him about PV+. He said it was a bonus for those on the lower tariffs and that I could get more information on-line, but it improves output by 42% by reducing the voltage from 260 to 220, which is the energy you save…
But as we know, 47% of statistics are made up on the spot. This is also codswallop, having had a quick look at the PV+ systems. At best, they prevent badly installed systems from tripping out in high voltage conditions, at worse, they invalidate your installation. As for ‘Voltage Reduction’ mumbo-jumbo, it may just be me and my CEng, but I call pig-poo (that one’s for you Norman), like all the other Voltage Reduction schemes. Energy = V x I, as one goes down in normal systems, the other goes up, but the energy stays the same. There are cases and situations when efficiency of devices go up with a lower voltage, but in a house where a lot of energy intensive devices are purely Resistive, it’s codswallop.
I then asked about battery storage (Suns Energy advertise them on their site) and he said they weren’t worth it yet, had he really given up so easily? And I agree, from my previous experience. Even the Tesla systems just aren’t cost effective yet, not at the 8.5p/kwh tarrif we’re on! Maybe when the Li-S batteries come online I’ll look at them again.
So, after all of this, the salesmen left.. what a waste of 20 minutes. About as much time as it took to set up the hidden camera!
Thanks for all your input, I hope the summary helps.
Irony of Ironies.
A company in Scotland is recruiting salesmen to “Help and Assist” people who were miss-sold solar.
They are taking on ex solar salesmen as they “have the best experience of the market”
So the conmen that earned hefty commissions miss-selling you solar panels in the first place are now looking to earn more commission helping you fight the bad guys.
Google “Mis-sold solar” and you will get a heap of companies willing to help you get your money back for a hefty fee.
Here is the WHICH take on this:
Very interesting, thanks. The fact they missed the appointment wasn’t a good start! Now for Friday.
Hi Adrian
This sounds like another double glazing sales technique based on ignorant salesmen. Enphase micro inverters (with the correct design) are probably the best solution for maximising production and nothing else can improve it.
As long as your original design was ok and not way off then you won’t be able to generate more energy by changing an isolator switch !!
P.S. the government is not saying “Thank you” and paying for anything !!
Please update everyone here with the results of today’s visit to enlighten everyone.
May I bring your attention to this brilliant ‘insight’ into what may be going on:
Hope this helps.
Just had a call from a company that had taken over the paperwork from ‘MyPlanet’ that went under last year (together, but unrelated to, the winding up of the Gibraltan Insurance Underwriters). The conversation went well, saying that they are reviewing any complaints first, then doing a review of all other installed systems. All sounding good. Then the alarm bells started to ring:
– “We do a free health check” – Thank you
– “We give you your new Guarantees” – Okay, thank you
– “There is a possibility that we could also improve the efficiency of the system, by up to 30%, as the government, as a way of thank you to those that already have systems, is paying for the change of the isolators.” Dingaling… (really, Enphase shows my system is 98.3% efficient and an isolator’s just a switch, isn’t it?)
– “We have people in your area” Dingalingaling
– “This is a very limited offer and won’t be available again” Dingalingalingaling!
Is this one of the ‘scams’ I’ve heard about below?
I just have to ensure nothing going on changes anything to do with my feed-in and generation, nor changes my 25 year warantees on the Enphase Inverters or Solarworld panels that were installed in 2014.
Appointment at 1pm today… wish me luck!
I realise I have passed a threshold when I find myself arguing the point as to why I don’t want a ‘smart’ TV or toaster.
I’m sitting here working on a heat loss cal and EPC for an air source when the new RHI changes hit my inbox.
So its back to the drawing board. Any installers on here know if the 20,000 cap comes into force immediately. Its not very clear on the consultation paper.
Every forth generation laughs at the technology of their great grandparents.
Just as my grandkids laugh at me only having three channels back in the day.
I was only saying to my four-year-old yesterday that when he’s all grown-up, petrol stations won’t exist anymore and most cars will be powered by electricity. He understood, and why.
Brilliant. I’ve just finished listening to Musk’s biography on Audible. I think hes above Jobs and Gates as an innovator and industrialist. I mean he builds rockets that go to into space and come back. Its nuts.
Agreed 🙂 and in the meantime we all do what we can do – For me that is design and install these systems. For normal people this means find out more and install these systems at your own house.
They work brilliantly !
Thanks for this update.
This is the kind of news that should be headlining in the newspapers and then we would evolve much faster as technological species.
Combatting Climate change with solar panels and a Tesla Powerwall energy storage battery.
Hi all, I thought I would share an image of todays results of a 4kWp solar pv system and one Tesla Powerwall.
This is in the winter in the UK so you can easily imagine just how good it is the rest of the year !!
This setup has increased their solar PV self-consumption to 94%.
How much of your solar PV generation do you self-consume ?
Please also bear in mind that the evening meal was cooked on an induction hob (the large evening meal energy spike) so without this the battery energy would last even longer into the evening.
Next year in February, the v2 Powerwall will be available also and this doubles the amount of available storage from 6.4 kWh to 13.5 kWh.
Imagine how much less fossil fuel we would burn if we all owned one of these ?
Comments / Questions welcome. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/eacc8e9a574a905ac818bc1f775c8c99a8fa811a3942cc5ef0b50e064403801b.jpg
Thank you very much to all for advice have since canceled and decided to wait. The heat pump was going to be installed as part of new funding scheme they will be receiving in April 2017 and cost would be covered by that. Still like I’ve been told Aprils far away and it’s possible funding may not happen. Got similar system quotes at around 6500- 7000 much better
A quick word of warning for anyone with solar panels reading this.
The hard sell boys are hunting in packs. They are using call centres and mailers to contact people with solar panels and using distinctly dodgy practices and salesmen to persuade them their inverter needs changing and if they install a new one their output and FIT payments will increase substantially.
Some of them are charging over £4000 for this.
Take care. Your inverter will have been sized by your original installation company and should not need replacing within twelve years.
If you have Solar Edge or Enphase Micro Inverters then these are designed last up to 25 years.
If you are contacted then if you post on here what they are suggesting you will get best advice.
Hello Imran
Sorry for late reply. Only saw your post just now.
As Stu says at £10538 its vastly overpriced.
Best way to check this out is to get a couple of other quotes. I think you’ll get a pleasant surprise.
Word of warning about cancelling check if they have got you to sign an Express Waiver. This, theoretically, waives your 14 day cooling off period
Don’t understand the “throwing in a heat pump” offer. A heat pump is used to supply hot water for your central heating and domestic hot water. Depending on its kw size a heat pump alone can cost over £5000. You then need new radiators or underfloor heating, a hot water cylinder, heating controls and labour to install it.
Does not make sense.
You don’t just throw in a ‘free’ air source heat pump like a free toy in a cereal packet.
Your purchasing ‘two separate’ and expensive systems and the price reflects that.
Their sales manager has been called out on this very forum for telling porky pies.
Try this to contact more trusted installers and they will give you far better options.
Thank you for the advice much appreciated I thought it was overpriced when I read on the forum where can I get a quote here.? Would you have any I dea of how much I should be paying for this system
Thanx I thought as much after reading here. Can anyone here give me a quote for similar system with labour charge and I forgot to mention project solar are also willing to throw in an air source heat pump on their new scheme at no extra cost to the above quoted
Apparently they say they are hies certified but they are not and their office don’t respond
Very much overpriced.
Get a quote here and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
Hi everyone new here I would be very greatful for some advice after reading below I think I may have to cancel my contract before 14 days too.
Just signed with project solar 4 kW system 12x 333kw Sunpower panels 1x solar edge inverter and 1 x volt doctor unit at £8000ex vat total inc vat and labour comes to £10538 it seem a bit much?
Any advice or rough estimates of what this should cost much appreciated
hi -has anyone used Ideal Solar Solutions – a Derby based company?
Hi Norman,
We often install more than 4 kWp using a G83 inverter and inform the DNO after installation.
Solar Edge allow installers to oversize the array by up to 155% with HD-Wave and 135% with the older version.
The briefing note about this is here:
The datasheet for the SE3680H says quite clearly: “Maximum DC Power 5700w”
In August we installed 20 x JA Solar 280w smart panels with this inverter but it was on an e/w split with shading. (The monitoring shows the system hasn’t yet exceeded 3.4 kW in spite of being a 5.6 kWp system). I wouldn’t do it on a single unshaded south-facing roof
Now that the FiT band has changed to 0-10 kWp, better system design is possible as customers aren’t fixated on the 4 kW “target”.
This issue was also discussed a few years ago in Chris West’s excellent article:
One of my customers phoned me for advice today.
She has been cold called by a large national installation company and told if she upgrades her system to Solar Edge she will generated 25% more power per year and when can they send someone round to show her how.
We installed her system only two years ago with Enphase Micro inverters.
Watch out. The sharks have found a new way of scamming you.
Your car will eat more electricity than your 4 kWp pv system can generate and more so if charged through a dedicated car charger. To minimise this and maximise pv consumption, charge your car through a 13A power socket, not a 16A or 32A car charger. – Soon to be available, the Franhoffer (sp?) institute are working on a car charger similar to an iBoost – using only exported PV energy to charge the car instead of drawing from the grid. Unsure when this will be available but looking forward to it.
Sounds like dodgy double glazing sales tactics again … Clearly, this flouts the rules and if the DNO concerned found out about it, they can demand that the equipment is taken off their network and they can enforce that too !!
Quick questions for the installers on here. Have any of you come up against a national company installing sun power and solar edge and offering systems greater than 4 kwp on single phase domestic roofs on the basis that the G59 can be done retrospectively.
Facebook, the greatest espionage machine ever invented.
The cleverest part is not that it allows ‘three lettered agencies’ full access into the mind and lives of its population and other around the world, but that it doubles up as a propaganda machine too with no interference from those pesky ‘standards agencies’.
A word of advice to anyone reading this and uses Facebook.
Facebook is very clever. It knows what you are searching for and uses your searches to drop related adverts onto your Facebook page or twitter feed.
For example if you search for say “brown brogues” then you can expect to see paid for adverts for mens shoes to appear on your Facebook page. Same for “Cheap flights” ect ect
Search for Solar Panels and suddenly solar panel ads appear on your Facebook page as if by accident.
Its not an accident.
Facebook needs to make money. That I get.
However the majority of the ads for solar panels and battery storage systems that appear on my Facebook feed border on the criminal with the false claims and promises.
None of them would be allowed to appear in print. The ASA would ban them.
These adverts are marketing campaigns usually run by call centres with one aim in mind. And that is to get your name and contact details to sell onto installation companies for up to £45 a go.
If you give your details to a Facebook ad for boilers, solar panels, pension reviews, home improvements you are giving your valuable data to a call centre. Your data can then be onsold again and again for different and unrelated products.
When ever you read the phrase “With no upfront costs” then in your mind replace it with “This is a loan with hefty monthly repayments”
If you read the phrase “Find out if you qualify” ignore it. Everyone qualifies.
Best advice. Treat any Facebook ad for solar panels, boilers, pensions reviews ect ect the same as you would a cold call.
With great suspicion.
Looking to install solar panels with battery
storage to reduce your electric bills.
We can fully install a 3 kW Solar PV system including a Tesla Powerwall battery
for £9500 inc VAT within the Lincolnshire area, for installations outside this
area please contract us for a price.
The 3 kW solar PV system will generate over three thousand kWh per year if
installed on a south facing roof with no shading issues in the first year.
If you are using 3300 kWh per year the National Average consumption for
electric, I would expect you to use up to 75% of the total Solar PV generation.
We are NICEIC Approved electrical contractor for over twenty five years and
have been installing solar panels for the past five years.
Please like us on Facebook Lincolnshire Solar Lovelace Electrical.
Hi Phil
Am I correct in saying
you generated over 3800 kWh per the first year from your solar PV system, If not what did you generate?
“If” you are using the National Average kWh 3500 kWh per year of electric you would have used between 1000
to 1250 kWh from the solar PV system within your home. This equals £120 to £150 at 12p per kWh saving on your electric bill per year, the amount saved according to the Energy Saving Trust is £125.00 per year. I worked it
out to be a bit higher.
This is about 30% of the solar PV generation and you are exporting the rest some 60% to the National Grid unless you are heating your water by a controller.
Installing a SMA / Tesla Battery storage system can increase your self consumption up to 70% of your
generated power, not to be confused with saving up to 70% off your electric bill as some contractors are quoting.
Example a 4 kW solar PV system can generate on the best day of the year 30 kW and if your home is only using 10 kW, then you can only save ten kW in this one day, some energy is and going to be exported to the National Grid.
Benefits of installing a
Tesla Powerwall battery system.
Increase your self consumption.
In winter time with the SMA system you will be able to charge your battery from E7 electric and then discharge the battery during the day, its cheaper to buy electric at 6p per kW than 12p per kWh.
Load shifting also helps the National Grid by reducing what the grid has to supply during the day time.
You don’t lose any FIT payments by storing your own energy.
The AC SMA system is retro fit and doesn’t alter your workmanship warranty with your original installer.
The system is monitored online free of charge so you can see what have been saved on a daily basis.
Tesla Powerwall battery comes with a 10 year warranty.
The Tesla Powerwall battery is large and can be mounted outside, its fully IP rated and has a capacity of 6.4 kWh in storage, I would never install a battery storage
system in a roof space.
Retro fitting a battery storage system to a domestic property is subject to VATat 20%.
A Tesla Powerwall installer will not sell (should not sell) a battery system on return on investment, its all about increasing your self consumption from your own solar panels.
Regarding your meter going backwards, I would get onto your supplier and get your meter changed ASAP.
If you have sent your meter backwards by 60% of your total generation for one year (3800 less 60%) 2280 kWh and you pay 12p per kWh you have stolen £273.60 from your supplier.
Electrons are like cats. They’ll go were ever the food is best and in a PV context, that may be battery storage, washing machine, TV or EV charging etc. Electrons will naturally gravitate to were they are needed.
The difference between EV charging and an immersion heater is that an immersion heater needs to continually switch on and off to keep hot water at a predetermined temperature. EV batteries once charged do not require continual on/off abilities.
As long as you charge during daylight hours, then you’ll be fine.
I have a 4 KW solar installation with a Sunny Boy inverter and a Immersun unit which diverts to my emersion when generation is not being used. I am buying a Mercedes electric drive B class which has a Tesla battery. Is it possible to use exported electricity to charge car as it is at home most days. Objective to maximise use of generation. I intend to charge during daylight anyhow but wondered if there was anything like the Immersun to use only electricity which would have been exported.
Hi –
Had solar panels installed on my home about 16 months ago and, so far, am very happy. Stumbled across this site when looking up info on meters going backwards! Mine has been since installation, despite informing electricity supplier over a year ago. However, that’s not the reason for my post.
I am very interested in the idea of upgrading my system to include battery storage. I note there are a number of suppliers who post on this forum, and I’d be interested in any thoughts (offers?) that they may have.
I am based in Somerset, have a 4kWp system using Intenergy panels and a Solis (Ginlong) inverter. So far, generation has exceeded the predicted levels.
Any battery system would have to be installed in the loft, where there is plenty of room and a solid gable end wall.
Any thoughts?
There are no depths the unscrupulous side of this industry will not sink to in order to scam and con decent people of their hard earned cash.
Call Centres are now buying in names and phone numbers of people with solar panels. If you have solar panel you are now classed as “Prime Data” for upselling to and this is why you may have found you are getting higher than usual cold calls.
The situation is so bad that MCS have issued a Warning Bulletin which I have passed onto all my customers and clients.
Here is what MCS and RECC our accrediation bodies have circulated:
“Solar PV Scam Reports
MCS have been receiving an increasing number of reports from consumers claiming to have been
contacted by companies – cold calling and offering free health checks on their Solar PV installations
in conjunction with MCS. MCS is aware that the MCS certification is being misrepresented by
individuals and companies claiming to either be working for, or with, the MCS carrying out these
MCS has not partnered with any installation or maintenance companies
Consumers who have received calls regarding the following services:
Safety checks
Inverter checks
Buy back solar solutions
Other claims being made are that if the system inverter, is not replaced and a fire ignites on the roof,
the Fire Brigade will not respond. This is untrue. MCS is highly concerned about such pressure selling
and scaremongering.
MCS are working closely with Trading Standards to end these practices. We encourage anyone who
is approached by companies or individuals offering these services to contact Trading Standards
through the Citizens Advice helpline (Tel: 03454 040506) or MCS (Tel: 020 7090 1082 / Email:
It seems like another version of rent a roof and by the looks of the figures offered, not a very good one!
There are many financial industries that rely upon ignorance and desperation to prosper such as ‘payday’ loans, ‘unlock’ your homes equity and countless others. It now seems people are attempting to get their hands on your solar revenue!
If your not ignorant, or desperate then you’ll be OK without them.
This is a company buys your Feed-in-Tariff giving you the option of cashing in on your FIT with a Tax free lump sum. Instead of receiving small, quarterly payments over the next 16-21 years.
Since i had it installed in Feb 2013 until now i have generated 11933kwh units on my generation meter and my total FIT payment have earned me exactly £1,913.63p.
When i went on there website and got a valuation instantly. They Quoted me for Solar Buyback Offer Between £2,017 and £4,022.
This to me looks like they offering me bullshit amount of money to buy the FIT off me.
Are theses MoFo’s trying to rip people off or something???
If anyone has had problems selling there house because of lease panels message me as I’m currently taking one to court of the mis sold lease and lies I was told, together is stronger
I’d be tempted to declare them as your own until someone can legally prove ownership. It may be the case that there currently stuck in ‘limbo land’ and I would suggest that it’s up to them to prove otherwise.
Thanks for your diligence and for shedding some light into whole ‘rent-a-roof’ debacle.
I hope it works out for you in the end.
Companies house were next to useless but last night I had a brain spark moment when googling and found NSA solar.
Rang insolvencies this morning who put me onto the liquidators who can help me out, waiting for a callback
Thanks for suggesting ofgem, they were great in giving me numbers to try.
The guy who ran NSA was very shady, fitted solar for free(after the government paid him) then sold each contract to someone else so they could take the cream from my free sunshine.
A quick Google says one of his directors had it away with £815k last year, when nsa closed it had debts of over £1m, made himself very wealthy and was punished by being banned from being a director for 7 years, wow that’ll teach him.
After speaking with ofgem they pointed me I the direction of companies house but without the name of the original installers I’m stuck.
Will have to keep digging for paperwork just to find the original paperwork.
This seems like a legal minefield and why we at Heat my Home never supported the ‘free’ solar panel industry.
I would begin by finding out who is reaping the benefits of the tariff?
I would contact Ofgem and let them know your situation. I don’t suppose this will be the first such story they would have heard and hopefully they can give you a better idea of where you stand. Also read your T&C’s which may shed some legal light on your current standing.
Good luck.
Hi all
Hopefully someone could shed a little light on my situation.
Had panels fitted for free about 3-4 years ago but the company that fitted went bust so now technically nobody is responsible for my panels.
Since then I have had numerous companies lay claim to the panels but don’t trust any of them (at one point had two letters a day from different complained all saying the panels were theirs)
So what next ?
Need to assign a company to look after the panels and would like to know if that was even possible.
All advice appreciated.
Hi – There are better inverters than Tranergy – this component is the one which is likely to fail about 6 years into your installation. If you have a large roof, then SolarWorld 285W panels are not needed and a standard 250W panel would be good to install. SolarWorld are still in financial difficulties, so your 25 year warranty may not be worth anything if they go under.
I would get an invert with longer warranties and panel by panel monitoring so you can detect and prove any panel deficiencies later in the system life and action the power warranty. For example, SolarEdge (which are doing very well financially) has a 12 year warranty as standard – Tranergy and all other string inverter usually only have a 5 year warranty. The SolarEdge warranty can also be extended out to 20 years for about £ 160 which is an absolute bargain. Expect to pay about £ 600 extra for a SolarEdge inverter and the optimisers for each panel. This system is also battery ready for a Tesla Powerwall if you want one now or later and it can use the same equipment, which is very exciting !
Thank you. I have cancelled my contract now and am exploring other quotes thanks to the information on this site. I have now received a quote from a different provider for 14 X 285 solar world sunmodule plus SW 275-285 mono black panels and a Trannergy inverter all fitted for £5495 Inc VAT which seems much more reasonable. Can anyone offer advice on the panels and inverter offered in this quote and this is from a company called Contact Solar so again, any feedback on these providers? Thanks Steve
4 kW solar PV system with REC solar panels and SMA inverter fully fitted from £5 K to £6 K.
Boiler doctor I fit for £500 and well worth the money will save 20% of gas or oil consumption.
PV savings on electric bill £160 to £200 with price per kW at £0.145 approx.
Possible savings with battery storage £200
The SMA battery storage you will be able to charge your battery from E7 and release during the day when the price is high.
Don’t bother with voltage optimisation no real saving to be made if solar PV is going to be installed.
I quote for a 3kW solar PV system with SMA inverter, REC solar Panels, sma storage inverter and Tesla 6.4 kWh battery fully installed for £9500 + VAT @5%
Hi Steve
A common story of people not getting three quotes to compare. I intentionally created Heat my Home to not only educate, but help people find reasonable quotes by trusted installers. You have 14 days cooling off period.
Hope this helps.
Hi Derek
I can install a 3 kW solar pv system with REC solar panels and SMA inverter and a SMA Tesla battery (6.4 kW) system for £9500 + VAT @ 5%.
Hi, I’ve just signed a contract with Project Solar for a 4kw PV, 16 panel Evolution Life solar panels, 1 X Solax Twin Tracker inverter, 1 volt doctor, 1 X boiler doctor. The quoted price was £9600 fully installed. I live in Cornwall and have a very large roof so panel numbers isn’t an issue. The roof elevation is directly south. I live in Cornwall, the roof has a 35 deg pitch and is slate with no shading issues. The house is already band D on the existing EPC. Having done some further research it would happier I’ve been too hasty in signing this contract as there appears to be better value on the market. Can anyone offer advice on the bast system and rough estimates of what I should be paying so probably going to cancel tomorrow. The house was rewired about 15 years ago so is relatively modern with an oil boiler for central heating and water. My bills are about £800/ yr for electricity and another £800/ yr for oil. Really appreciate any advice and recommendations. Steve
Your inverter should be producing ok and if not get it repaired under the 5 year warranty – There is a trend of sales people trying to sell new inverters to existing customers on the pretext of producing them 30-40% more and this is usually false and should be avoided.
1/ Please do yourself a favour and stay away from Solax inverters – Horrible equipment that goes wrong and we will never install another one.
2/ Voltage optimisation is a waste of money
3/ Ahead panels are a no name brand and should be avoided in favour of a Tier 1 panel listed on Photon labs
4/ This system is overpriced
5/ 15 panels will suffice if they are 265W to give you 4 kWp
6/ Ensure you have a proper shading analysis from your installer
7/ iBoost is great
8/ Peg tiles are very fragile and should have some lead on the roof to prevent future leaks
9/ Check out a free Consumer guide to solar panels here
HI, I’ve been given a quote from Suns Energy for a PV 4KW system, using 16 x Ahead panels, with battery storage using Solax Lithium batteries (5KW size), with the PV Plus, IBoost and Voltage Optimiser. This is 15 Peg Tile panels on the roof, and either a 16th on the roof, or 1 one the shed room to make the optimum 16 up. the quote is a fraction over £13,000. Any thoughts as I can’t see many mentions of the battery storage systems with prices on here as yet. Thanks
Hi Pravin
The system should have produced around 2645KW in the first year. Most panels degrade on paper by 0.7% every year (manufacturer stats). This is only a guide. I realize the installer is not playing fair and according to you has cut corners. I would ask customers to let me know if after a year the system has not reached the SAP calculation, or the SEM as it is now known. The SAP/SEM are set as a guide only. Let us know how you get on with your day in court.
Thank You Norfolk Solar for your reply. I got so much paperwork, and one page mentions SAP and has quote – 0.8 x 3.220 x 1027 x 1.0 = 2645 kWh per annum. However, when the people come to correct the fault they said it was wired up wrong and no commissioning could have been carried out. If they had been connected up, they would have known there was no power when they connected them up and they should have seen that it was only generating so much but not what it should be, they should have picked that up .
I have hopefully found someone that will be able to work out what I should have generated for 14 working panels, and should be able to use that for a small court claims against the company.
Whilst checking the solar panels to check they were working, they found lead covering a “hole” where a tile was broken and they had tried to cover up the fact.
I will try the small claims as the whole original installation has been a complete nightmare.
From solar panels not powered up, to broken tiles, to dodgy electrical cabling in RCD box, to wrongly addressed electrical certificate and now to find a hole covered up by lead, I hope I have a case.
Also, I asked if they would check under the other set of 7 panels to see if there are any broken tiles, to be told I would have to pay for the scaffolding and a team to check that out.
Anyone able to advise on cost of scaffolding and a team to remove panels and to check for broken tiles. I might as well go all the way, and put that cost in the small claims
You’re welcome!
How long has the system been installed? Is the Sunny Boy out of warranty? You say Solar Planet said you should not have the panels you have? I can only assume they are supplying a Solar Edge inverter. Solar Edge are an excellent inverter, but do you need it? What size system (KW) do you have?
Did you get a SAP calculation from the installer when they gave you your quotation? If so this should be a guide to how much the system should have produced per year.
If this was given to you, it should have acted as a guide to yourself that something was wrong if the system did not reach the said kwh per annum and maybe then the installer should have been notified of the problem. I do realise that the installer is wrong, but I think he is trying to avoid paying you any compensation. I am trying to be fair but I do think that it is a bit of a 50/50 of who is in the wrong between yourself and the installer, assuming that you did get given a SAP calculation from them originally.
Hi Norman
Sorry for the delay but I was away. I phoned Good energy and asked for clarification, They said the property must have a D rating before the panels are installed??? or you get the lower rate.
I’ve had a sunny boy inverter working with 9 panels. The output has dropped dramatically in the last 12 months. I had the panels cleaned a few months ago. Had a visit from solar plant today who advised I shouldn’t panels I have, and quoting me for new inverter with long guarantee and individuals booster things for each panel. Has anyone come across this and can comment? Thanks
Hi Norfolk
My reading of the new rules is that you can include the solar panels as long as the EPC is not dated after the MCS Cert.
The actual wording on the MCS site is:
“For solar PV, the Energy Performance Certificate that shows your home has an energy efficiency rating band D or better. The EPC will need to be dated on or before the commissioning date of your PV system.”
So you can install the panels on say the 6th. Have the Domestic Energy Assessor do an EPC on the 6th showing the panels, inverter and meter in place so he/she can include them in the EPC. Then on the 7th produce the MCS cert.
Thanks, that’s really helpful
It seems to me you did not have a D rating EPC and this is why you got the lower rate. The government have changed the rules you can no longer add the solar panels to get a better EPC rating. In the good old days, you could add the panels to your EPC and this would help get a D rating.
Sorry my mistake regarding GEE posting on here and not GESS!!!!
I know it must be frustrating for you and I hope one of the ‘great’ professional installer contributors here can shed some light here. I think this boils down to the commissioning process and paperwork, which I assume must confirm if the system is working correctly when signed off?
Sorry this is a bit long winded, but have tried to be as brief as I can. I had solar panel installed 4 years ago, 2 arrays of 7 panels on 2 parts of the roof, so 14 panels in total. Have recently joined Scottish Power battery storage trial programme. During this trial I noticed that I was not generating as much as other people on the trial with less panels than me. The solar installers sent a electrician around who checked the inverter and said 1 whole array had no power to it. They have been back and fixed it, but bottom line is that one whole array had not worked from day one, four years ago as it was wired up incorrectly.
I asked for compensation for loss of FIT generation and they said it was my fault for not notifying them as I should have noticed on the Sunny Beam. That Sunny Beam shows that for the past 4 years the annual generation has been constant, however, since the problem was fixed, in a short time the generation is above the past 4 years annual figures. Spoke to HIES and they said the company have fixed the fault so nothing more they can do. Have sort legal advice and they said we can claim via small claims.
However, they asked me to get a cost of how much compensation should be claimed, cannot just go on the FIT figures from the working 7 panels and double it up. So seeking advice as to who would be able to work out how much FIT generation would have been generated if all 14 panels had worked from day 1, based on the FIT figures I have, or any other means.
I have recorded the installers conversation saying that the installers that did the original team had wired up the panels wrong and they could not have carried out any commssining otherwise they would have picked up that 7 panels were not working.
The whole installation has been a nightmare from broken tiles, which they denied causing, to dodgy wiring in the RCD box, to covering up a broken tile under the panel with Lead. They said they use there own team and no contractors, but the team that did the installation were all contractors. Any help or direction would be very much appreciated.
I agree
It best to look at the ‘whole’ package being offered including the make and ‘peak output’ of the panels. Are their added extra’s involved in the price too such as IBoost/Immersun devices.
It’s GEE that post regularly here.
I believe the company post on here, so I do not believe they will be a bad company. The price seems good, micro inverters are not cheap. I am assuming they are offering a good panel also.
Hi, just had a guy from GESS Ltd around. Suggesting a 4KW system with micro-inverters, using panels that seemed pretty securely installed and roof properly sealed. At around £6000 this seemed a bit pricey but I was left with the impression that the company knows what it’s doing. I’d rather pay a bit more for quality that buy a bag of poo from a bunch of monkeys. Anyone had dealings with these people? Are they as good as they seem?
Hello Brian
I’d be interested to know what kind of “booster” costing £3000 will increase your production by between 40% and 98% and why a salesman was showing you graphs of the performance of each individual panel as part of his presentation.
There are devices on the market which claim to increase your pv production by optimisation. If you want a view let me know the make and model of whats in your attic.
I have gone with airco which happened to be not only cheap but very friendly and helpful. In matter of 2 weeks got system up and running with monitoring via app and all done with common sense. Bunch of sensible people.
To make a complaint use the link below
Hello Brian
The Company you mentioned above REIL Ltd appear to be the same one as Leo the poster below has asked about. See my reply.
This seems very strange indeed.
Greenscape Energy , Ipswich – avoid . Had 14 Eternity 285w panels fitted in February with SolarEdge for just over 7k , promised the FIT would be 4.39p (with 4.91p export) .
They asked me for proof of ID and sent off the FIT , recently found out it was never registered – if I register now I will only be eligible for ‘0.74p’ FIT . Numerous calls/emails to the company (who were paid after the install) resulted in me being told it was my own fault for not sending off the FIT myself .
Email today from REI:-
Dear Mr Greenhorn,
There seems to be a mix up. We, REI, do not hold any contractual agreement with yourself, therefore, we are not looking for any payment from you.
We did fit a booster in your home but we were subcontracted in to do so from a company called Everest, who have paid us in full for the work carried out at your home. I presume it is them that is trying to contact you for payment, their number is 0800 023 5463.
Kind Regards,
Peter McDonald
Office Manager
This number is listed on my incorrect Everest window contract as their Fife branch which Everest head office seems to say they don’t use?
I think I’ll hold on to balance payment until someone produces legal papers.
I paid £1500 via my credit card as half payment with balance due on completion.I was told it was Everest Double Glazing who were underwriting everything. I excused myself and called Everest direct who at first said it’s a scam but to give them a couple of minutes to check. They called straight back to confirm it was legit. I was given a receipt with Everest details but it was for double glazing and the guy just wrote across the top of it with payment reference number and his mobile. In the space on the form for special instructions about new windows he wrote “new 10 year guarantee on full system, free fit transfer. In first window size box he wrote Booster PV Solar. I checked credit card payment and it went to Everest. Apparently he called his office to say he’d picked up wrong contract pad whilst I was checking Everest. About 10 days later fitter fitted something in the attic next to inverter. I signed his work ticket to say he’d been but no paperwork from him.Two hours later I got a call for payment of £1500 balance. I said I had to paperwork and couldn’t pay until I had clear written information about what work was done,the guarantee and contact details of company etc.
Next morning a call from Glasgow number for payment. I repeated my request and she said she would send out paperwork.Two days later she called again but nothing had arrived.Next day the different coloured copy page from original pad arrived which was of course an exact copy of what I had. Girl phoned again and I said again I can’t pay till I have documents. She said contact INFO@REILTD.CO.UK. I asked what the initials meant and she said Renewable Energy Installation. I decided to wait a few days and today had a phone message asking me to call REI. I will send an email tonight to them to see what happens. I looked in attic but can’t see anything different.
Hello Brian
If you let me know that manufacturer and model of whatever they installed in your attic I can give you my opinion.
If the salesman showed you graphs of the output of individual panels then that can only be achieved with individual power optimisers or micro inverters and would require removal of the panels in order to fit them to each panel plus removing your original inverter.
Hi Leo
I’ve been involved in renewable in Central Scotland since 2009 and never heard of them. Had a quick look on duedil and the company was only set up last year and have never filed any financials. On their home page they state; “With over 30 years experience, we at REI are well-established in the home improvement market” which does not seem to square with the fact the company is just over a year old.
If they have given you a quote or you have signed a contract less than 14 days ago then I’d advise getting one or two comparative quotes.
Hello Brian
What I’d need to know is make and model of what exactly they installed in your attic. Once I know that information I can give you my opinion.
Has anyone had dealing with Renewable Energy Installs Limited, reiltd.co.uk
Can you please share the name of your company you did the installation with. I have quotes from Zanussi and Sunsolar so far
Installer fitted one booster in attic. I can’t get my head round the salesman showing graphs of individual panels with various outputs. On researching optimisers they appear to fit one per panel. I paid £1500 [ via credit card to Everest]. They have phoned three time for balance but I counter with request for paperwork. To include guarantees/contacts/my gain from having booster as showed by salesman [on his phone and not paper version]. They also offered energy saving light bulbs but they haven’t materialised. I did manage to get email from last caller which is REI…..Renewable Energy Installations. So email on way to them today.
Sounds like this:
Men from Everest glazing been here. I have 4kw system.
They are selling [ Cost £3000 ] a booster with claim of 40% gain up to 98% gain. Offer includes system check, free install, 10 year guarantee on existing system parts and labour. They don’t leave paperwork. Con or truth???
Sounds like you got a better set-up and a better company.
Welcome to the sunshine club.
Well in short time a lot has changed and one company played dumb on me and I have decided to cancel before it will go to far. Moved on with local company and changed my setup to Panasonic hybrid n330 with solar edge. Did asked for Iboost but realised that I uave combi boiler and optional extra can’t be there. As for numbers I will have 12 panels facing south but everything is still in progress so will update soon how’s is going
Sorry for late reply, been away.
Try a higher output panel than 250w if you have a small roof. You could look at Sunpower 327w or BenQ 333w, LG also do a 315w panel. We use the Iboost which is similar to Immersun, all should give you plenty of hot water depending on the base load of your property and makes a better case for going with the higher output panels.
Hi all,
Noticed sensible place to chat about aolar pv. I am in the process of getting panels install next week and wondered what your opinion about the ones I have picked up, R-volt (250w/650)row of 7 panels and another 6benq 333 due to odd roof space. Bought house few months ago and found that previous owner did roof not so long ago and this was some kind of trigger to go ahead amd invest but due to not enough funds I have put on hold my garage investment. Whats your opinion about my panel selection???
It used to be the case that you needed at least 8 optimisers for Solar Edge but they have since brought out the P405 optimiser which does allow just 6 panels.
However, I probably wouldn’t recommend it as the smallest SE inverter is the SE2200 and 6 x LG300 = 1800.
If you can fit 8 Phono Solar panels on, why can’t you fit 8 LG panels as they are virtually the same size (physically), if not in power output? A 2.4 kW system with LG panels would be suitable for Solar Edge using the SE2200.
I like both Phono Solar & LG. We’ve installed both brands a fair few times.
If you have a 2kW system, there won’t be much surplus to export to your immersion heater.
Get some more quotes from installers who know what they are doing. Select your county from this page and get a couple of companies round to visit. I expect you’ll see a lot more technical expertise:
I have one more question. I have 2 model of panels to choose from SW-250-AB-M and SRP-250-6PB. Or maybe I should go for SRP-250-6MB Monocrystalline.
thanks again
You’re welcome. I am not 100% sure and never looked into it deeply. From what I have read, you need at least 8 optimisers before the inverter will work using the panels you are planing to use. Medoria Solar may be able to give more input on this question? Or you could phone Solaredge and ask them.
Thanks Stu for your help and advice…much appreciated
Thank you. The LGs are apparently 300W and 6 would make the system 1.8 in total, Can you please tell me why I cant use 6 panels with the solaredge?
Thanks again.
Seraphim now appear as a Tier One Manufacturer in Bloombergs latest listing. So thats a major plus point.
Solax seems to get a thumbs up here too especially as they are UK manufactured.
The price seems very sensible too. If you have a hot water tank, then ask them about installing an Immersun/iBoost for your hot water too.
Im thinking to put susytem ontomy roof. what would be the best / good (price /quality) panels and inverter? I got one offer of Solax Inverter and Seraphin 250kw panel. the whole 4kW system for 5K. could you recommend something.
Thx Greg
You will need a minimum of 8 panels with solaredge. Try a higher output panel than 250w if you have a small roof. You
could look at Sunpower 327w or BenQ 333w, LG also do a 315w panel.
Many of the installers who contribute here have installed Phono solar panels and they seem to get the thumbs up. Solaredge is a great inverter, but is more expensive than a standard inverter.
LG panels are premium quality and costing panels and come in various higher ‘peak output’ ratings, despite their smaller size. Ideal when roof space is an issue. I would check and compare the ‘output rating’ of the panels on offer.
Immersun/IBoost hot water converters are excellent and would recommend them to anyone who is going to/or have in the past installed PV. The household equivalent to converting your car to run on gas without paying for the gas.
Hi there I have just been quoted for 2 systems one with 8 Phono Solar 250W panels and a slightly smaller 6 LG w Panel system. Both have solar edge SE2200 inverter and Solar Edge optimisers. Can anyone rate these panels, I’m guessing that the LGs are good, but Phono Solar? Also looking to divert to hot water tank, I have option of Powerdiverter or Immersun2, any help/advice would be much appreciated, Thank you.
I’d probably pass on this or, at least, need a lengthy disclaimer avoiding liability for things not working. One ethical problem you might have is that second-hand equipment isn’t eligible for FiTs.
That aside, if you wish to reuse the same panels over three roofs, you’d probably be best off going for Solar Edge optimisers. I’d probably under-size the inverter and go for the SE3000 as the panels wouldn’t peak at the same time due to the mixed orientations.
It’s a real hornets’ nest so I’d probably not get involved.
Welcome aboard the solar express.
Its great when you see the enthusiasm for solar in others just as I have had over the years too.
People simply don’t know how fantastic it is until they take the plunge. Unfortunately, they tend to sit quietly and smugly enjoying their free power and tiny bills for the next thirty years. Anything that spreads the message is good.
Anything that gets the message across to people has my backing.
Hi Don
There will be some installers who will would install it and upgrade it and some that wouldn’t. Its a big commitment and responsibility to sign off a job, so many stick with there own equipment when installing.
My first foray into solar energy and I apologise if I’m asking in the wrong forum.
A friend at work has renovated his bungalow which has made the solar panel system redundant. I have bought it from him with a view to having it installed on my house.
It consists of 14x ET-M660250BB panels, a Sunny Boy TL3600-20 inverter, lengths of aluminium rails with brackets and clips, cables and isolation boxes.
Although I know very little about solar panels I’m not expecting that all this will just fit on my roof as it was installed before. On my house it will need to go on three areas, one south facing, one east and one west. It’s probably going to need more or different mounting system and a different inverter or maybe micro inverters.
My first general question is. Would anyone be prepared to install something like this or is this something frowned upon by installers?
I live in south Leicestershire in the East Midlands.
Hi all
We’ve installed a 4kw solar system in our property recently and we are so excited about it. I found this forum very useful in exchanging the experience particulary regarding solar storage.
However, it is rather difficult to find such discussion forums by some people like myselfand I am not sure how long the forum will take. I thought of starting a social media group in Facebook or whatsapp called “UK Solar PV” for instance. It will be an area for exchanging experience and new ideas which is more accessible and durable.
Thoughts ???
HI Nigel, I’m from In2gr8ted Solutions and although we are on the same industrial estate as Contact Solar we are in no way linked to them.
In2gr8ted have poached a number of Contacts staff after fitting a few jobs for them last year. This is reflected in their selling techniques and pricing structure
Always working late – never enough hours in the day !! We still produce solar energy in the dark from batteries ! 🙂
6 x 327w Sunpower = 1.962 kWp system.
Please call to discuss prices
Wow, you’re up late for a solar bod – it’s dark!! What can you offer for a 6 panel system? Looking for 265’s minimum.
All are premium quality panels with great reputations in the industry. The differences in price are reflected in the peak output rates. I would haggle them down a grand for all the quotes and get an iBoost system (if you have an hot water tank) thrown into the deal too. No different to buying a car, their is always another dealership willing to give a better deal if your savvy enough.
Feel free to check us out (Techfor Energy) on Checkatrade and Which? Trusted installer and give us a call. We’re glad to help and based in Guildford.
We’ve had a few quotes, but the company that seems most appealing is offering three panel options: 12xSolarWorld 285W mono for £6.3k, 14xPanasonic 285W hybrid for £8k, or 14xPanasonic 330W hybrid for £8.3k. The quotes are higher than one of the others we’ve had, but I have no idea about the quality of the panels! (The cheap quote offers 12xLG Mono X2 285W panels). Anyone know? Or is there somewhere that reviews panels that you can point me to?
I notice that Contact Solar appear to be next door to (or on top of) In2gr8ted solutions, offering similar systems. Surely I should be wary?
Also, any good installers in the Newbury/Reading area?
Anyone had dealings with Contact Solar (in Preston)? Got a great quote, almost seems too good to be true. Grateful for any advice.
Thanks – that’s really helpful.
Thank you – you’ve been most helpful. It’s certainly worth doing your homework (or asking advise of those who do!)
The simple answer to your question is NO is not viable.
Your 1.6 kw system will generate between 1100 to 1600 kWh per year.
Depending on your electric consumption (3100 kWh per year being the
National average) you’ll use 900 + Kw per year already within the home,
leaving you from 200 to 600 kWh spare, if you have a water cylinder the
cheapest option is to use a iboost or Immersun unit to heat your hot
To be viable you need a system which will generate over 2500 kwh per
year. This could be a 2.5 kW system facing south or a 3 kW system facing
east or west or any other size system above this. Look at your MCS
certificate for expected generation per year.
Energy saving trust quote savings of £125 per year for a solar PV
system, this is about 900 kWh per year @14.5 p per kWh, this then leaves
a surplus of 1600 which can be stored and used at a later time of the
day when required.
Hi Lynne
I have written an article here about battery storage and PV:
I am thinking of installing a small PV system 1.6 Kw. Is battery storage a viable option for me?
Hi Jason
PV Solar I think are owned by the same people that run HELMS. They are based just south of Glasgow.
I hadn’t noticed them around under the PV Solar banner for a few years.
I would recommend reading this guide before committing to spending a further £5500 on batteries and VO.
If I were you the questions I’d be asking:
1. How long till I need to change the batteries and at what potential cost.
2. How much am I likely to save off my electricity bill. This is the difficult one. You’ve had solar for a couple of years so you will have figures for what your system has generated. In the normal course of events you will be using say 30%. So do your sums based on this.
If you have a hot water cylinder rather than a combi boiler then I’d be looking at a power diverter for your surplus powedr rather than a battery storage system. The cost is approx £550 rather tan £5500 and will give you free hot water during the brighter months.
1/ Unknown to me as a 6 year PV installer but if they are that good and big, they should be on review sites like CheckATrade or Which ? Trusted Trader and great reviews of their service should be easy to find.
2/ Not as they have specified – I would run a mile from that. Batteries are more about maximising your PV usage, making system ownership easier to manage and energy security. Batteries cannot really be viewed as an investment and lead batteries can only discharge to 50% to maintain the life of the battery, so the amount of storage capacity is half of what is advertised.
Also lead battery technology is not suited to high peak demands or charging. Lithium is much better suited to this.
Batteries are a good idea if your eyes are open going into it and you know what to expect, but they are not a simple thing to buy, your installer should be open and frank about the technology.
I did an article on Battery Storage in the UK here:
Any company making claims as you have described is not reputable.
Be wary of the claims of voltage optimisers devices and be very wary of the claims they will tell you about. The Solar Association ran a six month test and warned its members against selling them on the basis of any substantial savings. WHICH listed them as one of the five biggest wastes of money in saving energy.
Hi there – I installed a 3.92kW system with 12 SunPower Corp 327w panels back in March 2014 and am now looking at storage using batteries cells.
Was given a quote today by PV Solar UK who claims to be the largest installers around. Job would include replacing the current invertor to one that is compatible with energy storage and lead type cell batteries to store upto between 8 to12kW (to be confirmed). They also recommended an additional optimiser that can generate an additional 20% output by eliminating cut outs in the system.
Overall quoted savings of £17000 over 20 years.
All in price quoted was £5500. A couple of questions:
1) Is PV Solar UK a recognised company with good reputation?
2) Does the investment in the battery makes sense
Thanks in advance.
Hi Joey
18 months on, high court case and sheriffs as well as RECC win, we have nothing to show for the fight, only more money thrown after the idiot who has changed company name and told the courts he is now only an employee, even though he continues to post accounts that prove otherwise. No one helps you. You go it alone, and then no one pays out because they are practiced cheats who know how to avoid their responsibilities.. not like you or I who meet ours by paying for work done for us. My roof was destroyed, I have half my panels on s north roof…it’s been soul destroying.
Jan x
Perlight 250’s are a good and reliable panel. We have lots of these on Enphase micro inverter monitoring and none have ever goen wrong and all are currently performing within their expected production figures.
They’re a nice looking all black panel also, so you would be fine to go with those.
That’s possible now.
We’ve installed battery systems from off-gird installations to grid-tied and optimised for self-consumption to whole house backup. We’ve completed the training and are currently waiting for our TESLA Powerwall authorisation to come through and soon will be able to install those also.
Battery-ready systems are also a popular trend these days and options to measure your grid consumption as well as PV productions are here already and more coming soon for micro inverters (We’re on a Pilot scheme with Enphase).
You can fit larger PV or battery systems above 4 kWp anytime with DNO approval.
Best to find an installer in the know and talk to them.
Never heard of the Perlite. Some of the installers here have installed SunSolar panels as customers request them. Very good British made panel, they actually have SolarWorld cells
LG depends on the peak output level, but usually recommended when roof space or shading issues are a problem. Prices vary depending on which installer you ask.
Thanks Stu, unfortunately the installer cannot get these Axitec Modules at the moment and has suggested alternatives of SunSolar SS Mono250AB, 833 eternity mono, or Perlite PLM250M 60. Im not entirely certain on any of these as I cant seem to find any reviews, only performance data. Any expert advice would be welcome, alternatively, if no good, hoiw much extra would I be looking at per panel by upgrading to LG approximately. Thanks again
Whooh….After having a Project Solar UK Ltd in my home yesterday for 4 1/2 hours, I am truly relieved to have found this site. Long story short, my electronic signature was superimposed on to a form of theirs “Express Request For
Early Supply of Services”. I had not agreed to go ahead and had made it very clear that I needed time to think and do further research. I am now relieved to have 2 emails confirming cancellation of an order that seemingly I had placed without intention. The matter is now in the hands of the RECC. Apparently the Co is already known to them. My advice: Run for your life away from this company. I could list endless reasons but I don’t want to bore you with further repetition.
I only want to now say a big ‘Thank you’ to all those that had the guts to post the truth about this company. You’ve saved me thousands of pounds and a lot of stress. ‘Thank you’.
Try the solaredge website for public sites near you.
go to bottom of page for public sites and search united kingdom. Then search your postcode area.
Try this link and click into a similar system near you.
I have heard of them years ago but never installed one here is a guide with some information.
Before I get involved into this mess and fight for what we deserve, I don’t know it’s so hard to just do the right thing and put thing right. Hope we can fight together with all the people unfairly treated.
Quick question for the other installers on here.
Have any of you installed or know of anyone that has installed micro CHP boilers.
Its not something we have done but a pv customer has asked for info and a price.
Thanks for your reply. Hope you can get compensation for your lost. RECC and HIES can’t help much. RECC won’t even officially confirm we have the right to cancel the contract within the cancel period. And the bank which we get a load from even pick up any words from the solar company who deny everything. We are very angry about this and it’s not only about money. We are telling the truth and if we can not win, I can not imagine what could happen when there is a problem with the panels and performance.
Hi, I recently had a 4kw system installed , today has been very sunny all day and I have only generated 12.76 kw , I feel as if it should of generated more , I have had some teething problems with the panel installation initially , my friends system generated 21kw today , how much have you guys generated today regards
Hi Joey
I won at every stage and had to resort to using high court sheriffs. Still no money and no support or help from regulators. Useless toothless agency that give no support and have no power to enforce. Even the high cost writ I paid for has been a further waste of money.
As we have yet to install a set of batteries I am not really qualified to speak about the quality and performance.
I have however been to several presentation recently from various manufacturers and have been watching from afar for a couple of years now.
Here are some back of a fag packet figures:
Most 4 kwpv systems in Scotland will be doing between 2500 and 3500 kw per year depending on roof direction ect.
So if I take 3000 as a level.
In the normal course of events and by being smart then they will be using 30/35%
That leaves say 2000 kw to store into batteries.
At an average current rate of 10.50p that gives a potential annual saving of £210.
If you pay £5500 to a battery system then it could take you 15 years or so to get your money back. Plus in that time you will need to change your batteries at whatever cost.
There may of course be other reason for installing batteries such as being of grid for long periods or you just like the thought of having them.
If you have a hot water cylinder then storing your excess power in the form of hot water via a power diverter is a much more cost effective method right now. These devices supplied and installed are around £500. Ten percent of the cost of batteries.
A battery storage system is not necessary, it is the best way of making the most of the energy generated by the pv during the day and allows you to use the energy from the pv once the sun has gone down, rather than buying elecyricity from the grid. Looking at the Growatt data sheet it allows you to store 4KW of usable energy, to use later in the evening. You can not add extra battery’s to the Growatt, if you decide you would like extra storage in the future, unless you have a twin tracking inverter. If you have a twin tracking inverter the battery will only be connected to one of the trackers. There are better systems around which will give you power when the grid is down but they are more expensive.
Reading thorugh The discussion, which I don’t fully undrestand am I right in saying the addition of a battery is not necessary? Solar Essence installed my pv suystem in September 2015 with 16 panels Seraphim 250 with Growatt 3600 Inverter. Now thery are suggesting I fit a Lithium Battry by Darfon GBLI 5001 for £ 5,500. What are the perceived conclusions for this suggestion
End of January and beginning of February was very quite for solar but the last few weeks we have had a lot of enquires and quite a few sales. All domestic and most are over 5kw which I think is very good.
Iv used Quotatis before and in my experience i would stay well away.
No need to apologies, I don’t always get things right myself and was wondering if I had it right with all the changes, it can be a nightmare.
I apologise, i was unaware that additions to pv system are ineligible for FIT payments. Find that shocking to be honest but i suppose thats our government. Thanks for the heads up.
Hi Tracey,
Have you solved your problem?
Hi jevban
I just read though your comments. what’s the result of the arbitration. Have you solved your problem?
We have some problem with solar company as well. And we are still fighting now.
Looks like all the installers on here are finding conditions to be the same. Difficult.
We’ve looked at battery storage but holding off meantime. Most of our systems are either Enphase or SolarEdge which will eventually have their own dedicated systems available as retro fit.
Every one of our installs with hot water cylinders rather than combis are already storing surplus power via diverters into hot water so in these case I can’t see any real benefit in batteries.
We’ve done three pv with ASHP packages in February. Figures here can stack up especially as two of the houses had electric storage heaters in place.
I think there are still enquires out there as Quotatis email me up to 15 per day should I want to purchase them. To date I’ve chosen not to as I don’t want to spend money simply to tell people what the hard selling rep told them was a lie.
Not much happening here on domestic. Had a few enquiries for new-builds and commercial. Also a query for a house-boat and an extension for an existing customer who now has a Maslow battery system and an EV. We’ve got at least 3 jobs pencilled in on schools for the summer holidays. These will all be G59s.
We are seeing an increasing number of calls from customers of other companies who seem to have ceased trading. Mostly it’s for inverter replacement but we had a leaking slate roof a while back. This week we will be replacing a Samil and replacing the Sunclix connectors on an SMA. The paperwork is considerably more hassle than actually doing the work.
Very quite on the solar front in Lincolnshire,
but I have been on several battery training courses during January and February.
I’m now fully accredited to install SMA on and off grid systems, Victron hub2 and hub4 systems and just completed a Solax course last Friday.
Renewed MCS accreditation on Wednesday with flying colours and even gave the inspector loads of information about battery storage systems along the way.
Installed a Victron Hub4 system at home which works very well and new products will be available in Q3 this year.
I can install a 3kW solar PV system with REC solar panels
and a Solax Hybrid inverter and a LG Chem 6.4 kW battery with 5kW usable power for £8500.00 including VAT. So someone charging £11500 is taking the Mick.
Customer possible savings with a 5KW battery bank.
Normal usage before solar pv installed 3800 kWh or £600.00 per year including standing charge.
3 KW solar PV generating on south facing roof 3000 kWh per year.
Unit price of electric per kW £0.13p
Normal PV savings without Battery storage according to the Energy saving trust (EST) is £125.00.
The EST quote £0.145 price per kW so £125 divided by £0.145 is 862 kWh per year.
Battery Storage savings over 300 days @ 5KW (size of battery bank) 1500 kWh @ £0.13p = £195.00
FIT payment if available 3000 kWh @ 4.3 p = £129.00
Export payments 3000/2 x 4.86p = £72.90
Total savings for year 1 = £125.00 + £195.00 + £129.00 + £72.90 = £521.00
One other benefit of the Solax inverter charger is in the
event of a power cut the inverter can power the home up to a maximum load of 2kW, a manual change over switch is required to isolate the incoming supply and an external earth rod is required to earth the property.
Price quoted is for installation within the Lincolnshire area.
I’ve always warned people away from the rent-a-roof sector of the industry for exactly these reasons.
Sorry I can’t help any further.
Has anyone on here used a mortgage to buy a house with a previously fitted ‘Rent A Roof’ / 25 year Lease / Free Solar Panel installation without an issue ?
Hi Stu, thanks for the swift reply. Luckily the purchase will be without borrowing, but needless to say we’d be 100% reluctant to buy it for £10,000, not to mention nearly 30 times that figure because we’d never be able to sell it to someone wanting a mortgage if the ‘lease agreement’ had an effect. Surely people out there have met this issue before.
I understand A Shade Greener are ‘mortgage friendly’, but my 5 minute research discovered nearly 40 A Shade Greener companies working from the same address…. Some still with us and some dissolved ! Saab always claimed they made good cars, which they did, but nowhere to be seen now in the event of an issue. HELP
Hi John
‘A shade greener’ claim their systems are mortgage friendly. I guess this will prove one way or another, but it used to be that mortgage providers wouldn’t be happy, so I’m interested to know what is different today.
I would contact them directly and get information from the horses mouth.
Let us know how you get on?
Hi, I’m in the process of buying a house. Solar panels were fitted by A Shade Greener at the end of 2010,using a rentaroof/ lease/ free installation scheme. Are mortgage lenders likely to be unhappy because the current owners technically have a ‘tenant’ with a lease lasting until 2035 ?
Were quiet down here, we are looking at battery backup, but there is a balance and it needs to work for customers. I think it will be easier to confuse people with the battery set up,
because there are so many variables. It does not matter which business you are in there will always be the blaggers, who try to take people for as much money as they can, you will also have the companies selling junk at the lowest price and not turning up to fix problems and changing their name only to come back the following week and doing it all again.
Thanks Norman.
The universal battle between good and evil continue!
You and the other guys inspire me to keep up the good fight…
Thanks for the reply. What is a DNO application? How would I know how much extra energy the new panels made to differentiate the FIT payments? Would they have to be on a different meter?
Just wondering how the other installers on here have found it since the “change”.
Prior to Jan we did on average did four installs a week. Which was as much as we could cope with.
Since then we have done one a week.
However we are now seeing a different type of person.
The folks I am seeing now are installing solar simply because they like the idea of generating their own electricity and not because its an investment opportunity.
And maybe that was what was what was wrong with the FIT scheme before.
Maybe, just maybe, you should think of installing solar because you want to make your own electricity and not because you want an 8% return on your money.
The fact the FIT scheme allowed for 8% to 10% returns attracted the conmen and sharks into the industry. They could sell systems for double the price of an ethical company and still make it seem good value for money.
Unfortunately the conmen are still out there.
They have now added batter storage into the pot and increasing the price to over £11,000. And to justify the costly are wildly exaggerating the benefits of batteries to make it seem like a good deal.
I think now more than ever this site needs to be available to prospective purchasers….because the hard sell companies and their salesmen are lying more than they ever did to close deals.
These companies have increased not reduced their prices.
I’ve just been to a couple that were quoted £11500 for a 3 kpw system with battery storage and voltage optimiser by a national company mentioned many times on here.
The sales rep told them they would be off grid for most of the year and there total savings would be over £1000 per year.
This despite the fact their existing bill is only £650.
Similar situations will be happening everyday day throughout the country.
Anyone reading this that have been quoted for a pv system with battery storage……speak to one of Stuarts Ethical Companies first.
Just another “Devil In The Detail” following the recent changes.
Apart from the tariff drop DECC slipped in this:
Ofgem confirms the solar industry’s fears by ruling that extentions to existing Solar PV systems are not only not eligible for FIT payments, but also aren’t eligible for export payments.
3.77. Any extension to an accredited FIT installation that is commissioned on or after 15 January 2016 is not eligible to receive FIT support. This applies to both generation and export payments.
……….plus solar panels can no longer count towards your EPC Banding. The MCS Cert has to post date the EPC.
I read in the link below that extensions to existing pv systems are ineligible for FIT’s.
I don’t know where you have got your information from, but if there is something different out there, please let me know.
Hi Stuart
Adding more panels is quite simple, just a DNO application as you’ll going over the 4kw. Depending on where you are these applications are usually very straight forward. The new panels would be on the newer rate but your existing system will remain on the same.
Hope this helps
You can add more panels, but you will not get a feed in tariff for the new panels. If I was you I would fit a battery storage system, that way you will use more of the energy produced and still get your existing export payments.
Had my system installed last September, 4Kw with Solaredge optimisers & Inverter. I’ve got room on my roof for more panels. How would I get on for adding more panels to the system? It’s roughly an east/west split (slight favour to the west) 1.5Kw/2.5Kw 250 watt panels and I’ like to add probably another 4-6 panels.
Hi Patricia
Definitely something a miss with your installation, especially as its installed in your beautiful corner of the country.
I would check some of these guys out: https://www.powermyhome.uk/mcs-pv-solar-installers/devon-solar-panels-installers.php
We have a 3.6kw Seraphim Photovoltaic array fitted by Atlantic Renewable Energy last June which has so far generated only 671 since commissioning. The Company won’t do anything about it and are now no longer MCS certified. Does anyone know of a reputable installer/engineer who might come and see what can be done? We are near Kingsbridge in South Devon.
I was at a battery-storage seminar a couple of weeks ago. Tesla were there, as were LG and a few other manufacturers. The amount of ‘unknowns’ and ‘grey-areas’ in regards to this technology. I think it may be towards the end of the year before we have more clarification. As it stands having the batteries will not change the way that the DNO will study and assess the system.
Yes, they will inherit the same tariff that you receive now.
Anybody had any dealings with Zanussi Solar?
has anyone hear of EEC Solar ,I have a quote using SRP-6MB panels, has anyone heard of these
Thanks! We don’t have a water tank, so I guess we can’t have an iBoost system though.
Hi Stuart,
I’ve been quote 8k for a 4kW system using solar edge micro inverters and sharp mono 285W panels. The installation is in a difficult position.
Does this seem reasonable?
Hi, I’ve been offered an installation of Sharp ND 250w panels, Solis inverter, Solar electric power diverter on an almost south facing roof (out by 10degress) for £6500 although he started at £10680 but his boss has rung a few times since and tonights figure is £6500. Living in North Yorkshire. How does that look please? it is for 14 panels
Booked a fitting (16 x solarworld 230w panels), On fitting received 14 x 280w Sun Edison panels, Informed that these were more suitable for the roofspace and quality was comparable without loss of feed in. Is this the case. (MyPlanet)
Good advice thanks.
We are just getting quotes for solar panels easy installations on a detached bungalow with no impediments a 12 panel install to give 3kw. risen panels quote £7599.0 from Solar king uk St Helens .how does this compare please.
yeh why they give u quote for 7.8 kw system. they must be trying to mess with yr head in pricing.
i had my first system put in by them on my garden annex on flat roof. costed me £6000 in 2013. Link of this installation below
i also had a quote from them for an installation in 2014 at my other property. YSolar quoted £10,000. so i said piss off.
Got a better quote from London solar energy for £8,700. For x12 327W sunpower 3924KW ground mount. Link of this system below:
Thanks Norfolk Solar, noted and much appreciated. This has influenced our choice! Best wishes, M
Hi, we are finally getting around to having solar panels fitted. We have received a quote from EEC Solar (Southport) and Poweri from Nottingham. EEC have quoted Seraphim Black Mono panels @ £6.7k and Poweri are at £7.1k for Phono Solar panels with solar edge inverters. 2 questions, can anyone comment on the panels or the companies please? Thanks in advbance.
Does anyone have experience of Dynamic Solar Installations please? Can’t seem to locate reviews.
Regarding previous post, is there anything I should be aware of or questions I should be asking?
Hi All.
Have had 8 quotes. My preferred one is from Dynamic Solar for 4kw system. 16 x 8.33 black panels (20 yrs @ 90%), bosch inverter (10 yr warranty) and iBoost+ for £5400.
hi, would you cover leeds harrogate area.thanks
poss a daft question , but here goes . the cheapo £30 energy monitors you have in your house to measure real time consumption , can you use it to measure real time production from panels ? feel free to fire stupid comments in my direction lol
INaive in Macclesfield field and have just got my first quote for solar from a local firm JLeaf, I’m also waiting for somebody from solar green power to return from holiday next week to give me a quote. The JLeaf quote is for the following system with a iboost fitted as well. They have quoted £5,011, this price excludes scaffolding as I’m arranging that myself as I need it for other jobs. I guess I have a few questions, Firstly does this seem reasonable? Are JA solar panels the best to get? Also as I have no shading do I need solaredge? Any advice much appreciated, Thanks.
Defect:10 year(s) Performance:25 year(s)
Defect:12 year(s)
Defect:25 year(s) Performance:25 year(s)
Defect:10 year(s) Performance:10 year(s)
1 LANDIS+GYR E110 – – –
Defect:10 year(s) Performance:10 year(s)
I’ve been offered a 4kW system with Solarworld black mono panels and an Afore 3.8kw inverter for £6.5k. The array of panels will be one direction (nearly due south) and we have no shading issues. Any one got any experience / opinion (good or bad) on Afore inverters – or suggestions for similar priced inverters that might be better? Afore have a 10 year warranty as standard – but will it be worth the paper its written on?
look on google map. it will automatically tell you whats N E S W. look at your property and see which way its facing.
Ok, so we’re down to 2 options: 14 Seraphim 285W panels with Solax Dual inverter for £6300 or 13 LG 300W panels with SolarEdge optimisers and inverter for £7200, plus an inBoost with both for £230. (The system is spread over 2 roofs.) Hard to choose between them. The payback on the Seraphim system is slightly quicker, but that’s about it. Any suggestions???
Generally people are saying that voltage optimiser are long term saving on the equipment as it extends the life of the equipment with a stable voltage.
Hi all just got in the following which would you have pros and cons please: “Do the prices look Good or Bad”
Spec (1)
Autarco 3-3.12KW System – 12 X Autarco 260w
panels + Autarco Inverter
INC VAT, Fitted – £5000
Spec (2)
System details 3-3.12 KW – 12 X Solarworld Black 250w OR Poly 260w – 12 X Enphase Micro Inverter m215
INC Vat, fully fitted. £6000
Spec (3)
System details 3.42 KW – 12 X LG NEON 285w – 12 X Enphase Micro Inverter m215
INC Vat, fully fitted. £7000
All above from: Green Energy Electrical
Thanks, Norfolk! I think you’re right. Not sure it’s worth the extra to know how much electricity has been diverted. Some people think the wireless connection makes it less reliable than the Solic’s hard-wired connection, but the latter is less flexible in its location as a result (which is not a problem for us). Not sure if the Solic’s zero threshold for output is a good thing (iBoost says it doesn’t export unless there’s 100kw available, which results in fewer on/off cycles), or if the iBoost’s timer is useful (probably only if you have Economy 7 tariff).
Yes, SunSolar are definitely UK-made panels, but I can’t find anyone who has installed them or had them installed. They are relatively inefficient (15.2% vs 20.6% for BenQ), but have a 25 year warranty (not just on performance). A fair trade-off?
My installer wants to use a Solic diverter rather than an iBoost or Immersun. I realise the Solic is more basic, but don’t know what functionality I will lose. Can you help me understand? And are the iBoost or Immersun worth the extra?
Spoke to them about it and they said it’s not unusual for the tiles to not lie completely flat because there is only so much they can shave off the back. They said the tiles overlap by 4 inches which is apparently double the normal overlap and they are certain it won’t be a problem. Anyway, the panels are all fitted now so not much we can do about it unless we ask then to dismantle it all …!
Hi Norman
That was an interesting reading about Sunedison and I know you would have the LG panel on your roof but so far I have only had quotes on solar world, evolution, antaris and now these two but no lg panels.
As suggested by you I rang the 0800 number and am now waiting for someone to get back to me.
Thanks Stu
I have been quoted £8700 for sunedison and £9800 for Sunpower which I think is high, I was thinking in the region of £7-7.5 and £8k respectively, would you agree that is reasonable?
Roofers have been back today and just about got the mounting brackets fitted before it started raining again. They are back again tomorrow to fit the rails and panels (weather permitting). I’ve had a quick look at the workmanship. It was dark so difficult to inspect properly. Mostly looks fine. The fitters have obviously notched the base of the tiles where they have fitted the mounting brackets but there are a few tiles that don’t seem to have gone back fully flush and are sitting slightly high by say 4 or 5 millimetres. Can the experts advise whether this is likely to be a problem or is it normal for some tiles to not go back perfectly flush?https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c16a8548f90699173b9f18ad4aac7b5374a591fe64ddb609f80dd92b2f458516.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/04411c926f18435667ff02de31be11fed8f163571d182a4c8c44b45a9e31da7d.jpg
I’ve looked again and we think it says 881 solar input factor and it is 200. If i remember rightly he said south west which i believe makes that right with 200!
Sorry about that its hard to read his writing!
I need help. I posted this on Sunday, but it never appeared. So I’ll run it by y’all again. We’ve had 3 bids, and they are all contradictory. The first was from Ecohome, who said they could put 4kw (16 panels) on the roof, split between our southwest-facing and southeast-facing roofs, with 2 inverters. They would hook up the immersion heater to use the excess daytime output, so the energy could be “stored” in hot water. They use Solarworld panels, and the bid was about £8000.
The second, SolarPlus, said they could only get 2.25 kw on the roof, split 4 panels on one side and 5 on the other. They use Solax inverters with a 20-year warranty (which they said was important, as the inverters are the weak points on the system) and SolarSun panels, made in the UK (midlands). They would also use 2 inverters, and would not hook up to the immersion heater, since at 2.25 kwh, it would barely heat the water at all. They quoted £6000 and a probable 6-year payback.
The third was from a local supplier, who are electrical contractors, but also install solar PV systems. He agreed that you can’y get more than 10 panels on the roofs, but suggested using higher-output (380w) panels, of which he could get 10 on the roof. (He even drew me a plan to show how they would be arranged.) He said the placement of our chimney (near the south-facing corner of the roof) was a problem, since it would cast a shadow over some of the panels until the sun moved far enough round (about midday in summer). He suggested we should therefore have SolarEdge panels with their own inverters, since that way they would not all work at the output of the lowest all the time. The downside is that since the inverters are the weakest points in the system, if they need replacing, someone has to get on the roof and bring the panel(s) down. (The system will show which panel is not working properly.) He did not like the idea of hooking up the immersion heater, since 50% of all of these he has installed have failed (!) and anyway, they will barely heat the water at all at 3.8kw, since the system has to be working at almost 100% to heat the water at all. I have yet to get the quote back from this chap, but let’s assume £7000 for the sake of argument (since the panels will be more expensive). He is also going to give me a quote for BenQ panels and 2 standard inverters in the loft.
Who’s telling me the truth, and who should I trust? (I hope this gets posted this time – it’s taken an age to write. But this time I’ve kept a copy!)
Hi Stu, thanks for previous advice. I now have 3 sensible quotes ranging between £5,900 to £6,550, 1 bang on 4KW, 2 slightly less. All with iBoost. Trouble is, I can’t decide between them. I’m reasonably Happy with the Panels on offer from your other posts, but I’m not sure which company, Inverter is best? BTW, roof is 45% from South (SE) with a 25% pitch and no shading.
1) NW Solar (GPC, Manchester) – 14 x 285 mono all black Seraphim panels (25 year perf & 12 year structural warranty), Solis 3.6K-2G Inverter (10 year warranty) which can be upgraded to AFORE inverter for £200 ish). If they run out of the Seraphim by time of install, they would offer the equivalent JA Solar all black panels.
2) EEC SOlar (EEC Home Improvements, Southport) – 16 x 250w Seraphim Mono – Module 6MC Series, black & Silver panels (1482×992 size), Trannergy PVI4000TL Inverter (Possibly with extended 20 year warranty + Monitoring module if the offer lasts). Told me the inverter is battery ready too, which probably is the same as most other inverters in that they are all battery ready if you buy the extra bits for them?
3) Firehawk – 14 x 270W Solarworld all black mono Panels, Solarworld Inverter.
All MCS and RECC registered. Help…….. 🙂
Thanks for that. Have got more info today. They are using solis 3.6kwp inverter and 16x sharp 250w panels, 25 year guarantee on panels. The “story” is they bought a lot while it was booming and want to off load everything before the FIT ends. Thanks Jim
Wow the one that has broken down the costs have charges £300 for MCS registration, obviously over priced. Thank you so much this is helping quite a bit
hat is your opinion on the evolution panels and the antaris, which one is better? Are there any other ones that you would recommend that are much better?
Hello all just a big thanks to Stu, Norm, Norfolk and all the rest who gave me some great advice about 1 month ago.
Now have my system installed by a local company that covers the whole range of renewables, wind bio, etc so hopefully they will stick around.
In the end had 13 of the new all black LG panels with Solaredge DC optimizers and Iboost system all installed for £7000 the rack kit was silver aluminium but they even took the time to paint the visible areas with black paint to blend in with the panels.
Workmanship was good even managing to run cable from inverter down through my airing cupboard
under my hallway and lounge floor to back of fuse box which was no easy task and all with 10yr warranty on workmanship insurance backed.
Once again thanks to those who took the time to answer my questions and give me some good advice.
Ok, might shift the arrangement to 3 rows of 4 landscape, plus 2 portrait at the end.
That should keep 9 panels clear, and 5 partially affected, not 7 clear and 7 partially affected. Cheers
most helpful . appreciative of all replies guys 😉
Hi Stu. Can you explain sorry i don’t quite understand. Are you saying you would or wouldnt have to inform the DNO?
With the Seraphim system they have also offered Steca Grid 3600 inverter or Growatt 3600 MTL inverter. Which do you think is the better deal for panels and which is the better inverter in your opinion.
Thanks Stu, have just filled it out
Hi Stu
Last Friday I stood down the two installers that were beating down my door to get me on board and decided to spend a little longer on research (thanks for all comments which contributed to this). I signed up to get some quotes from the installers associated with your site and asked them to call me in the evening. So far not a peep! How long do they normally take to react?
I’m researching at the moment, just had a quote from Project Solar UK for a 16 panel system, £8000. These are 250 w Evo +10 AS-P30 all black panels, with 25 year warrenty etc. Would like to know if that is a reasonable panel, and quote?
eec have just quoted:-
16 panels 250kw (Seraphim) + Tranenergy Inverter
split east/west installation (8 panels each face)
slight shading from chimney stack £6045
Does this seem about right? As a high electricity user I would have liked to have gone to 5kw to get more out of system using a higher kw panel but nobody seems willing to discuss this option!?
Thank you for taking the time to reply.
I’ve had 2 other quotes of around the same price.
1)Last week had a cold call which told me for 12 panels would be £5k, I asked for it in writing but still no paper work is this normal
2) Can you recommend any installers from your findings here?
3)If I was to have an install before December 31st would I still get FIT from the system.
4) What would be a good guide price for 10 or 12 unit system?
5) What do you think of Canadian Solar Panels 250mono all black?
Watching the BBC Business news this morning looks alarming regarding exiting solar fits.
Regards Geoff
Hello – After going through three quotes decided on a supplier, not the cheapest but offering Sunedison panels 280w. The original quote was for 14 panels but due to the design of the roof on the back they can only fit the eight on the front, the front gets most of the sun anyway. The cost will need to be renegotiated but wondered how less it should be as there will be six panels less, only one inverter (not three) and scaffolding to the front only. The original price was just under £9000.
So my quotes so far are:
1. Fenland Solar £6,290: 16x Suntellite Eco Module Monocrystaline 250w (split system – 9 on south facing garage roof and 7 on west facing house roof); Solis inverter; iBoost; and Geo solo III monitor. Predicted 3493.5 kWh PA resulting in yr1 income of £520 and energy saving of £363. Projected kWh is guaranteed for first 3 years with Fenland paying the difference in lost income. Full price is payable on completion.
2. Prince Energy £6,468: 16x 833 Eternity Monocrystaline 250w (split system – 10 on south facing garage roof and 6 on west facing house roof); Solis inverter; iBoost; and Geo II monitor. Predicted 3,574 kWh PA resulting in yr1 income of £532 and energy saving of £268. Deposit of 25% up front, 35% 14 days prior to installation, 40% on completion.
3. Hereward Solar option 1 £6,900: 16x Hyundai All Black 250w all on west facing house roof; SMA Sunnyboy 3600TL Grid Tie Inverter; iBoost; SunnyView bluetooth Monitor. Predicted 3084 kWh PA resulting in yr1 income of £460 and energy saving of £231. Deposit 25% up front and balance on completion
4. Hereward Solar option 2 £6,600 12x Panasonic 285w all on south facing garage roof; SMA Sunnyboy 3000TL Grid Tie Inverter; iBoost; SunnyView bluetooth Monitor. Predicted 3290 kWh PA resulting in yr1 income of £490 and energy saving of £247. Deposit 25% up front and balance on completion.
I have confidence that all the installers will do a good job, although Hereward stressed the quality of their workmanship and materials such as use of stainless steel roof brackets, no ‘punching through’ of roof tiles (whatever that means) and a ‘bullet proof’ inverter and top quality panels.
Neither the garage roof or house roof have any shading problems. Here is the google street view: http://bit.ly/1ZJkDPV
Do the experts here have any views on what might be the best balance of price, quality & return amongst this lot?
Finally, is it possible to negotiate on price with installers, or do quotes tend to be fixed?
Many thanks.
hello, I have a quote from the company “Greener Home Improvement”. I live in South London
£5,800 for 16 x 8.33 250kw panels and SolarEdge inverter.
My house roof is southeast facing.
Is it worthwhile and has anyone heard of the company?
I have just received a quote from “Greener Home Improvement Ltd”. details as follow:
£5,800 for
16x 8.33 Eternity 250Kw
Solar Edge invertors
My House is south facing with a 55degree angle roof, estimated floor area (not roof area) is at around 10m by 5m.
Your comments on the company itself would be much appreciated
Just researching a 4kw system. A company called Solargen seems to be quoting very competitive prices. Has anyone had any complaints about their work?
Hi Stu, I filled in the link for a local quote on this site. I got a call today from a guy at Solar Dawn claiming you had forwarded my details onto him. I was just wondering if you actually did as I can’t find them on the MCS database? if you did recommend them can you or someone endorse them if they are not MCS approved?
I’m undecided between 2 quotes. The 1st is for 13 x LG Neon 2 Black 300w panels with Solax inverter and Geo Solo 2 monitor all for £5,375.00 or 12 x Sunpower ‘E’ series 327w panels with Growatt inverter and Geo Solo 2 monitor for £7,100.00
Cheers NS, I have clicked the website link for quotes and will wait and see what happens.
Thanks, I have now done that.
Thanks Stu, read the links too. I have searched for local quotes using your website link so we will see what happens…
I have been quoted £8,2245 by Fenland for a 3.99 KW system- 14 x 285 panels. This also includes an i-Boost for heating hot water via immersion. The potential savings that have been quoted seem to me optimistic at best- £914 in year 1, £960 in year 2, and so on (over 5% increase year on year) to yield £31,184 over the 20 years. The i-boost is supposed to save £150 a year and savings are supposed to increase at 7% each year! Taking into account the outlay, and finance on that (9.9% apr), that comes out at £18,184 savings.
Of course, the sales patter was all about acting now to get the FIT before it drops, which I can understand, but I am not convinced by the numbers. Clearly I need to get another few quotes before going any further, if I have time. Any thoughts on the numbers being quoted here?
Btw there is just a 10 year warranty on the panels, which I think is a significant downside.
I am looking for some advice on an automated pv monitoring system to record what I generate/use/export on a daily basis. Ideally I will use it to justify the installation of an iboost or similar and again to justify the upgrade to battery storage. I have looked at the owl, solo 3 and possibly the immersun systems. But things are as clear as mud. My preference would be for system which runs off mains power over batteries. Thanks
Many thanks Norman. I was half convinced that it was worth the expense as I could log if a panel was under performing so I could prove a failure to the manufacturer.
Hi ive had a quote of solar plant for sunedison 280, 14 panels at £8000 with 25 year warranty. After recieving this quote project solar contacted me and said they could do cheaper!
They told me that they would do sunedison 285, 14 panels for £8256 and they would be more powerfull and give me more savings than the other quote.
I did not do my home work before these salesmen arrived
who do i trust solarplant said that sunedison were the best panels on the market and they were the exclusive installers in wales.
project solar told me they would do sunedisons also so the other was not telling truth. They also tried to offer me evolution+10 which they said were built and designed in uk and again were more powerfull. Solar projects looked at my prev quote of solar plant and said they were only offering me sunedison 250 and theirs was for 285 and thats why they were more expensive but more payback.
I feel annoyed i can see what they have done, he pointed at the rated dc input of 250. He should have noticed that they quoted for a 3.920 KW system and they were offering me a 3.990 system . I contacted project solar and they have agreed to knock £300 off the price.
but i cant help feeling duped any advice please.
That’s kind of what i figured but EEC insist that the Performance Warranty trumps the Manufacturer’s Warranty. I got them to put it in writing in case it ever comes up.
‘Could you also confirm that the performance guarantee covers the parts and labour for replacing the affected panel(s) if one or more panels fails for any reason after the product warranty is finished (within 25 years).’
‘yes the performance guarantee covers parts and labour ‘
They say that the install of Seraphim panels and a Tranenergy inverter includes a monitoring system which will email EEC and me if a panel’s performance falls below a certain level (90% years 1-2, 80% years 13-25) and they will automatically come out and replace it. Does this seem feasible?
Before I decided to have the SolarEdge optimisers, I was informed that it adds about £50 to each panel. So for 16 panels that’s £800 and then slightly more expensive (and better) inverter and the extra cost for fitting. Without SolarEdge, my quote was £6300, so I paid £950 extra for SolarEdge. Some people and installers say that its not worth it, but if you have shading problems, I think its a good idea because it does allow each panel to perform at its optimum, whereas without it, if one panel is only performing at 50% it would drag the whole system down to 50%. That’ how I understand it anyway.
Just try and tell it as I find it.
Wished I had my panels fitted years ago, just didn’t think it would be worth it for an East/West installation. I was wrong, just won’t payback so quick!
Thanks Stewart
The issue is I have sent several emails and left several phone calls but nothing substantial. over a week ago i requested this from head office but nothing.
I am just hoping they are buisy at them moment. Install ison tuesday I have just requested a quote for solar edge yesterday so we will see.
I will put off install or even cancel. A freind has also booked with them via me word of mouth so may be 2 pulling.
Hi I agree that a customer should not be pushing the best available technology. Still I have been refused quotes on so many times even ikiea and a few others did not bother to quote, I know I dont have a south facing but I dont mind a small return over 20 years knowing i have fixed my electricity.
I have electric underfloor heating in the kitchen (only a 1 star on the epc) so will be looking to add a i boost device to this
Also a towel rail in the bathroom which is both gas and electric connected so looking to add i boost or other to this. more electric I go and preheat before sun goes down the more gas I will save..
I love the I terrier programmable TVR but dont get anything on the epc on this.
So EEC say that the split of the roof 2 string will mean when shading is an issue on west then the sunny side east non shading will be producing and as the sun goes over to the other roof it will switch over to the non shading side, so effectively 2 X 2kw systems. adding the solaredge will not be worth it.
Unsure of this and looked at price difference, looks like around £360 for the optimisers (12 needed) and £150 additional for the inverter looking at rexelenergy will be around £500 more.
They did say if I wanted solaredge then they woukd do this, Im thinking like you suggest to pull the contract and get the solar edge.
Just had a 4kW system installed by Medoria Solar.
Very impressed from start to finish.
15 REC 265 watt panels with an Omnik inverter which is also Wifi connected so I can remotely monitor what the system is producing.
I have always been apprehensive about installing solar but after having it installed by Medoria, I am extremely happy with it and wished I had done it sooner.
I already have my handover pack and Philip basically filled the FiT with my energy provider for me.
Painless process from a no nonsense company.
Well, I now have solar PV panels installed on my house.
I opted to use Medoria solar who answered some of my queries on this site.
I am very pleased with the installation, the price and the projections which are definitely more realistic.
It was a totally painless process and I can thoroughly recommend Philip and his business.
He was very quick and offered guidance throughout.
I wish I had come across him last year as I would have done it then but better late than never.
A thank you to this site too as I would not have come across Medoria Solar or the advise that I have received from other contributors.
Keep up the good work!
Yes, I did the online application on the 14th Sept and I understand they send you some paperwork to sign and then you have to return the paperwork together with your invoice showing that you have paid for the installation and then await for them to tell you that the installation has been approved for the FIT. Apparently, its the last stage that can take the time. I don;t know why.
if I sell my property do the next owners get the same price per unit as I do
My sunpower system costed me £8700. It was ground mounted take a look my video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZLESsXO1cs
Also been quoted £6500 for 16 x Ahead Panel with a Samil invertor + the cost of scaffolding. Does that sound good value? Thank you in advance
Been quoted £6800 for 16 x REC 250W Peak Series Black/Black panels + invertor (unsure on which) with full installation/scaffolding etc. Does this seem reasonable?
The driving force is the way they structure their commission. The sales guy will receive £600 if he can close at £9,700, £400 at £9,200, £300 at £8,700, £200 at £8,200 and £150 at £7,700. Below this he may get a token payment. Clearly this creates an adversarial sales process as oppose to a consultative one – not really the way that we want to be operating in 2015!
We are based in Bedfordshire and have received a quote from Clean Green Home Energy Ltd for £6995 based upon 8 x 250w. This is for REC Peak Energy modules. I’m not sure of the inverter to be used. This is fully fitted and we are in a three storey house so does include all of the scaffolding up two sides of the house because 4 of the panels are going on one part of the roof and the other 4 on the other part. Does this seem like a reasonable quote?
Having my solar panels fitted as I write this. 4Kw (16 panels) Solar Edge optimisers and SolarEdge Inverter, being installed By EEC Home Improvements. So far so good.
As yet no. You are reducing your dependence on your these energy companies. Saying that, if the Tesla battery storage device takes off (which I think it will), then this is a game-changer for the worlds solar industries and this may be able to achieve this goal for most of the year.
If I purchase solar panels can I remove myself from the grid? What I mean is can I be disconnected from an electric company and just use my own electricity without giving to or taking electric from the grid the electric companies use?
thanks for the reply 🙂
My wife contacted a few companies for quotes and the only 2 that replied quickly were ScottishSolar and IKEA (Hanergy).
SS came out to us and quoted £5500 for 15 x Gallium = 3975 kW.
Left a fact sheet but didn’t have the name of the invertor which I’ve forgotten.
Had to visit Ikea for the other quote which is just over £5000 but you get 15% off by becoming an IKEA member.
IKEA presentation was very slick and they gave us loads of documentation although it was all done off google earth and we would need to order a (non refundable) surveyor’s visit.
Approx 20-24 solibro 125W panels so 2.5-3.0 kW in all plus Sunny Boy invertor.
Probably leaning towards the first quote but find the long term security of ikea a factor. Also, for the amount of time the Scottish Solar bloke put into talking about how they were the only ones selling Gallium and how wonderful it was, couldn’t help thinking how much of a coincidence it was that we picked the best one at random! Scottish Solar are in Whitburn (and Nuneaton, where presumably they’re called something else).
The Hanergy bloke showed us how systems rated at say 3.6 kW could outperform 4.0 kW systems which we couldn’t get our heads round. Also Scottish Solar said theirs were 60v against 37v for competitors, but then Hanergy were quoting things like 79%.
Learned a lot in one day and this forum helps too, but any further comments would be welcome.
Thanks for the advice
Thank you for the advice
Point 2 in the description is wrong, surely!
The inverter converts DC to AC, not as stated, right?
thanks mate will do next week !
I may be a bit naïve here, but considering that over 90% of the 750k 2020 installations target has already been hit, hence the rapid tariff reductions, and low/stagnant wholesale energy prices are currently witnessed in the market, isn’t this crackdown on renewables inevitable? (I don’t work for the government, honest!!)
basically, I’m interested in knowing why this is being viewed as such a terrible idea [to crack down on pre-accreditation]
personally, I cant wait for more cheaper/efficient solar & battery technologies to hit the market.
thanks in advance!
any good installers to supply a 4kw system e/w in merseyside on a townhouse .
I put a message on about 3 months ago about a section 75 claim and its currently with the ombudsman.
what happened is that the inverter was way too small and it ended up failing – the credit card company have offered to replace it but there are some other issues that I could do with a bit of advice on. Its been suggested that this overworking it can cause damage to the system as a whole and may cause it to now be less efficient or even affect the overall longevity so it wont last as long – is this possible?
Also the manufacturers warranty may be void for the solar panels – they are Solar Europa panels if that helps 18x 220w is this right?
If there is anything else you think I should consider let me know.
he wants to fit a power one ABB inverter 3.6kw from italy – is this any good? or suitable.
I have recently had a problem with my Solar System, supplied by Solar Europe 4.5 years ago. Whilst on Holiday the system stopped generating, I reported the fault to Solar Europe about 2 weeks ago and have still not had any indication of when I can expect an engineer to visit, despite numerous phone calls made to them by me. Has anybody else had support problems from the Solar companies?
Just wondering if anyone had any dealings (good and bad) with any of the following companies
– Firehawk Energy
– ECO Energy Smart
– BAMM Heating Solutions
Thanks a lot – FWIW that would be my advice even if this is the greatest offer ever. There is very little about exactly what is being supplied, what maint is required. 3 panels will be fitted to a flat roof and that just gives me a cold sweat. It needs research …
That sentence about not having started the work gives me a secure feeling – thanks !
Thanks for this – maybe it’s all right and above board but I am a happily suspicious consumer
Hi Jamie, the salesperson claimed that the installation would cover all costs from month one; however, the contract which my friend signed shows a shortfall between costs and savings/earnings generated from selling back to the National Grid. I wasn’t there so I can’t say that it was mis-sold, only that from what I can see it may have been mis-bought
Hi Jack,
As per the comments above, a lot of panels are produced in China. To give you an idea we install 16 x 833 panels (Spanish) which come with a 20 year warranty and an SMA inverter for £5750.
There are many different panel types and inverters on the market so it is also important to have confidence in the installer to make sure that they are offering the right products for your property.
I love this analogy of what happens to the electricity that gets exported to the grid:
“Exported electricity is a bit like cats! It goes wherever the food is best.
In reality, it’s just electrons bouncing up and down a cable. They leave your house because your house does not need them and head for the nearest source that does, (usually your neighbour.)”
But to answer your question, most savvy people with panels usually use their washing machine etc during the daytime/sjunshine hours when the electricity will be free.
Heating your water with electricity is the most expensive way to do so. Let the sun do it for free and your bath times (like a free pint) will be far more pleasurable.
Everything affects your insurance to a greater or lesser degree. Solar panels won’t make that much difference and their benefits far outweigh any increase.
Can switching the tank immersion heater on during daytime
Hi. On Tuesday my mum was cold called by Green Yorkshire Solar. They told her that she would qualify for a scheme that meant that she didn’t have to pay for the 16 pv solar panels. She would get an electricity saving during daylight and during the night she would have electric from her provider. The solar panels weren’t free however, they would be paid for from the profits from the electricity that was sold back to the grid. They wanted to come the next day to speak about them. We were already going out so we said Thursday would be better. An appointment was made. A few minutes someone else rang back trying to persuade my mum for the next day. She said no, only to come on Thursday. On Wednesday he rang back. Checking about the appointment and asking if my mum would be alone during the meeting. She said that i would be there. This morning he rang again to confirm the appointment again and asked if she would be alone or a husband would be there, was she the sole houseowner. My mum asked why he kept asking if she would be alone but he didn’t answer and asked a different question. She cancelled the appointment. They made her feel suspicious. They told me they were based in Warrington but i see they come from Yorkshire. Has anyone else been offered pv panels for no initial money out lay. Is this a scam operated on older people?
Does it matter more for the Inverter to be sited nearer the solar panels having a shorter D.C. run. OR Is it better for the Inverter to be sited nearer the consumer unit having a shorter A.C. run.
Thanks Kevin, I am informed it is not the hybrid Solax but I have taken the comments on board.
Hi All.. I have been reading the posts and all the info supplied and learnt a lot. I had a solar system installed 4 weeks ago… I am actually impressed with the Product Solar Edge and we have been getting some good outputs from it despite the poor weather.. However we have had our problems with the installers Energy Gain. To date I have not received an invoice or any backup paperwork… we have a faulty panel which eventually they agreed was faulty. I had to argue with the MD and take a load of lies before he agreed to change…They have not registered us for FITS and I have had to be almost blackmailed into paying before work completed.( the Old Tariff is changing con)…I got the HIES registration yesterday 3 weeks after installation and 7 weeks after paying the deposit. I would recommend Solar Edge but say you have to have a strong constitution to deal with Energy Gain.Whilst I understand why a paid invoice should be sent with applications for FITS I do think it gives unprofessional companies a vehicle to pressure customers to pay for poor service and workmanship
Has anybody got an opinion regarding SolarTherm UK or its parent: Silvercrest Energy Ltd? They offer a free supply of solar panels and you get free electricity for 25(?) years, for no cost?
Thanks. I’ve had several local installers recommended now.
Interesting link you posted about the SolarEdge and the Enphase. I might suffer from a fair amount of shading when the sun is low in the winter, so the SolarEdge may be be the better bet.
I’m not sure if this is the right place to put this question out but you lot seem to know lots about solar panels. My family and I are building a tiny home (approximately 400 square feet) and want to power it completely with solar panels. Can anyone give me any advice as to what kind to use. All our appliances will be 3/4 size and energy efficent. We will have a combi washer/dryer, drawer dishwasher compact oven, stove, toaster, blender as well as lighting through out the house and will need to power a laptop for a number of hours each day. Thanks so much, would really appreciate any input.
We recently had a two-hour ‘presentation’ and quotation from a nationwide solar company, who promised a discount if we signed that evening. I feel we are being somewhat rushed into this as the FiT changes on 1 July. We’re having a survey by them today, but I think we need to get more quotes as the FiT is only reducing a small amount from 1 July. We were quoted £5,099 (including discount) for a 1.5kw/6 panel system, but finance would push that up. Payback demonstrated on the night looked as though it would more than cover the outlay, but when I put the figures into the Energy Saving Trust’s tool, things didn’t add up. I am also concerned that there is nothing in the quotation to say which panels would actually be installed. Am I right to be suspicious? I have now been approached by one of the installers via your website, and am also having a visit from a local company listed on Which? Local. What sort of things should we be asking before we go ahead with an installation such as this? Apologies for all the questions, but we want to ensure that if we do go ahead with solar PV, we get the job done by a reputable company that do not charge an inflated price. Thanks.
I know the micro-inverter setup is more tolerant to panel failure depending how you get the 1 inverter system setup. I was more looking for cosmetically nice looking high performing panels in jet black that will be fitted by someone reputable for a fair price and good after sales support should anything go wrong.
Really these were my only requirements and as I only know what I have read up on and heard both good and bad about companies and individual setups thought I would come and ask the experts 🙂
I’ll contact Stuart as well, thanks.
Thanks again Norman / Norfolk Solar – very interesting and different opinions. I’ve decided to hold fire until I’ve had a couple more quotes and see what different installers say. My reasons being:
Even in the drop in FIT from 1st July it would only make about a £15 difference in earnings to me.
My shade factor is 1 – so this “uplift” they mention of 10-15% seems unlikely given I don’t suffer from shading very much at all. A single small flu that I suppose will obscure one panel at times – although I can check this myself.
Both single inverters + multiple microinverters have pros / cons so want to think about which is best for my house / needs etc.
I’ve only been looking at a small selection of brands, so what do installers use / recommend / like / dislike etc.
I’ve provided my details on this site so hopefully some local installers will be in touch soon. As I know a little more now at least we can hopefully get to a solution very soon.
Thanks again.
Hi, thanks for the reply, I don’t have the quote in writing at the moment, I think they were “SunModule” units maybe, German definitely with an inverter per panel, the company installing guarantee the performance for the first year, you can view their status on smartphone and laptop, also the company monitor as well. They were described as the Mercedes Benz of panels and will perform 25-35% over their documented specs. Price was about 8.4k with 3k of that being able to be financed under green deal via my Electric bill at 18.75 per month.
I am in a standard 2 storey house with concrete ridged tiles, easy access, was quoted for micro inverters as they said more efficient, less voltage, no moving parts to break. no buzzing in loft.
That’s all I know at this stage, another company out tonight to quote as well.
I am looking for a 12 panel totally black installation with micro-inverters for the performance increase on a South-West facing roof in S80 Nottinghamshire, shade rating of 1. I am looking to install as soon as possible but don’t want to get ripped off or succumb to false salesman promises.
Do we have an idea of ball park figure for this installation, I have been quoted for 270w panels by a company called Rolec.
thank you Norman, wise advise!
My apologies if this is not the correct domain for this sort of question!
We recently had a fire which burned down one half of the flats we own. And we’ve been told legislation now requires that PV panels are required for places that do not have a gas supply. Would you be able to provide any information on this?
Also, if this is true, we were thinking it may be beneficial to install also on the other half of the building that also does not have panels.
Many thanks
Thank you Stu ,will let you know ,i have them coming to see me next week ,, Love Solar tech too
Thanks for your reply Norfolk Solar. It’s good to hear that the price sounds ok 🙂 I’d really love to hear from anyone that has opinions about which would be the best system – the Solax or the Phono.
I work for Solar Essence, Thetford, we are one of the most well-established companies on the market and have been running since 2006. Unlike most companies who started after 2010 when the feed-in tariff came out, we were here 4 years before and plan on being here long term.
We offer a pretty fair price for a national company, 40% of our business comes from recommendations.
If you would like a quotation then please email me n.bond@solaressence.co.uk and I will be more than happy to email you a quotation. I will use google maps, so if you could put all of your details on there then that would be greatly appreciated.
If you have had other quotes then don’t be afraid to tell me what you have been quoted, I will be honest with you if I think it is a good price, I will also dig a little deeper to see if there are any major negatives to the company.
I do not have any faith with NICEIC as I reported Green Energy NW Ltd to them and sent them photos of live wires showing above the RDL units. Their response was since they can’t get hold of anyone, they are unable to help me. Yet NICEIC had the company on their books as safe electricians. I have not received any certificates for the solar panel system except the one from MCS. MCS are also washing their hands of the situation as the company de registered with them on the 29.3.15.
Thank you for your information and concerns about our house burning down. I still haven’t had any one admitting the installation did not meet any legal code of conduct rather than recommended practice, otherwise I would take the Directors of the company to court for negligence.
I will use the same electrician who rectified the live wiring and fixed the optimmersion to rewire the cabling.
Thanks again for your invaluable help. Will get an electrician to sort it out.
What sort of cable should it be i.e twin and earth cable or something else? Can I buy this cable, if so, where from. I know somebody who will be willing to rewire the cabling but really need to know which is the most suitable.
Thank you
will installing solar panel effect my building insurance
Thank you for your reply.
The cable length is a maximum of 20m in length and the outside of the wall cable is protected by a plastic conduit (approx 4m in length) and the rest of the wiring is clipped against the inside against the wall.
The red isolator is next to the inverter.
As for the 1.5mm2 wiring, nobody seems to know whether the gauge on the wiring is a legal requirement or just a code of practice for different types of installations. In the manual of the Solax inverter it recommends 4mm2 cabling but does not state anything less is dangerous. I know the company took short cuts but were they non-compliant/dangerous or just on the border of being legal?
Green Energy NW Ltd was on MCS’ register until 27.03.15, so it does not give me a great deal of confidence regarding any other solar panel company to come out to check the wiring (present companies excepted on this forum).
When contacting MCS, they washed their hands regarding my complaints as they state “can’t do anything about a company which has de-registered” even though I lodged the complaint before this.
However, I do appreciate all the help I have received from yourself and will get investigate it further.
Many thanks for everything.
Anyone out there got contact numbers for i-power sytems limited of Doncaster they do not answer their phone I have recently been awarded given an arbitration award against them for mis-selling. The salesman told me the panels would be self funding against the loan payments, its just not true will be 90 before I get my money back !!
On the cable it states 5 + 1.5mm2. The inverter is in our loft which is two floors up from the consumer unit based in the garage.
The cables runs on the outside of the wall and then comes into the garage connected to the MCB. I know the workmanship is shoddy as he left LIVE wires showing through the RDL units which we discovered later on closer inspection. I have reported this to NICEIC but nothing seems to come from that.
Thank you for your prompt reply.
I would like to install 10x Seraphim 285w All Black Mono Panels (96 cell – 30 Performance Warranty)1 x Solax Dual Tracker with 70 Min DC Voltage & 20 Year Warranty, Solar iBoost Unit, Mounting Kit, 20 Year Deposit & Warranty Insurance 5000 incl VAT is it good price i use FOREVER GREEN ENERGY Middle Stanley Renewable Centre Cheltenham anyone know this comany used them are they trustworth??
I am going through the process of getting quotes for a solar PV system and eventually evaluating them. I hope it will be OK if I ask a number of technical questions.
The house has east/west facing roofs and I intend to go for a split arrangement to prolong power availability. For purpose of FIT, am I correct in thinking that it is the nominal power output of the array that is used towards the 4kW limit and you cannot derate because peak insolation on the two roofs occurs at different times and therefore peak power will always be less than nominal power?
Also, am I correct in thinking that panel efficiency is secondary as long as I have enough roof to reach the 4kW limit? Consequently, the most appropriate panel under those circumstances is not necessarily the most efficient as that has to be balanced against price? Or perhaps I might be better to put the money into optimisers or Enphase rather than the most efficient panel money can buy?
The other question concerns units like iBoost that direct power to heating water. Using some Ofgem figures, a gas consumption of 16500 kWh is typical and assuming all of it is used for the boiler, uSwitch claims 25% of that is typically used for hot water, i.e. 4000 kWh. Given vagaries of weather and PV availability through the year (negligible power in winter for E/W panels), it would seem reasonable that only ~50% of that could be substituted by iBoost and that savings should be costed against the gas it displaces, i.e. 2000 kWh@4p/unit = £80. With installed cost of ~£400, This would be a 5 year payback time. Am I calculating it right? Also, am I effectively betting that Ofgem won’t enforce export metering anytime in the next five years because iBoost makes rather less sense thereafter (export tariff similar to gas price)?
Thanks, DH
Thanks Stuart and thank you for letting me post this on here. The amount of issues they have found are many. The original company ought to be ashamed, but I know he is not.
Thanks Stuart. I just feel Iike shouting from the rooftops!
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Hi Norfolk solar. I can’t begin to say how grateful I am to Solar Edge UK and SolarPlants.Org.UK . They are beyond kind. I cannot express my gratitude in enough ways. The standard of their work is excellent. When I compare and contrast to the shambles that was Eurosolar, it is really incredible . Professional men working in a professional manner.
Thank you for your support in all my efforts. There are true tradesmen who take pride in their work and the others should be run out of town. They drag a great industry down. I have always believed in Solar even in my dark days. I have talked family members into buying systems and guided them to good men and goof companies so at least something good came out of my experience.
Thank you and thank you Stuart for letting me post.
Great thank you, it’s a bit of a mine field if your not fully up to speed with all the different elements and I just don’t want to end up paying a fortune for a system that doesn’t meet our needs. Thanks again.
Thanks for your info, a couple of reasons why we went with Solar Edge, we weighed up the pro’s and con’s of introducing numerous optimisers, but where we live we are open to a lot of dust and birds, so there is potential for the panels to be dirty. With the usual string array we were concerned about this, so we thought the solar edge would help combat it. Plus we can get all the info in easy to read formats, which is a bit of a gadget really but we like that sort of info. We also looked at failure rate historical data and solar edge came out on top. Add this together with the company info and we thought if there were any issues we would be covered.
Hi, thanks for that, we have 3 phase electric, we also have an air source heat pump, which drinks electricity in winter, so we’re hoping the solar panels will help combat this, whilst helping us become more self sufficient.
I have dealt with them too and they have not set up the wattson meter correct. I still have not received the guarantees and the other paper work. They are also not answering my phones or emails. called consumer direct nad they advised me to contact my credit card company. do you have any other suggestions?
We are thinking of using a company by the name of SmartGen and curious if anyone here has heard or used them previously? Their prices seem a bit high for a 4KWH system at a rough pass.
Thank in advance.
Hi Forum.
I’m buying a house with solar panels already installed. However the owner is deceased and the relatives selling the house don’t know much about the solar panel installation. Is there any way I can find out who installed the solar panels and whether they are owned or rented?
Any help would be appreciated.
What a corker. If I was able to become qualified, I would be a good ambassador for the trade. Why the powers that be are afraid of customer involvement is beyond me!
Hi Norman
I fully agree. I do not want to be the doomsayer. I was unfortunate and picked a wrongun….BUT, there are lots and lots of good and ethical installers and companies who abide by the rules and are selling a product that I know is beneficial. I am not warning people about all installers or against solar, on the contrary, I am a believer. Please just be careful about who you choose and check the quotes out on places like this very good forum.
Hi Frank,
I don’t understand how a company can reduce the price by nearly up to 4.5k over 3 quotes,
I used a company called One Planet Solar in Bishop Auckland who done me an honest quote.
There was no pressure their surveyor just called out and measured the roof and discussed different options that were available.
They are well worth a try
Hello Norfolk and Lincolnshire
My installer is still RECC registered. He is not MCS registered but is getting his install signed off by a napit approved electrician who never sets sight on the work. RECC and other regulators are fully aware of this as is my MP who involved the Energy Secretary Amber Rudd. Still, RECC let him trade with a veil of respectability imbued by their name, suckering other customers in who believe the hype about the protections. The high court sheriffs are getting nowhere as he fobs them off, now that he is supposedly trading under a new name. It is a massive scandal and to hear of other north facing installs in the east of the country makes me realise there is not just one bad Apple in the barrel. I was contacted out of the blue last night by a company offering to fight ‘re the misselling aspect of my case, but what they can do that I have not, is beyond me. The Government, RECC and MCS trot out the same line about them not having responsibility, and tell me that registration with MCS is voluntary. EEL are abusive, threatening and in my opinon, dangerous. The man who installed my electrics knew less about electrics than I do…yet were installing under mcs repectability and registration that belonged to a man who had the test taken by another person! Some recommendstion for the quality of the checks by mcs. MS Graham of RECC is studiously ignoring my emails. Amber Rudd and my MP are being told by RECC that they are taking EEL to non.compliance about the non.payment by EEL of the Arbitration award. The are more concerned about the breach of an instruction they gave rather than the quality of the work done under their name.
I will be beyond delighted to come on here and say I have a system that works!
Originally part of NW Electrical & Construction (MCS 19015), we decided to separate the solar part of the business last year and became NW Solar Ltd (MCS 25261). Our management team are passionate about renewable technologies and have been installing solar for over 4 years. We are based in Trafford Park and are a regional company covering the Noth West and Yorkshire, we also carry out installation work for a major national solar brand.
Hopefully you get your system sorted, but if not, we’re more than happy to help. It always infuriates me when cowboys give what is otherwise a great product /concept / industry a bad name.
Hi Andrew
I have replied to your message via the inbox..I thought it would show on here?
Hi Andrew
I smell a whole trawler load, not just a few fish. You are correct, I have followed every legal avenue open to me and he flouts every law used against him, blatantly. It is time to hope that Karma exists.
As always, you are spot on. He is still active and trading. He has not filed for insolvency. When I rang their office, I was told they continue to trade, but the Sheriffs, who confirm the company remain active, want me to take it back to court if I can prove the company, K2 etc etc that does not exist, has the same trading number as Eurosolar! His language to me yesterday had to be heard to be believed, as was his threatening tone.
You are also correct that he retains membership of RECC and the veneer of respectability this affords him. I copied Ms Graham of RECC into a letter to the Sheriffs, who now want £100 off me for their efforts ( its actually £75 plus vat, but near enough to £100), and as always, she never even does me the courtesy of a reply, unless its to tell me off like a recalcitrant child.
How do men/ Companies ( I am not having a go at men here, its more this particular man) get away with abusing the law in this way, the English law he boasts he abides by. It beggars belief and frustrates me enormously. I pay my debts even if I am unhappy. You enter a contract, you pay your dues. Fair is fair.
Thankyou for your comments. They are appreciated, whether they are ‘just words’, they matter.
I am going on record for the umpteenth time to declare my belief and faith in the industry, despite my experience. I have talked many in my family into getting solar and had enough knowledge to guide them to very successfully performing systems.
Thanks Norman, TP and Norfolk Solar for your wise words…there is a sun room below the west roof. Norman, does the £5500 to £6000 you mention take into account the two aspects…I guess it does. And just to satisfy my own curiosity, but possibly a very silly question, is there any difference/advantage in having panels hung portrait or landscape…or is it just an aesthetic thing. I can see in some circumstances they might fit a roof better one way around but if they could be either, is there a reason to choose one over the other? For us, the could go either way.
Thanks for the quick reply and all the info. Sunworld was a typo, I meant Solarworld. I’ll be in touch.
i get that norman but you are saying it is impossible to get higher than 3776kw in the uk i have just proved that you can get higher?
Thanks Andrew
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Thanks Andrew.
Stuart has communicated with me on a few occasions, so hopefully if he sees this conversation, he may be able to refer me to good and reputable installers. I will put the quote I have had from Yorkshire, on line tomorrow. I need to separate it out from the zillions of emails on my main system.
Morning Mike ,
I cannot comment on the product itself but the cost sounds high,We can offer a similar system with the likewise components at a more sensible price,Lithium Battery back up of up to 5Kw hrs use,12 high quality,tier 1 panels with solaregde inverter and power optimisers offering individual panel harvesting and online montioring and support for £9565 installed.
Tel 07723602478.
The panel only operates at about 10% of the others.There is no shading whatsoever. Perhaps it’s not connected properly,but he hasn’t even been/sent anyone to see it.
I don’t see why he is dragging his heels. My only thought is cash – he has no credit line/cannot get another one without sending the first one back – or he is a shyster. Sending 7 day letter tomorrow.
Hello all
My tale of woe has long been recorded on here re the poor install at my home on Cheshire. I have been unsuccessful in getting my money returned through RECC/ REAL and even using the Courts and High Court Sheriffs. So, time to bite the bullet and ask for quotes to get this system functioning please. I am being told solar edge indop 305 optimisers might help greatly as will come reconfiguration of panels and removal of obvious shading items such as long redundant sky dishes. I’d appreciate any quotes please or I can forward the documentation, including a report by Niceic inspectors.
Fingers crossed, as I dont want to lose another years generation, but don’t have a bottomless pit of money.
Thank you
Going to send trackable letter giving 7 days to propose remedy in reasonable time. Just hope the trade associations aren’t toothless watchdogs….
Thanks Sussex Energy Advisors, that’s really helpful advice.
Thanks for your input and your analogy about a bad builder with good bricks is very good. I thought the exact opposite as it looks from the untrained eye to be a very simple process. Just fit the panels and wire them up. lol I will look into reviews on Scottish Solar and find out a bit more about the company before committing. But it appears the 96 cell gallium coated panels with the aurora inverter is a decent solar panel system. I just have to make sure the company fitting them is reputable also.
I would like some advise on if the below quote is realistic.
I have been quoted £6000 for 8 250Kwh Canadian Solar with Micro Inverters. It for a standard 2 bed terrace house with a south facing garden. The roof is only a couple of years old so as they had no issue with scaffolding I expect that wouldn’t be an issue, so assume it will be a standard fitting.
I don’t know exactly the guarantees yet and exact models for everything as awaiting written quote.
They also included enlighten management software but I expect the excitement using this will drop off fairly quickly.
I am located in Essex.
Thanks Harry
Hi again, Thanks for getting back to me, The panels are Solarworld Sunmodule 250 plus and the inverter would be a Solarmax P Series or a Samil, Thanks.
Im thinking of buying a solar panel system, having spoken to a few Salespeople I think I have the key facts to a good system. Please correct me if the info I have picked up is incorrect.
1. Your invertor is very important. The voltage it starts and stops working can give you more output from your panels. 120v to start working is good, any less is better.
2. The amount of cells on your panel. Im drawn towards one that has 96 cells instead of the standard 60 as the 96 cells produces 60v whereas the 60 cells only 32v
3. I have also heard gallium coated panels degradation is far slower than ones without. Although other salesmen say this is only beneficial in very hot countries and doesn’t really matter in Scotland.
4. The module efficiency, anything above 14% is probably ok, but the higher the better.
Im looking to get 4kw with 16 panels on my south facing roof in the north east coastal town of Arbroath. I don’t want to spend too much, but Im being offered the
MONOCRYSTALINE GALLIUM COATED 833 WITH 96 CELLS AND THE AURORA INVERTOR FOR 5600 pounds. Is this a good deal and are there other factors I should be looking at before I commit.
Thank you
Remember cheapest is not always best. In fact in most cases it isn’t and it’s cheap for a reason.
I have had a similar system with MDL at similar costs and am very happy. People saying you are ripped off needs are simply trying to get you to sign with them. This site is very misleading and is being used for the wrong reasons. There kit is quality kit and their aftermarket service has been great. Don’t be put off buy the fake replies. I didn’t and I’m happy.
I have submitted an online for for a quote from your company…thanks
I have filled out an online form for you to contact me regarding a quote thanks.
Yeah I figured that, I was gonna pay by cash and fortunately they never took a deposit as I was gonna borrow on my mortgage and needed time to arrange it. I was gonna phone them tomorrow and cancel now I’ve done some research, but I will also send a letter registered post. Thanks for replying and reaffirming what I had already thought myself.
Hi Nessa,
That quote is nearly double what you should be paying. We are based in the Midlands and would be happy to provide you with a quote.
Hi Norman, thanks for the advice and link – very interesting reading. I’m ruling BGC out now. They quoted 11 panels because although its a big roof, I can’t put the panels altogether – they are on different parts of the roof. They had a large job lot of Lg280’s (apparently). Had another quote from Green Energy nationwide (lancashire) using LG280’s (might ask for 300’s now) and Solax Inverter (20 year warranty) £6030. Am attracted to the warranty length to be honest. Any thoughts on products and installer? Thanks
Hi all I have bee quoted £5500. For 12 lg 280 panels plus inverter and I boost so I think quote is very good I’m just wandering about the company EEC solar southport any comments gladly welcome
The company should provide you with their own workmanship warranty (we include a 10 year workmanship warranty with ALL solar installations as standard) as well as a payment protection warranty. We use QANW for this, as recommended by MCS, but have used IWA previously. The inverter and panel will have their own independent warranties. Depending on the inverter model it may come with a standard warranty between 5-12 years typically, with an option to extend the warranty terms for an additional fee. For the panels it will again depend on the brand but this should all be made very clear to you in your proposal/quote.
Eec solar quoted me £5500 for 12 lg 280 panels with inverter 20 years warranty and I boost so I think my quote is very good just not too sure on the company
Hi Peter, I have to agree that I think you will be paying over the odds with that price by a minimum of £3000, possibly significantly more depending on your property type and final specification.
sorry its Tado not tardo
Today I received a phone call off MDL energy saying that they had tried to cash a cheque from me but it had been refused. Naively I gave the rep a cheque over 3 weeks ago on the proviso it was not cashed unless I agreed to go ahead with them to install solar panels. I have never ever authorised them to do any work but they still saw fit to try to cash my cheque .Luckily I stopped the cheque the day after I gave it them. This company are obviously totally dishonest. Do not trust them.
yes cold call but i have been thinking about getting it for a while now as my father inlaw has both hot water and electric and he swears its the best thing he has ever had done
Hi Peter,
As per the comments below, Solarworld and Enphase (if needed) are good products but that price is about £3000 more than you should be paying.
If you would like a another quote, please let us know.
Thanks am now looking at the panasonic panels as i have been informed they are the best to get ? the company that quoted that price have said they will put panels on all 4 sides of the roof not 3 and there is no shading/ over hanging trees
Kind regards
Hi Norfolk,
Thanks for the knowledge, I thought the 14.38p/kwh always stays the same. That’s great.
Thank you Norman – good idea – sky so blue today Manchester looks like the Med!! Ok so it is freezing outside but I’m just focusing on that perfect blue sky!! Mary
do you remember which company this was?
thanks Jules, this quote was for everything.
Hi Dawn,
I’ve never heard of the panels.
Do you have limited space on your roofs to have a higher wattage panel than the standard 250w panels?
Even with micro inverters and the need to scaffold 3 sides, this quote still seems quite expensive.
We offer a similar system with 14 x 270w panels and Enphase with scaffold for 2 sides of the property for under £7000.
Hope this helps,
T.P Solar
Hi and thanks for the reply. Trading standards have just rung me and told me there is nothing they can do but he can no longer show his BRE, niceic or mcs logos….he is still a member of recc though. What do you have to do to lose this registration…..it’s beyond me.
I look forward to hearing what they say about the subby thing
Hi and thanks for the reply.
Trading standards have rung me to tell me that there is nothing they can do to help. He has removed his niceic , bee and mcs logos, but remains a member of recc, as confirmed by trading standards. It’s an absolute disgrace.
Thank you
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i placed 3 panels on
my roof in mexico
i have an analog meter that can go backwards
i live in a community of approx 80 homes..i’m the only one with solar panels
the community gets its electricity from CFE the local mexican supplier
there’s 1 meter that measures all the electrons coming into the community
every house has a meter
we all pay as per the meter reading
since i installed the panels i am 47kWh in the negative ie. no bill this
month…it’s winter time here therefore no AC being used…i’m sure come summer
i will not have a negative reading
i am not interested in FIT
i am being accused of “we are all paying your electric bill because the
CFE meter is not going backwards”
my feeling is i am placing electrons into the community grid and in a small way
decreasing the no. of electron coming into the community from CFE
am I correct in
thinking nobody in the community is paying my electric bill?
your thoughts on
this matter will be appreciated
frank pallares
i placed 3 panels on my roof in mexico
i have an analog meter that can go backwards
i live in a community of approx 80 homes..i’m the only one with solar panels
the community gets its electricity from CFE the local mexican supplier
there’s 1 meter that measures all the electrons coming into the community
every house has a meter
we all pay as per the meter reading
since i installed the panels i am 47kWh in the negative ie. no bill this month…it’s winter time here therefore no AC being used…i’m sure come summer i will not have a negative reading
i am not interested in FIT
i am being accused of “we are all paying your electric bill because the CFE meter is not going backwards”
my feeling is i am placing electrons into the community grid and in a small way decreasing the no. of electrons coming into the community from CFE
i don’t think the community is paying my electric bill
your thoughts on this matter will be appreciated
frank pallares
Can someone advise please if a Company without MCS/NICEIC or similar, can legitimately continue to install stating they will get independent to ‘sign off the work’?
Any people still in the process of deciding on a system, please heed the advice given by the genuine and responsible installers who post on this site.
Thanks Norman, I make you right.
I’ve since decided on a firm I found via this site (GreenEnergyElectrical).
They talk straight, use good products, and put forward a fair price.
I’ll let you know how I get on.
Hello Norman
Welcome back
Hi SolarStu
RECC/MCS et al do NOTHING about North facing panels, even when when the customer is not informed and just has them foisted on them,never mind when it forms part of the negotiations prior to install. I read a good blog about how the RECC/REAL/MCS going to tighten up on the ‘cowboy’ installers…I cant see any evidence of it.
Hi all, I would like some advice if possible. We just had a quote for a 4kw system – 14/16 panels (solar world – monocrystalline). £7499 with a wireless controller for heating and seeing usage etc. Our roof is 53 degrees off true south with a 23 degree pitch. We were told that the panels would produce 3280kw per year generating £455 from the government @ 13.88p/kw and £78 from the FIT @ 4.77p/kw. With potential saving of upto £53k over 30 years including savings from energy efficient light bulbs. How likely and good value is this deal?
Hi, Can anyone give me advice on a company called SolarTherm Uk?
The offer seems a bit to good to be true.. Panels installed for £100 and paid for via electric bill (from what i can make out) is this a crafty con? Any advice will be appreciated Thanks.
Good morning , i have had my system installed in December 12x BenQ 300w with a Solis inverter ,would you have an idea at what point do the panels take over supplying my house fully ? & when my system is generating am i using a split share of solar & Grid or is it just grid & i am exporting back ,i am looking to work out what the tipping point is for Grid Vs Panels ,hope this makes sense
this morning i am generating 0.6 kw & my monitor is showing no import from the grid ,
Hi Norman, I have since had another quote from a local firm, which is a couple of hundred pounds more but they seem (at least on the phone/email) as a very good company.
The second quote has axitec black premium panels rather than the Canadian solar – are the axitec’s reasonable quality?
Many thanks,
Hi, thanks for your response.
To answer your questions. I’ve favoured East because that’s completely unshaded. The roof will take 8/8 (but not 10/6 favouring West). By only having 6 panels on West, the only time that’ll be partly shaded is during part of the day in roughly the darkest 3 months of the year, so with a dual MPPT I’m guessing my overall yearly loss won’t be much. I guess there’s always future scope to lower the chimney a little to hopefully clear the shade altogether.
Regarding usage times, hear what you’re saying, but I’ve been on economy 7 for years, so I’m used to running high drain appliances like washing machine, dryer and dishwasher overnight. I figured better to get a higher output from the system and shape our usage to match it (which won’t involve much change for us anyway as mentioned), than compromise output significantly more by placing more panels in the string close to shade, reducing that strings output, even though the lower amount available will be more biased towards the afternoon. I’m hoping having a combo of cheap/free leccy between midnight and say 4-7pm will then allow me to do things like put my fridge/freezer on mains timers to switch them off when I’m not on cheap leccy or getting solar, then switch back on at midnight or later…etc. etc.
Slightly longer term, I’m also pondering an electric car, so again a source of free leccy in the early hours might be useful for that, seeing as I could in theory use a 2.4Kw charge lead instead of dedicated 16amp Type1/2 cable that most people would use because there’s no reason to NOT draw too much to charge it. So I could start it charging on cheap overnight leccy and have it finish the job on solar before I wake up and need the car.
Also, I shower in the morning, and am having an iBoost fitted, so again, with a little planning, I was hoping to have the water heated by spare solar for a couple of hours, then the gas kick in to heat the tank for just 15-30 mins before I shower in the morning. The water will then be kept topped up with any spare solar throughout the day, and a quick blast of gas in the evening for any other hot water needs before letting it cool down slightly overnight.
Did you have any thoughts on ABB 3.6 vs SMA 3600-TL? Previous comment to this thread suggested something I’ve been recently reading up on, which is that the ABB can startup and MPPT well at lower voltages, which from places I’ve been reading, could be a factor with just a 6 panel string on the 2nd input, especially when you consider that string will have partial shading a few months of the year, and in peak of summer could? suffer voltage drop to the point where it’s getting near the low point the SMA’s can handle well?
Thanks in advance for any further comments you have against any of my half-baked scheme above. VERY much appreciated.
Sent a mail to your business info address
Hiya. Yeh the power one is one that’s caught my attention too because of the lower startup voltage which is something that’s only become important in my head the last couple of days. The 10 panels will face ever so slightly SE but it’s literally about 5 degrees from East. Also the west roof has a chimney that will slightly get in the way in winter of the 6 panels…its also the main reason were putting 10/6 rather than 8/8 to get the panels further away from the chimney. Do you have any thoughts on aurora reliability vs sma?
Hi Norman
Will get back to you later on my laptop.
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Many thanks for your advice, which I will be following. I feel much reassured.
Hello Norman,
Thank you so much for taking the time to give your advice, point by point. This really is most appreciated. I will definitely be looking elsewhere, locally, and feel much encouraged. Thank you again. Claire.
Claire, you need to check your payback figure. Have they told that, if the installation is not commissioned by the end of 2014 you will probably get no feed-in tariff? The industry believes that the government will phase it out completely after Dec 31st.
hi I have a question that I’m unsure about, if the panels are installed and the feed in tarif is paid for all that’
s generated, then they power company gives you a 50% usage allowance, can you still use any electric generated during the day free? if so how does the system know to use the generated electric rather than pull from the grid, say I generate 2kW then decide to turn on the washer and tumble dryer on will it use the generated power or pull from the grid cheers
sorry my typo,benq 4kw system £5850 and the lg300 4kw system £5750,have gone with the lg300 system and it was fitted yesterday friday.Just checking the read out on the inverter and it shows 70watts being produced ???? will ring them monday.
Hi Norman
BG just been ,nice guy not pushy my only concern is they will only fit a 3kw system for £6100 .max 12 panels due to needing 400mm spacing around all sides ,i am wanting a 4kw system as i want to recoup quicker is this a fair shout
12.12.2014 Fraud Squad Swoop on Robert Orr Ross.
An Ayr businessman has been arrested by elite fraud squad officers.
A team from the Serious Fraud Office swooped on the bungalow of Robert Orr Ross on Wednesday.
Officers in SFO branded uniforms raided the property in Whinhill Road.
It was in connection with a major probe into the tainted Solar Energy Savings limited business that collapsed amidst customer fury.
The firm was said to con folk into shelling out for domestic solar panels, using high pressure techniques and spinning a web of lies.
Robert Orr Ross, also described as a Dentist, was briefly on the board at Solar.
But he then became sole director of Ultra Energy global Ltd which Solar workers went on to sell for.
It is understood 48 year old Ross was arrested but has not been charged.
A spokesman said:” A number of search warrants were executed at various properties in Cheshire, Merseyside and Scotland. Six individuals were arrested with assistance from Cheshire Constabulary, Merseyside Police and Police Scotland.”
The Serious Fraud Office is an independent government department responsible for investigating and prosecuting serious and complex fraud, bribery and corruption.
A neighbour said: “He hasn’t been here long and moved from another house in the south of Ayr. People in Whinhill Road don’t expect to see the Serious Fraud Office round here.”
Solar Energy Savings ltd made £50 million through pressure sales, exaggerated the performance of panels and the potential return and saying they were part of a Government backed scheme.
Hi I’m looking at installing a 4kw system with eec home improvements Southport. The panels they use are delta and suntellite Just looking for any advice and feedback on company and panels. I live by the coast so recommended the suntellite panels is that right?
Hi Norman i am going to call in the morning (a bit late now ) ,i have looked at some of the Notts based companies on here & i have a couple in mind ,i would have like to have had it done before Christmas but i think that is unlikely now ,only found this site tonight & its been a big help
Fit change 1st of January has it been confirmed that it is changing and by how much is there a week after for people to get the systems resisted with it being the new year
Just had My Planet on the phone looking to come and do a survey for possible solar panels. We had someone look about a year ago and they said it can’t be done as our roof is too small. My planet reckon that the rules have now changed and they can do it. Not sure I believe this, does anyone know if this is true?
Thanks Stu, definitely interested, how do we contact you? Also we would need it set up financing, are you able to set up that stuff as well?
thanks Norman, Myplanet cost for 12* 250 kw panels was about 2000 cheaper, he suggested the higher rating panels because my roof has a few dormas in the way, so only 12 panels available . MyPlanet talked about having better quality panels and lots of guarantees etc, and admitted to be ‘top end’ but they do sound expensive
Just a line, to thank you for the recent solar installation of the solar photovoltaic panels to our bungalow.
From start to finish the process was very quick and painless and above all it was very pleasant to deal with a company and it’s staff that has old fashion courtesy and did exactly what it said it would do and well inside it’s timescale. The above comment also goes for your contractors who we could not believe how fast they worked.
Have quoted me £7995 (£103a month finance) for east west facing house.4KW 16 Antaris panels (8 on each side) with aurora invertor
Solar Electricity Systems
Hi, I’ve been quoted £7995 for 4kw 16 x antaris black panels plus aorora invertor with roof mount with Solar Electricity Systems for my East west facing house.Turn out £103.65 a month (£12400 if I don’t pay earlier than 10years)
Hi Norman
I registered with these when my installation was first done. The young man who records the data went onto google earth and in polite terms, told me I had a very unusual install and told me thatbI could not possibly generate in line with predictions. Of course he was right. When the niceic inspector visited after much fuss from me in September this year, my 6 nnw panels had outperformed in terms of generation, the 8 ( 4 sw and 4 se) on the rear of my house….and this is on the northern hemisphere!
Hi Norman
That is a great idea, but at the moment, I have a severely disabled friend living with me, a terminally Ill mother and I work full time. I worry that men on some of the forums think I am either the customer from hell, a nutcase or, a wronged consumer. Every good tradesman, and there are lots of you out there, are on my side, not that I’m talking ‘sides,’, but you will appreciate what I mean. Once this is resolved by RECC, the contractor is threatening to sue me. I have a very comprehensive report by niceic now, I hope the arbitrator takes note of that. In the early days, ie jan/ Feb/ march, I agreed to anything in the hopes of getting this resolved. That indecision, borne of ignorance, is now used against me. Nothing was ever put in writing so I could not a) hold the company to it or b) get men like you, and others who have visited me, to make comment. When I would agree things like optimisation, he would renege and say only 4 panels needed optimising.
I have an invoice but no receipt. No identifiers on my panels so companies cannot formulate a remedial plan for me, and the contractor is saying he removed all the identifiers and has them in his office. I was sold 315 kW panels, was told 305 kw panels were installed and the shading document( not filled in) that was sent in August says I have 295 kW panels. Who knows what is on my roof? Today 22/11/14, I have generated 1855 kW…thats almost to the full year, out of a plus 4 kW system as 14 x even 295 is over the 4 kW level I.e 4130 ….if we run with the invoiced 305 kW panels, I am well over!.
Give me time, and I will come up with something in terms of a victim support website. If other users/ victims on this site want to contact me, we can put our collective heads together. The agencies really do leave you to wade through the system, and the bad installers, know this and the process and play it very well. Thank you again.
PS. For the record, I again state I firmly believe in solar pv and know there are good companies out there. My daughter had a local guy install on her roof, a few miles from me, end sept beginning Oct, she has generated 254 kW up to yesterday. Incredible when things are done right.
Hi Tracy
Stu has sent you my mail address…please get in touch…happy to share my experience. There are lotsnof very good companies and sole traders in this business, but unfortunately, as Stu says, a bad percentage. I had no survey beyond a walk in the garden. Don’t make the same mistake as me, get any offers or discussions in writing. I would get a phone call the would reply in writing to try to record the gist of the conversation, and was so eager for a resolution, agreed to everything, leaving me open to the accusation I was confused…well, I was, as I , and we, are not meant to be the experts here…watch they don’t try to bamboozle you when two of them visit…I was forever bamboozled with techie talk..I know better now, but didn’t then
Hi Folks, looking for some advice.
I have received a quote for a solar installation at my property. I have done a fair amount of research and think this is reasonable however would just like others opinions before taking the plunge.
House is bang on south facing in the north east of England and is big enough for a 4kw system.
panels 12 year warranty + 25 performance warranty
Inverter 12 year warranty
Warranty Underwritten by Heis
4kw 16 Panels 250kw per panel.
Total cost £4995 including install no VAT.
finance over 10 years.
interest monthly 0.79 percent
£250 deposit.
No early repayment fee or maximum payment.
Total amount of finance £4745
£59.50 per month over ten years.
panels are Solar Europar. black with silver. All black option is an extra £700.
Estimated yearly income from panels
use half of electricity generated – £221.59 per year
Total benefit £707 in year one
FIT 14.38p index linked
£58.92 per month
2890KW per year
guaranteed for first 12 months
standard system comes with a generation meter
Type in the following into Google search bar:
Solar PV installation by IKEA UK YouTube
This will bring up some vides, click on the top one which will be 21.07 long. A friend of mine had solar installed by Hanergy (Ikea) and he has given a very comprehensive video log of it all, hope this helps
I’m no expert but from my own fact finding mission in solar that sounds like a massive over estimation of what you would receive from the feed in tariff.
Interestingly, your advice to call the 0800 number above resulted in being contacted by SolarWorld, who quoted a whopping £9k plus, for 11 panels and an iboost control. They then dropped it to £7.1 for 14 panels (there isn’t quite enough room). I have a company fitting next week for just under £7 all in!
Hi, I had a Solar PV System Installed today by SolarElectricitySystems in Glasgow. Its a 3KW System with 12 x Antaris Panels and the Power One Inverter. The installer left at around noon today and I only have 0.4kwh having been generated before the system went off around 16:30 . I am almost due South Facing with no shading issues…Is it just a bad day to have started or is something perhaps not connected correctly? I was also wondering if there was a protective film on the panels that perhaps had not been removed as per the attached picture?
I have signed up to 12 solar panels on my roof through Energy Hypermarket. No upfront cost but I pay the company £126 a month from what I get from the feed in tariff ( Estimated at £217 a month) It seems too good to be true. Does anyone have any advice/ insight before I am out of the cooling off period. I am anxious that I have done the wrong thing!
I Power Systems Ltd………Hi – was just on line trying to find out how to lodge an official complaint about i Power Systems ltd and came across this forum. Thought I would share what happened. After two pressured cold calls this company talked their way into my elderly parents home. After heavy sales tactics my mum eventually managed to get the bloke to leave, by almost begging and getting really upset. Mum is really really shaken. She had to tell him about her heart attack a year ago, and my dad’s memory loss and cancer recovery in an effort to get him to leave.
I’m furious! I found a number for them on line, operating as Solar4me. Just called it and the arrogance of the man on the phone was astonishing. After calling me ‘flower’ he was adamant the company had done nothing wrong. He said that the sales man had already called in to say my folks are vulnerable. If that’s the case why did the sales man stay in their home, late at night, baffling them with technical gumph, trying to force them to sign up to £9k worth of solar panels?! This kind of pressure selling is disgusting. These people need locking up! How dare they bully elderly people like this! I am so angry I have steam coming out of my ears!
It has been several months since they did the installation so didn’t want to blame them. I have since been told they had assumed I wanted to remove all the panels so the roofer could inspect the whole roof. The cost also includes commissioning the panels again. I explained that the leak was probably due to an ill fitting soil pipe boot which needs replacing. I think probably a row of 4 panels or even 2 would suffice to allow access to the soil pipe for the roofer to do the work. How much effort would be needed for this?
Hi Dave
I have just started arbitration..no one wants to help..we are all but on our own. Will keep you informed how I go on
We are at the moment waiting to hear from the company with a resolution.Not holding our breaths!! In the past 5 months we’ve had financial ombudsman involved and trading standards.TS pulled out a few weeks ago because finance company said they were going to resolve it.
Did get in touch with RECC and NAPIT but came adrift because in order to continue with complaint we had to agree to the company returning to fix the installation.No point because the rest of it all wrong and who wants them back?
Hi, we’ve just had what seems to be a good quote (looking at the below posts, but does anyone know what the reputation is like for Solar Electricity Systems ltd is like – based in Glasgow and Chelmsford, and using Antaris Solar panels made in Germany? thanks
Wow, great advice, many thanks, perhaps not ideal to go for the best after all !!.Have had a similar quote to canadian solar but for Seraphim panels, . Any advice most welcome.
Thanks again Brent
The inverter is going to go in the loft, as that’s the only place available. Saving me climbing up and down the ladder every time I want to check how much energy the panels are producing, is there an energy monitor that I can use? Cheers.
Sorry if this posts twice, but I posted this 2 days ago and can’t see it on the forum when I look:
Right, hopefully this will be the last post on here before we take the plunge!!
We have had our roof re-measured twice now at 8.6m wide x 4m high, which means we can actually get 15 panels on the roof so can get close to a 4kW system without having to go with the premium SunPowers.
Which system would you take? Both have been offered at £5850, both panels have 25yr linear warranty:
First system is 3.9kW system –
15 x 260W Trina TSM-DC06A.05 All Black Honey panels
JFY Inverter with free solardog monitoring system
2yr Workmanship guarantee
Second system is a 3.6kW system I think he said?
15 x 250W Risen panels
Samil Inverter
5yr Workmanship guarantee
10 yr warranty on inverter (can be 20yr for additional £360)
Insurance backed warranties on all products.
Second salesman was telling me that the Samil Inverter is very efficient inverter and therefore even though the panels are 10W less, we will be converting more of that energy into electricity so it’s not as simple as comparing the kW of the panels?? Is this rubbish?!
Which would you guys choose? I just want a reliable system that will maximise return on investment 😉
I have received 3 quotations ranging from £9200 for 12 panels with iBoost (MyPlanet), £6300 for 12 LG panels with iBoost (EEC), and the following from GREENENERGY NATIONWIDE made via the internet with a proper survey to follow.
Samil Converter (10 year warranty).
15 x 250 watt SolarWorld Sunmodule Plus Panels
Located on a S:FLEX Railing System.
Estimated output 3740 KWh/Year.
10 year installation warranty.
25 yr panel performance warranty 0.7% p.a.(80.2% after 25 years)
10 year product warranty on the Solar World Panels.
Cost : £5744.00 inc. VAT.
Solar iBoost: 419.00
Total cost: £6163.00
The roof slope on my semi-detached house is about 16 degrees, faces South/South West and is situated near Southampton.
This sounds like a very good deal. Can you recommend this company?
I have found your site to be very helpful and would appreciate any advice you can offer,
Hi, I’ve recently been considering solar panels for my semi-detached house near Southampton. The roof angle is 16 degrees facing south/south west without obstructions. Myplanet quoted £9200 including their iboost for 12 German Monocrystalline panels which I considered too expensive. EEC have quoted £6300 with an iboost for 12 LG Monocrystalline panels subject to a survey on 24/09/14. I have also been quoted by Green Energy Nationwide via the internet but not yet surveyed. They quote just under £6300 for 15 German Monocrystalline panels by Solarworld and an iboost. They estimate an output of 3.75Kwh.
This sounds very good but is it too good to be true?
If I go ahead, I will pay the full amount on completion of the work so there are no interest charges to consider.
The current electricity costs are around £500 p.a..
I am 73 years of age and have found this site to be very illuminating would appreciate advice on whether to proceed with either of these quotations.
Hi, could you tell me who is a reputable solar installer, one in which i can participate in the green deal plan? Tried searching internet but finding it hard to find one that i could trust after the energy-hypermarket thing last night. Thanks guys
We have cancelled the contract with I-Power, due to more research the system was overpriced, interest rate was 10.3 percent! The surveyors, yes a man and woman were very invasive. One of them in one part of the house while the other elsewhere! Supposedly surveying for the epc certificate .Yet we have read that this procedure should be non-invasive. We feel this company was out to rip us off! Thankyou for your help and advice.
Hi Alan,
i had a 4kw system installed by this local firm , pleased with the professionalism and quality of the fit from this company . It was quoted to me that over a 12 month period I would make a saving of approx. £800 .My previous annual electric bill was around £1200 .over the last 3 months I have received fit payments totalling £280 and my bill for electric has been £60 for these 3 months .you cant argue with that !!! .really pleased and it only took a day for the whole job.
I have posted a picture on their facebook page for you to see.
Hi Alan,
I had a 4kw system installed by this local firm , pleased with the professionalism and quality of the fit from this company . It was quoted to me that over a 12 month period I would make a saving of approx. £800 .My previous annual electric bill was around £1200 .over the last 3 months I have received fit payments totalling £280 and my bill for electric has been £60 for these 3 months .you cant argue with that !!! .really pleased and it only took a day for the whole job.
Many thanks for your reply.
This is what I started to think after some investigations last night. Its means that everything Energy Hypermarket told me last night was a pack of lies!! Very disappointing!! Angry with myself for falling for it without doing my research, which I normally do!!
I have now cancelled the purchase from Energy Hypermarket. Although so far they have not responded to my calls/emails/texts.
I will be getting several quotes and doing my own research before deciding on how to proceed!!
Thanks again.
Hi, I have just signed up for (wrongly I think) for the following deal from Energy Hypermarket. Have I been conned? Unfortunately I didn’t find this site until after I had signed the contract.
10 Solar panel system @ 250wp per panel
South/east facing roof
Postcode: ML1 2QU
Cost of system: £9500 – £500 cashback
Loan £127.54 over £120 month
They are telling me that the system will generate enough income to pay the loan and the cost of my gas/elec (approx £100 per month)
Thanks for any advice.
I’ve been given a quote from SolarKing uk for 10 panels = 2.5 KW my system will cost 6759.00 my repayments will be 88.61 per month over 120 months total repayment over the 10 years is 10633.20 is it worth having
does anyone out there know anything of solarlec? a 2kw system for £5855 has been quoted to us
Hi, I’ve just found this really useful forum and have already got alot of of good info, thanks. I have agreed to purchase and already paid a deposit of £1000 to Scottish Solar for a 4Kw 16 panel (.833 Gallium) system, with an Immersun 2 and Aurora Powerone inverter. Total price including deposit £6195. I felt the generation figures were slightly optimistic at 4000kwh a year ( SE facing in Barnsley, S36 6BF). I’ve been led to believe that the gallium panels may produce more electricity than others because of having 96 cells as opposed to 60 and apparently they they work at a higher voltage, but I’m still sceptical and would rather work with the figures quoted by a few other companies I have had round, between 3300 and 3600 Kwh.
My dilemma comes in that one of the other companies to give me a quote now have a promotion on, and are now offering a 16 panel 4Kw system for £4995.
This company is very local to me and according to them, they keep costs down as they are a subsidiary of a solar panel manufacturer, Solar Europa UK. I don’t know the quality of their equipment and was wondering if anyone had any experience of them or their panels and inverter.
Solar Europa 250w silver panels
Solis-3.6k-2G inverter
Solar Europa mounting system.
Norman Thanks you
I have a ox26 postcode Oxfordshire
south-west orientation, 35 degree pitch, Bicester Oxfordshire.
Hi all. does any body use or has used Benq panels as i was looking at them as an alternative to sunpower panels as i am limited with roof space.
Forgot to add that they have said but in the first year my total savings will be about 704.88p. This they say is a low end quote as they believe that i should make more. I can give you a break down of the figures if needed.
3.71kWp Solar PV System
14 x Gallium 833 – 265w all black mono panels (96 cell, 60v voc, 4 diodes, 90% 25yr, 25yr insured warranty
1 x Solax Dual Tracking Inverter (100v startup – 20 year manufacturers warranty)
Geo 2 wireless meter
VAT @ 5%
This is what is on offer from them, I had other Quotes and this seems like a good quote for good equipment?
Hi I’ve been quoted £5500 from scotch solar, 3.25kw 13 Pangea 833 gallium black on black panels with a power one aurora 3.6tl inverter on my 4 bed home, is the company ok and the system good
Hi, I am new to the forum and this is just an introduction. I am a p.v. installer based in Hampton, Middlesex. If anyone is looking for help or advice down this way then I would be happy to help. Thanks, John.
Hi Norman you seem to be giving out advice left right a centre thanks for the work you put into this.
I would like to ask… Project Solar quoted me 10,500 for a 10 panel system which seems a lot more than others on this site although they have included in that quote
Hot Water Controller
Voltage Optimizer
Owl Heating Control
which will apparently cost me 1,500 my question is … do most quotes include these things?
I noticed Mike above was quoted 7,100 which seems a lot less than my quote?
I’m kind of going to miss him for his entertainment value 🙂
I’ve been following the forum from the outside for around 12 months, and I enjoy reading the helpful information that the more ethical installers supply. I often learn something of value for myself also.
I don’t think I ever saw one post from that person that wasn’t a blatant sales pitch, and his constant belittling of any product that he or his company didn’t sell. Well that often had my blood pressure rising and I often started to write a post myself, but those posts would have been in anger and detrimental to my cause.
I also believe in giving people enough rope, as they always tend to take exactly enough to hang themselves eventually.
I felt compelled to join in a recent discussion as I really could not take anymore of the miss-leading rubbish that he was spouting and his vile disrespect of fellow installers, and indeed the solar industry as well. I only hope that his place will not be taken by one of his colleagues or worse still himself in a different guise. Though I’m sure we will all instantly recognise anything from him no matter what name used, by his bad spelling, bad grammar and basic lack of knowledge.
Keep up the good work with your site and forum, and long may honest and ethical companies keep pushing the cowboys and crooks out of the industry.
Thank you for this information, I don’t really understand it all but the following is on the contract:
16 Panels
Panel Output +5% STC 42
Minimum Output (KWp) 33.60
Annual Solar Irridation 10.27
Shading Factor 1
SAP Calculation 43.13
FIT Payment 621.13
Export Tariff 102.87
KW/hrs Customer Usage 100,000
Electricity Saving 66.40
Cost of Electricity Saving 537.60
Total Savings on & Tariffs 1,261.60
Loan is for 120 months at £132.89 a month
Price of system £10,145
Will be cancelling contract on Monday, will do some more research on different companies before getting solar panels. They did say that the tariffs would be reviewed at the end of the month and they could change so needed to sign up straight away, also we would loose the discount from the Energy Review Association.
Ann, would be good if you can post up the info on the I-power system. Make of panels & Inverter. Also the cost of the complete installation.
I had a 16 panel system fitted late last year & only cost £5k. Already reaping the befits. Saving on Elec’ bill down from £70 pm to £49 pm.
Plus the feed in tariff. Knowing the info gained from this site alone I would be reaching for the phone & canceling the contract fast.Give yourself more time to check out the competition.
Good luck, let us know how you get on.
Even taking those provided figures above into account, the difference in returns between 250w and 260w over 20yrs is still only around £1,600. Which I am more than sure that they will have built into their price therefore giving the customer absolutely no advantage over buying an industry renowned and lower or similar priced system from a reputable installer.
Any company could provide similar figures if they were calculating 250w against 260w. Though as we all know you can only provide estimates based on the actual badged kwp.
I strongly suspect that they have created the claimed £5,000 figure to try and offset the total amount that a customer would pay when paying on a finance agreement. Therefore misleading the customer into believing that they are getting the finance for free. I’ve seen these tactics and claims made by many unscrupulous companies over the years both inside and outside of the solar industry.
I also have my suspicions as I’m sure many others have too about the Evolution panel in general.
Surely if this Evolution panel was a completely different product then it would have a different model number than an already existing panel from that same manufacturer???
There you go Mark seeing as you like clutching at these so much. Take your pick.
As an outsider I have been following this discussion/argument with interest, sometimes humour and often blood boiling anger. Just so the customers know, here’s the maths which nobody seems prepared to show. Figures are based on the perpetrator of the argument’s KK figure of 983.
Standard 250w panel
KWH = 3932
Generation Tariff = £565.42
Export Tariff = £93.77
Electricity Savings at 15p per unit = £294.90
Year one total estimated savings and earnings = £954.09
The all singing & dancing wonder panel that is the Ecsolar ECS-250M60 or as has been relabeled by Project Solar as the Evolution+10. (amazing what a little research can produce)
Evolution+10 260w panel
KWH = 4089.28
Generation Tariff = £588.04
Export Tariff = £97.53
Electricity Savings at 15p per unit = £307
Year one total estimated savings and earnings = £992.57
Total difference between the two £38.48 per year
I don’t think it takes a genius to figure out that the meagre difference between the two will never equate to an increase of £5,000 over twenty years.
In fact the difference is £38.48 x 20yrs = £796.60 which any 0/+5 power tolerance panel will match.
You may also want to take into account that the Ecsolar ECS-250M60 or Evolution+10 as they like to call it has never been photon tested in either of its guises (again a little research). Personally I would always prefer to go with a panel which has a photon rating than one without.
I would also recommend looking through the posts on here and it won’t be long before you come to realise that the person making preposterous claims of what his panels will do. Is also the person who is consistently being corrected on his apparent knowledge and is also the sole cause of any argument and aggravation.
Personally I am sick and tired of reading his putting down of industry renowned quality products in order to attempt to big up his what appears to be a budget Chinese panel.
In my experience the one who shouts loudest is always the one who is trying to hide something!
You may also like to know that the Ecsolar ECS-250M60 (same model number as the Evolution as found on project solar website) is available from the following link, you may like to take note of the power tolerance rating of this panel.
I am now awaiting Tbvacs upload of the voicemail that the cause of all arguments has left him, with much anticipation.
My only hope is that the administrators of this site ban him so that we no longer have to read his lies and vile miss-use of what is supposed to be a friendly and helpful information based forum. I’m sure that most of the intelligent readers of this forum see him for exactly what he is anyway.
Hi everyone. I’ve had a read of this forum, which I stumbled across a few months ago and sounds like there is some good advice on offer here.
I’ve been toying with the idea of going solar, as my current electricity usage is up around the £100 a month mark. The house is occupied nearly 24/7, so free daytime elecy seems a worthwhile consideration.
Had the usual load of cold calls and have let a couple of people come round and quote me. I had one joker come round with a scheme that would be ‘self funding’ and no outlay costs. When you took the extortionate cost of the panels (£12.5k) and the finance costs, it was well over £16k, so I told them what to do!
Another company firstly came up with £9k, which I said (from research on here) was too high, but they then came back with a special offer of 16 black framed panels for a little under £7.5k, which I thought was getting nearer the mark.
I wanted to know what panels they used and that info has been rather less forthcoming, but I did get them to send me the details and although this was all techy stuff, it did have a model number that enabled me to Google it and find they are made by Risen Energy. Now that name is hardly a household name – in this house anyway – and I was wondering if they were any good or not. If they are at the cheaper end of the market, then the price quoted might not be so good after all.
Any thoughts anyone?
NB. I’m in sunny Hertfordshire, with a SE facing roof and no shading. Roof (just) big enough for 16 panels.
If voice mail is on your mobile, try this link: http://www.cnet.com/how-to/transfer-memorable-voice-mails-to-your-computer-with-a-simple-audio-trick/
If it’s on a landline then you are probably limited to playback and record.
It read waste of time to me now that’s being offence to me and my Mother would not like that ..
You insulted me..
And yet again you don’t like it back.
So do me a favor don’t reply to my posts or what I am doing ..
I am far to busy for this and the forum is not about this ..
I have battery storage at around £3k..
Back tracking yet again…
I have the evidence to back what have no evidence what so ever ..
Your seeming a Waste of vital organs to me..
Norman I am afraid you can old chap if you can prove it you can use it .We know what we are giving each and every customer as we have flash tests reports on each module and it is Gaurnteed Plus 10Watts not 0/5 torellence where some are and some are not its that simple ..
That’s why I can claim and deliver .. The Reserve power transfer technology is awesome as well..
No abuse by me at all .. I have asked you to call me a waste of space to my face .
Norman I think you need to read the post again we can do this as REC states because we can prove it with a flash test report on each module ..
Our Module is Guaranteed plus 10 watts so we can use it ..
Thanks Norman we do know what are we doing we are good at this but thanks for trying we do everything above board .
Hi Mark
I have battery storage storing 6KWs into batteires then discharging on the night you are now looking around the 3K mark,,
Proves to everyone you don’t know what you are giving to your customer’s .
I was not the one calming all my panels come from Germany..
Yet again can not back what you say ..
The point is you was in Germany in the office of solarworld claiming all your panels come from Germany . What about the Silicon and the ones licensed in India ..
You dont know what you are giving .
You have no knowledge and are a waste of time who back tracks time and after time .
You stated this not me …You words not mine
Here here Norman I agree completely! I was playing top trumps earlier with my daughter, she had a Fiat 500 card and me a Bentley Continental one – she beat me! I guess this proves that somebody can try and make the best of a badly dealt hand. I guess we can all find faults with things and pick on something which is better than other products. It proves there are other things which are worse than others? I guess this is why the MCS and RECC was set up? So I’m thinking if a panels has passed the rigorous MCS testing and the tens of thousands of £’s it costs to get through this process and the rigorous compliance RECC demand in regard to warranties I wonder why companies feel the need to doubt this?
Please look at RECC membership “Project Solar” it says their number of employees is between 1-6 ? This figure should include subcontractors ? They must be really busy people doing 250 installs per month lol!
Your putting my panel..Now Norman shall we get a show on TV like question time..
Cause please don’t say your not on here to get business..
Now lets go back to basics and that is to help the end user ..Been fun Norman ..Have a great weekend All my love Mark x
Yes there did win the Photon award back in 2010 ..When it was field tested against other panels that had been on test so guess what it might stand a chance of winning..
Norman are you now telling me that the plant in Minnesota are supplying Europe ?
When I have said Best that is about Sunpower which is the Best Panel in the World.
The Bosch factory which Solarworld produce about 5MW in Germany can not meet the demand when you think Solarworld probably do nearly 10 fold that figure so there license out same as REC ..Most companies do to meet the demand even Sunpower did hence why we have the BENQ panel..So there license out to meet the demand..
What is the warranty on the envoy the brains of the Enphase inverter?
Regarding making an extra £5000 of course it will with the extra wattage , remember the maths .. We don’t need History to work this one out..
KK 983 x 250W 247.75 KWH x 16 = 3932KWH
KKK 983 x 262W 257.54KWH x 16 = 4120KWH
Norman the QANW warranty does it cover electrical wiring ?
Most of the comments have been about company and no one has made direct reference to you. As long as you don’t own that company it doesn’t make you responsible person for that company surely there are others who work along with you.
I am not 100% certain but saw a comment by you not long ago where you made personal attack on someone. I can’t find that post now, but surely you can’t advocate others to do this.
I had come across this spreadsheet which predicts 20 yrs projections. It is useless in a sense that no one can really predict inflation between 5 to 10 years ahead and these sales people are doing projections for 20yrs ahead.
All the panels are tested under controlled conditions and try to compare them in real time is impossible over lifetime of the panel. E.g Cars fuel consumption provided by manufactures are based upon the same principle that they are tested under perfect condition but in reality you will never achieve them. It is totally wrong to suggest that you will make £5000 more etc.
I would say that customers should be explained the worse scenario as well as the best. This way it eliminates any comeback on sales people.
Mark, are you keeping a database of everyone on this forum?
Warranties are only applicable when things really go wrong, so pointless to compare them until put to test. Until such time it is waste of energy defending any of the policy.
If it is all about quality then why are getting upset about the reviews etc. You are now comparing your company with likes of “Apple”. By installing 4000 or so installation over how many years does not prove anything. It is a merely a figure.
Did you joined HIES from the start of your companies operation or later?
If you are so much boasting about visiting companies and giving lectures on quality then do mentioned just a few of large manufacturing operations your company has visited. Why do you go in your shell totally defensive.
You don’t seem to like Monkfish’s comments at all.
Well done Norman. A detailed analysis of true Solar PV pitch!
Hi Mark
The offer your company made….still haven’t been able to get Gavin here..Simon confirmed your very kind and generous offer, but not managed to get to me yet…weather was awful one week, but no reply to emails since. Can you let me know if the offer is still available? Thanks
Roger, my relatives have a visit from the roof surveyor for ipower systems tomorrow. Reading your post leaves me concerned. They have been quoted a very high price but been assured it will pay for itself in a few years. This has also been agreed on a finance deal. I’ve told them it’s not too late to cancel even though ipower say they will incur a charge for the roof surveyor visit. Any advice please?
Remember how key the panel is this is what will get your Yield for the next 20 years ..Degradation is so Important..
Please have a look at the warranties look at HIES The Most Comprehensive Warranty in the Industry …
Hi Angela
With only 9 Panels . You want to put as much Power as Possible on Your roof .. Sunpower is your Best Option …Please feel free to give me a call ..
Call the 0800- As well good way of getting to see some of us ..
If you can only get 9 panels on your roof your best option is Sunpower Best Panel in the World . Google Warren Buffet Sunpower..
Hi Anglea
You could have 9 x Sunpower 327W Panel ..The Best Panel in the World..Giving you a 2.94KW Size system rather than a 2.25KW ..
.With the World’ Number 1 Inverter Solaredge Voted by the Photon magazine the Which Magazine in the pv sector . We are one of only 4 companies in the UK to be a Premium Partner of Solar the others are simple not big enough to hold the license.
The only Panel that has a 25 year Build and Performance Warranty.
And lowest Degradation at 0.4% rather the standard 250w Panels degrading at 0.7%
I could do that with all the add on’s for far less than that..I only ever talk Black and white and give good sound honest advice at all times..
We would get 9 panel system 2.25kw including the FIT, passiv, optimiser and LED for £9000
Roof is south facing
Giving us a £374. Saving per year
Does this sound ok or could we get cheaper?
What is the best company to deal with for solar panels to avoid overpayment and the scammers?
Thank you Norman and Mark. I will follow your advice and hope that I can get some action. I will keep you posted. Thanks again Janet
Hi Christine
And welcome to the forum..
That is an expensive quote for 250W panels if you have a tight roof ..You are far better going for Sunpower 327W its a World Record Breaking Panel and the Best Panel on the Planet ..
The only panel that comes with a 25 year Build and Performance Warranty ..
All standard 250W panels have a 10 yr Build and 25 Year Performance Warranty…
So if the panel comes apart the nuts and bolts you will have to pay to replace the old and put a new one up as there will only send you a cheque for the cost of the panel..
Sunpower will replace and cover the costs in the warranty .
Sunpower 327W Panels x 10 would give you a 3.27KW ..
Rather than a 2.5KW..
If you move you can take the panels with you yes but you FIT feed in tariff is linked to your MPAN number. As Norman said.
So then your Feed in tariff would start again on the rate it was at the time ..
Finally the cost of the system seems very high without looking at the job to see what is involved …
And the projections seem about right to me …I hope this helps you if you need any help please call as I only ever talk Black and White at all times and give good sound honest advice at all times..
Remember its not Just the Modules you want to know What Inverter What Mounting KIT and What Monitoring ..
And the final piece what warranties …
Call the 0800 number above this way you make get to see some of us ..
Hi. Has anyone dealt with a business called Derby Solar Ltd. They have quoted an MCZ 365 Compact 35 but I am not sure of the quality of these biomass boilers? Does anyone have any experience of these? Also I don’t now anyone who has had Derby Solar install biomass? Have you?
Well said yogi ..
Well Monkfish Has not called me or told me his name so that tells me he really does not have a problem with his system because lets be honest I would have been making a call to get my system …
Thank You Andy..
You can not generate over 5000 in the Midlands on 4KW ..
Good Morning Fred
The Solarworld and the LG Hynudai are all standard 250W panels that will all start off at 97% and lose 0.7% each year.. I have a panel that is 100% for the first 5 year’s ..That’s a Massive Difference ..Remember the FIT runs for 20 years ..So the Degradation is the key ..
The Solarworld panel we tested at Warwick Uni and it does not work that well in UK Conditions everyone can say this and that .
But to me its all about 3rd party testing ..Please feel free to give me a call Fred..
Monkfish I asked you to call me . And whats your name?
Its for Active Monitoring 24-7 ..
Look at the degradation this is what will make you money …
I sincerely hope that you have better luck than I did with Green Energy Nationwide… my install was a disaster and took them 3 months to get it functioning properly. Unfortunately their method of dealing with “issues” is simply to ignore your calls & emails as I am still experiencing.
May I suggest that you get EVERYTHING in writing, and check it carefully and insist that written errors are corrected before you commit, check every aspect of their work and insist that all “issues” are corrected before making any payments.
Good luck
EDIT – Not sure if Paul’s comment was “old” or “recent” as it’s now showing as “7 months ago”
After that the customer has to pay to extend the warranty
thankyou andy, I not brilliant at maths but my figures didn’t add up to what they told me either .so my suspicions confirmed a dodgy company.
ipower are the only ones making the profit ouit of people that are taken in by their lies and false advertising. so lucky we didn’t sign up. we have decided not to have solar panels now seems to much trouble
Thankyou mind at rest nowshall look the company up , uch appreciated
Hi Paul the simple answer is the maths don’t add up.
Solar can be good investment but when you start adding interest and an expensive system disappointing results will follow. You will be paying a monthly figure and the feed in tariff is paid quarterly, summer higher than winter, so you will need to put some aside for the winter.
Choosing the right panels and inverter can make a big difference over the 20years of the feed in tariff.
Excellent feedback.
We are not here to just give bad press to Cowboy only, but where the praise is due then please give thumb ups to the company.
What warranties CPA or IWA.BIZ ?… Both no Giving an Insuranced Backed Guarantee ..
Yes so I can do the standard at that price
Norman as that is what that is standard but dont get me wrong is good kit … Would have to question the warrantes thou ?
And the REC panel Norman but there are all the same yes LG solarworld … All starting at 97% and losing 0.8/0.7% each year and ending at 83% or in the REC Panel 80% ..
Starting at 100% for the first 5 Years Massive Difference and ending at 90% … Giving an extra £5800 is a Massive Difference …
Now I am saying that is not standard that is Quality as i am sure you would agree.
We show the customer the degradation to the customer so there no each year what the system will generate each year . We now have Active Monitoring now as standard with all our systems..
And as we know if we have solaredge you can then see how each panel is working…
Just wanted to say thanks to this site and its contributors. Just had a call from MyPlanet UK saying that I can get panels for £100 (all backed by gov’t etc), reduce bills, and benefit from the income stream. I said it sounds too good to be true and asked about installation costs etc – the lady confirmed that the £100 covered everything. I took her name and number saying I wanted to check things out, and then came across the site.
I wont be calling her back…
Thanks all.
I have buying Solar PV products for so long, so thought people should be aware of some basic cost.
One rule in life, make money but not by robbing people.
Companies who are targeting older people should be banned.
Lead companies should have a capped on companies contacted these older customers.
I hope she has not paid any money across?
You have 7 days cooling off period for Cash customer and 14 days for Finance customers.
It shouldn’t cost more than £5k.
I hope this will help.
A question please to the Installers out there.
I have a 4kw system working fine & producing well.
I have heard about a Battery Kit that goes presumably in the garage and charges the batteries during the day time.
Then when light fails the Battery system comes into play.
Providing enough supply for TV, house lights etc.
Anyone out there know of such a system?
Any other info would be gratefully received.
Just for info.
I have had my system supplied & fitted by Greenenergy Nationwide Ltd.
I have received first class service from these people & continue to have info when needed.
If your thinking of installing a solar system these guys are worthy of investigation. Along with a very competitive price all has gone well with them.
Thank you Norman and Mark. We have now cancelled the contract in writing and he has spoken to them to confirm the cancellation is on its way.
Hi Pauline from Surrey
Firstly you well done for finding us here and saving your self thousands ..
Myplanet have always been very expensive for what there are offering ..
Yes its not free but if done correct..
Self funding loan where if you use the savings from your energy and money coming back from the FIT it should pay for it self over a 5-7 year period .
Just depending on what panels you have with what inverter’s and how many ..
Self Funding is good and work’s really well if done with the Right Panels Quality Panels And the Right Inverter…
MCS and RECC are standard which we all have to have and abide by the rules to Protect you…
And of course the correct Installer doing you install with the Best warranties …
Remember this is about you having the prefect piece of mind for Now and over the next 20 years..
If offering Finance must also have the FCA…Financial Conduct Authority ..
I give a 20 Year Service Warranty on a Award Winning Growatt Inverter with Active Monitoring so if you system is down you are mailed and so are we ..
Please feel free to give me a call on 07533411807…
Kind Regards
Mark Woollaston
Hi Ian
In short this is a crazy price 2.5KW system and in the NR postcode on a pure south facing this would give you 2402KWH .. So total income would be £589.69 .. Resulting in a 10 year back ..Crazy…You should be getting 4KW for this and less and than see why Solar is worth Investing …
The REC 250W Mono is a good Tier 1 panel .. In the same bracket as the LG and Solarwold Hyundai ..
All have a 10 year and 25 year Performance warranty ..All will be starting at 97% losing 0.7% of its performance each year
So at 10 years the panel will be 90% and 83% over 25 years backed by a 3rd Party ..
I have a Panel Evolution 250W Plus10 Tier 1 Mono.. With a 12 year Build and 25 year Performance Warranty and starting at 100% for the 1st 5 Years.. And still working at 90% over 25 years ..
Flash Reports on the panel are 262W so giving you an extra 200 watts ..
So 4KW of any standard 250W Mono against 4KW of Evolution will over the 20 year Period will show the Evolution giving an extra £5800.00
Now thats a No-Brainer without me telling you about My 20 year warranty on an Award Winning Inverter and Active Monitoring that comes as standard..
Still need to tell you now about my Mounting Kit K2 12 year anti corrosion guarantee all insuranced backed by HIES.
Kind Regards
Mark Woollaston
I’ve got a man from Solar Funding Incentive – Barclay’s coming back tomorrow. He has given me a quote for 16 panels, panel wattage size 250, installation cost £9,299.00 finance over 10 yrs = £14,780. Payback Analysis £61,521 after 20 yes my profit= 46,741. Energy cost per unit =£0.16. Can you tell me if this company and the figures sound OK?
Myplanet Ltd had a quote for 3kw panels £8095. Has anyone had any dealings with them?
Hi V.K.G
You need to get some quotes you will find that you have avery high quote for what you are getting ..
Hi Hussey2014
I no of this company as there have came up a few times on here if you scroll down you will see…
This is what’s called a self finding finance scheme and work’s very well if you get it a the right price with the right kit ..
Yes if you look into this way you will see the interest rate may seem high than some of the rates going around at the moment from the likes of Tescos and Sainsbury at the moment ..
But if you take from the bank that the company provide you should find that the bank will Bank the warranties for the term of the loan worth its wait in Gold when you take at for 15 years and the system should pay for itself in around 6-7 years using the right panels with the right inverter.
Warmest Regards
Mark Woollaston
Simple for me Sunpower..
Hi Sue
No this is crazy price no matter what was involved in the job and taking into account a split system so 2 sides of scaffolding..
You could have 12 x 327W Sunpower giving a 3.92KW system the World’s Record Breaking Panel ..
And Solaredge Best Inverter in the World by Photon the Which magazine in the Solar PV Sector for far less than this ..
What you are looking for is a good Tier 1 Panel with a award winning inverter the panel and the inverter will make your yield .Then what mounting kit and what monitoring device…..
And finally what warranties are insurance backed guaranteed ..I hope this helps you to start with I only ever talk black and white and always give good sound honest advice at all times.
Kind Regards
Mark Woollaston
Hi Ally
I see you was nearly I powered , As Norman say’s if your scroll down you will see this a name that keeps coming up..
This companies give us good guys a bad name ..
If you look at a data sheet of the panel you can then see the degradation of the panel and the warranties it has along side its Module Efficiency and VOC …
This is what will make you and save you money along with what inverter goes with the panel..
The Simax is just a badged panel .. I can show and prove to you how important chosing the right Module is increasing you yield by 200 watts and over 25 years making you an extra £5800.00..
Please feel to give me a talk I only talk black and white and always give good sound honest advice at all times..
Kind Regards
Mark Woollaston
Just an update on the company GreenEnergy Nationwide. After a lot of rearranging of appointments and promises of when I will get the scaffold up, panels delivered and the ONE DAY install, which took over a week. I am pleased to say that all went well and the panels are now up and running. I had some reservations I must admit but finally it all came good. I will report on the progress of the install and FIT returns in due course. MASSIVE thanks to NORMAN and MARK for all the help and advice.
I got a lot of good help and advice from a company called CPE SOLAR regarding the paperwork side of things so Thanks to COLIN POOLE for that.
hi norman did you ring me that day about the comments i put up somewhere?
Hi Paul
If you have a immersion heater I Boost or Immersun is a must …Micro inverters or Power Optimizes are a must if you have a shading issue..
I hope this helps to start please feel free to give me a call I am just hitting the road ..
Kind Regards
Mark Woollaston
Hi chaps, having been looking around long but have had two quotes so far.
Solar power gb quoted £12252 for 4kw 16 sharp panels yesterday. I told the guy I’d think about it.
Suns energy said they could do similar with lg panels and I boost for £7300. What a difference.
I like the sound of marks sun power panels with I boost. I’m open to quotes in the DA13 area of Kent. Roof is 30 degrees east of south and 6m by 5m.
If your company are in my area, reply with you mobile and I’ll call you.
Thanks for the great site.
Hi Mike,
Cheers for getting back to me. It was actually a 3.5kw system but includes all the extras. I had already voiced my concern with the price to the sales guy. If you would like to pop over some time this week we can have a chat. My number is 07980 005492. Cheers, Mark
Hi, I have been getting quotes in now for months. Almost too many?
The comments on this Forum are excellent and have opened my eyes about the good and the bad both in equipment and misleading sales info and techniques.
I have (I think) settled on 13 Solar World panels with 13 enphase micro inverters plus solar I boost for £6745. K2 fittings for a Rosemary tile roof. Although I have just heard that my Megaflow HW tank will possibly not work with I Boost as Megaflow do not want to assist?
So I might go for the full 16 panels putting the other 3 or 4 on an adjacent roof. Roof with 12 panels 40 degrees from South, 45 degree inclination. Roof with 4 panels also 40 degrees from South but 36 degree inclination. In Zone 11 (PE9). Shade factor roof 1 is 0.99 roof 2 1.0
Generation quoted between 3366 to 3658 KWh as a conservative figure. MCS Performance charts only used by 2 companies rest still using SAP (Sheffield based mean) and will not be using them.
What do you think a fair price is for the 16 Solar world 250 panels + enphase micro inverters using the K2 fittings and NOT having the i boost?
Any comments and help gratefully received.
Hi, I have recently been quoted £11’445 for a 3kw system with 14 panels, pasive system, voltage optimiser, smart home energy control and LED bulbs on a South Facing roof. It was provided by the Energy Hypermarket Ltd but after reading your posts and fantastic advice teh price seems high. They seem to be quoting the standard returns on investments like your other customers. I live in Manchester. Could you offer any advice.
Hi unhappy bunny
Did you get things sorted as i’m looking at this company the price is very good. any feedback would be great
Hi i’ve been looking at this company did you go ahead with them? if so did it work out ok? :]
just got a quote from this company that been talked about before but not really much feedback … can anyone give more detail of the product and service please
Solar Essence
They’ve quoted just under £6k all in for a 4Kw system with:
– Eco Future all black 250M60 panels
– GW 3600-UK inverter
– commercial quality mounting system etc
– Solar iBoost
– with 10yr insurance backed Warranty including 24hr response line support
and should be an integrated system but its not clear on the qoute
I’ve also had my solar system installed by suns-energy in wickford, what a brilliant company, I’ve also got a free tablet on which they have installed my managers view of enlighten, top class panels and Enphase micro inverters, I can’t believe I got all this for the price of much inferior systems, own installers were tidy clean and I can’t praise this company highly enough, my neighbour also had them do a flat roof system, his micro inverters are generating like mad, he recommended them to me!
Hi John
Suns- Energy cover you’re area and offer in roof systems only sell LG panels and Enphase micro inverters,
I just had a 4kw system for 7200 with I boost all the so called solar experts on here say it’s one of the best systems around me and the wife love it,
Feel I am getting my own back on the energy companies lol
Best wishes
You have no made one comment that has any fact in it . You back track time after time .You are offering kit and don’t understand what you are offering.
You are well over priced what you are offering .
And about me being aggressive I have made over 500 comments on here for over 15 months .
Been in renewable s for over 5 years I have a Very good name in this Industry as people pas s my name and number on to family and friends.
I always talk Fact’s and give good sound honest advice at all times .
As we can all see you seem to Make things up as you go along.
Hi Barry ping me your contact details for a chat. Thanks
Hi both,
I’ve discarded the hanergy system. I’ve narrowed my choice down to two providers. Contact-solar who offer solar world panels and Samil inverter. My other choice is halo energy who offer Canadian solar cs6p panels and solis inverter. Both offer 10 years on the inverter and 20 on panels. Both prices £5,300 inc vat
Both systems 16 panels 4kw
A third supplier advised that solar world panels are going into administration and halo energy have fake guarantees. As you can imagine this has made me nervous of both any suggestions ideas.
were about to start a new build 2.5 stories with large south facing roof and have been looking for quotes for a 4kw intergrated system the first quote we have is fron eec solar for 16 perlight panels and a solis 3.6K-2G inverter for £6,799.00 incl vat plus an extra £400 ish for an iboost for the water heater which was not on the qoute, does anyone know the company or product were based in somerset
A similar comment to the one posted by Facebook user was removed by the moderators as it seemed to be competitor trashing based and not backed by evidence despite the poster being challenged to provide some. Seems likely to be the same tactic in their posting under a different name here. Facebook user lets see your proof or lets expose you for deliberately using this forum to try to trash a rival.
Were in the early stages of a new build, don’t really expect to start the build until Sept but we are already looking at integrated PV system of 4kw on a south facing roof which has more than enough room to take this, I’ve just had my first qoute in from a company called eec solar for 16 perlight panels, Solis 3.6K-2G inverter with vat its a £6,799.00 and i think they want around £400 for the iboost for the water heater. does anyone know the compay or product, this is an integrated system so the price looks ok
Anyone heard of smartsave solutions ?
Hi Mark,
I do not work for eco-environments..and i have faith if it is MCS accredited it has been checked and met a certain criteria to be sold in the uk. However i like to stick to Hyundai and LG as they are likely to still be here further down the line compared to a cheap module made in china that only started manufacturing in the last few years.. .i would check your sources of information of why you think I am with eco-environments… you are very confrontational i wouldn’t like you sat in front of my grandparents selling them solar without me there…
SEM? Standard Estination Method? or Estimation Method? I think we are all singing of the same hymn sheet if you are using zone 6 for your area and using zone 7e for Lancashire etc and also using the sun seeker application with the 100 squares that you take of 1 percent for each square that is obstructed from the sun path then all is good.
have a look at the link below Mark to see if you are up to date because i recall seeing a quote from project solar given to Mrs Kippax-Davis late last year stating SAP 2009 and also the output didn’t add up using the old SAP2009 0.8 x 4 x 1073 x1 = 3433.6kwh or the even the new one from MCS’s new guide installations of solar pv systems which should of been 4kwp x 929kk x 1sf= 3716kwh (using Birmingham’s irradiance chart) in fact the quote showed no workings out and the figures where about 10% higher….which is worrying as the highest kk on that irradiance chart is 937…Luckily I showed her how to calculate it herself and your price was to high so she came with me and i also got 2 referrals from her to 🙂
Hope this helps 🙂
Hello, Can any one help me to choose which panels I should buy between sharp or sunpower for a 4kw system and micro inverters. I am so confused.
We have just had a quote 8 Sun Power panels £6800.00
Company us Solar Green.
Any one used them before ?
Is this a good price ?
Has anyone used green energy nationwide, just had a quote for 4kw system. Seems ok at £5695 with 16 SolarWorld cells and a Samil Inverter plus all installation fully included? thx
Has anyone experience with energyforbritain.co.uk they rang me and said I can have it funded with no outlay myself at 4.6% interest rate?
Hi any one had problems with a company called ideal solar solutions based in derby?
We are seriously attracted to having solar panels but are very worried about damage to the roof. We have a bungalow with a tiled roof which is quite old but fairly sound. Has anyone had a bad experience with damage to their roof and / or leaks following an installation?
Are there various different fixing or mounting systems and if so, what is considered to be the best?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
Hi can you tell me if the SAP calculation are valid?because i heard they are outdated and what calculations they use now?im very comfused
I know Norman bless him , he did come out with some crackers yesterday then tried to back track on what he claimed .. The company who he works for Eco Environments Ltd .. Must have done 250 installs in 2012 turning over 2.5 Million yet he claimed he has done 700 installs ..You got to love them .Make me smile ..
What is the post meant to point out? sorry I am lost? I created an account to have my say as you love to have a dig at your competition without the full story. I have sold a 4kwp system for £10050. This may sound high however there was 17M of 3 and 1/2 story scaffolding with a permit from the council required, commercial EPC and 20% Vat. If solar enquirers are reading this then I would like them to see the top 10 things (in my OPINION) a dodgy salesman will do to get a sale i’m not on here to be a keyboard warrior like you
I totally agree that mono’s are more efficient, but if you are working to a budget then installing a poly is nothing to lose sleep over as you will still get a decent output. If there was a huge difference why aren’t we able to factor it in to our calculations under MCS Standards?
Its interesting that you install 16 x 260w (4.16kwp) I know most DNO’s will give you permission to go up to 6kwp on a single phase without upgrading anything…but if you are installing 4.16kwp surely your customers are going to fall in to the 13.03p rather the higher tariff of 14.38p……please tell me more because obviously we want to give our customers the best system possible
Well I have systems that have been installed since the 1st month of when the FIT started, with installs in the same area with same pitch and variation from south I would say on average you are looking at around 5-7% better off with a mono compared to a poly from my experience, I suppose it would depend what part in the UK you live amongst a lot of other factors
Either LG or Solarworld 🙂
Does anyone have experience of a Company called Scottish Solar using 833 gallium panels?
10 Dodgy Salesman Tactics
1. Tariff is not changing on the 1st July!
2. The 25 year guarantee on a solar panel is usually for the performance only (apart from Sunpower) Make sure you get a datasheet stating the official guarantees
3. A lot of inverter guarantees need to extended from 5 year manufacturer guarantee to 10 years and costs the company only £50 to do so you will receive a certificate of proof showing extended guarantee period.
4. Monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels produce almost the same over 12 months, this is why it is not took into consideration whilst working out how much you will generate. The difference is minimal.
5. Price drop, if a company drops the price by more than £200 or offers you a price that isn’t valid for 30 days even though you may not feel it you are being pushed into placing an order.
6. Do not let the salesman talk you into signing a waiver form to cancel your 7 day cooling of period, you are signing your rights away!!
7. The 10 year insurance backed guarantee will only kick in once the company has completely gone out of business. Use http://www.companycheck.co.uk to make sure the company isn’t in financial difficulty.
8. The country has been split up in 21 different zones generally the further south the better the figures, make sure you are quoted for the right zone, otherwise your kk (kwh per kwp installed) will be higher than its true value.
9.Some salesman are ruthless and will do anything to get the sale especially if they are on high commission. Let them give you all the information to enable you to make a decision, if they are trying to get you to sign up on the day their offer might not be as good as it seems and they may not want you to shop around.
10. Slander! don’t believe everything the salesman tells you about other companies sometimes they are just trying to kill of the competition. You are looking for an equal balance of a good price for a good system with a good installation team with aftersales support. The only way to check this is find someone who has done some work for someone you know check them out and try and be put in contact with other people they have done work for.
Hi Gemski,
3.5kwpm system using 250w All black Monocrystalline panels with an inverter of your choice with a 10 year guarantee covering everything on it for under £5999 inc VAT ( I can give you exact price once I know roof type and scaffolding requirements).
With regards to SAP 2012 changing its name it exactly the same survey and should come out with same figures using the same irradiance charts and sunseeker chart so for you to tell the customer that you have stopped using that calculation is misleading and may give the impression the other company still calling it SAP 2012 data is out of date. It has simply been renamed.
Anyway on a positive note the sun is shining and money is to be made from your roofs happy shoppers, so stop wasting time reading all this rubbish and buy from someone who has done work for a friend or neighbour, because remember, it is not all about how good/professional the salesman was or how great the panels and inverter are the most important part is the installation team who are going to touch your roof and the aftersales!
Hi Adam
No one is putting any company down unless there are trying to Rip someone of which is what RECC is there to do is to Stop Double Glazing tactics.
No you are not cheep and I think you mean Cheap. at £6500 for an LG 250 Mono with choice of inverter ..
What mounting Kit do you use and who are your warranties with ?
I think you need to start reading my comments . I always say without seeing what is in the job.
This forum is to help the end user and not start arguing against each other .
So what is the name of your company ?
Regarding SAP2013 is what is being used but it is not SAP2009 as it now more accurate on postcodes of the UK .. Then it is called the Standard Estimation Method taking into account the performance of the Module…
The best way of getting work is by doing a good job for the end user and getting them to pass our names on ..
Which happens to me all the time as I do the right job and give Value for money at all times.
Kind Regards
Mark Woollaston
I had a 4kw system with micro inverters [ENPHASE] and LG250W Black panels iboost water heater and free tablet and the Enlighten managers view for £7200.
I have since found out its the rolls Royce of systems and its flying !!
company was Suns Energy based in essex
good luck
Barry old Chinese man say’s man with little knowledge he is very dangerous..
Barry i am struggling here to see why someone would what to call someone for advice and yet you are using old calculations which we should no longer be using as part of RECC ..Trust is important me and Norman don’t agree all the time but we have mutual respect for each other as we are both here to help the end user at all times.
Hi Gemski77
You are correct it is a minefield in the Solar PV world there are many people that are over charging and are offering panels that are Graded panels for silly prices ..Please feel free to give me a call I only ever give good sound honest advice at all times.07533411807..
Kind Regards
Mark Woollaston
Barry I suggest you need to learn what you are offering and what you are talking about .
And come up to speed on the formats that we use in the industry ..
Thank you Norman and I think the same and with little knowledge of what he is offering and already Misleading people as He is still using an old calculation which is out of date . And as you have stated very in accurate .
Of course someone in Brighton for instance one someone down in Cornwall will generate more than me up in Birmingham and i will generate more than you up in wee Scotland..
It’s a minefield out there! I have had two quotes in the last week. 1st company: I-power Systems LTD, basically told in order to progress with survey I would need to sign a contract ( I’ve now cancelled within 7 day contract). They quoted £9955 for 14 panel 3.5 kW system. Just had a second quote, from green energy nationwide and they have quoted £5210! How can it be so different?
Hello Norman, which panels are ones that you recommend and worth paying premium? What is your ideal panel and inverter?
My daughter has just signed up with MyPlanet for £10,000. The salesman had her sign up straightaway. No survey of roof angle or orientation! Anyone heard of this company and can she cancel within 7 day cooling off period and how does she do this please?
Hi Mike, thanks for the advice.
They have emailed me a quote, with lots of options on upgrades of panels etc.
the basic package is
16 x Amerisolar 250W solar panels
1 x Samil Solar River 3680TL inverter
1 x Schletter roof mounting kit (layout tbc)
1 x All cables, clips, isolators needed for the installation
1 x Full MCS / NICEIC Installation including the EPC and completion of all the paperwork
1 x Scaffolding and access (if required)
In your opinion, what you add or upgrade?
Thanks again
hi ive just signed to have a 4kw system 16 panels £7000. anyone heard of them cant find any reviews many thanks
Hi Eveyr
We are very aware of 1st Energy as they are on our door step, in a way they make it easy for us by charging ridiculous prices. I just feel sorry for the customers who don’t seek further quotes. Feel free to give us a call, we are always here to help.
Hi Eveyr
Disgusting behavior from 1st energy and thank you for pointing this out to us ..
Please feel free to give me a call on 07533411807
Both are the best inverter’s you can get Solaredge have tested by Photon and won award’s ..Enphase and yes i do like it have never tested against another inverter ..
To me 3rd party testing is importnat..
Hi Dean
Nice kit you have and yes you will love the Enphase monitoring it is really good ..And you have good panels too ..
Well done and enjoy making and saving money..
Hi Robbie
I hope you get this resolved this are the sort of companies that give us a bad name ..
I came across Green Energy Nationwide this year and last year. They have always sold cheap far to cheap and I have said many times when companies are selling this cheap its okay but the problems will okay when you have to go back to jobs for a system not working correctly ..
Hi Delyth
This is a crazy price for a Graded panel well over the odd’s what you should be paying ..This panel is a badged panel ..
I have 12 years on my panels build warranty not a 10 year build ..
Its not £200 over priced as that would be the price on a string inverter but even so still over the odd’s
There will be using Enphase inverter which is a good piece of KIT..
You can do far better than this on panels ..Please feel free to give me a call on 07533411807..
Kind Regards
Mark Woollaston
Hi Solarconfused
This is a crazy price for a 3KW system about double what you should be paying ..Sharp only do Poly panels so you can do far better than this on the panel..
You want to know what panel it should be 250 W and be a Mono if it has a Linear Degradation and a 3 rd party are banking the performace it will be a bankable module and be Grade A cells.
You then need to know what inverter what mounting kit?
Along with what monitoring device and what warranties..
I hope this helps you for now I know its a minefield out for you please feel free to give me a call I only ever give good sound honest advice at all times.07533411807
Kind Regards
Mark Woollaston
As per our proposal and quotation we ask that ALL customers pay a % of the bill before work commences. It was agreed you could make a payment when our installation team arrived at your property, due to a bad experience you have had in the past regarding a conservatory. When we arrived you REFUSED to pay anything!!! Therefore the installation could not go ahead. We cannot put £1,000’s of equipment on your property without any form of commitment from you!
Green Energy NW
Hi i had a company called Green Energy nationwide ltd based in lancashire. Their price was good but they wanted the money first, which I refused and two of the managers agreed when i told them they do’nt have to do the job, and there is not a chance to pay advance, the answer was no, no we will do the job. they were suppose to call between 9.00-11.00am and no one turned up after E mail and a phone call 2.00pm I was told they are unable to call today as they did not finish the job from the previous day and I will have to make another appointment. another appointment was made for the following day. An hour after i received a phone call that the work men are on their way. Come 3.30pm two men appeared. they were on the driveway and I received a phone call I must pay half the money before they start and the rest when the finished, otherwise they will call the deal off and he will pull the workmen off the job and off the went and the company now sent me a bill for £1800.00 for the scaffolding. The scaffolding is still on after nearly three weeks despite my repeated request to remove it. The company is no replying I wonder if they are still trading.
Is Solar plants a reputable company they have quoted us for 4 kw x 16axitec panels with individual inverters i.e parallell wiring. They stated these were not the standard panels but a better quality system at £8295 Are we being stitched up?
so a disgruntled ex-employee then!! That is not what this forum is about!
Hi Miles T
You will find that myplanetLtd are well over priced get at least 3 quotes .
Remember the panels should be 250 watts and above and be Mono .. You are then looking for the panel to have a linaer degradation as this will make you more yield over the 20 year period.
What inverter are you getting ?
What mounting kit?
What monitoring device?
And what insurance warranties?
I hope this helps you to start and question’s are any help please feel to give me a call on 07533411807..
Kind Regards
Mark Woollaston
Hi FunnierIs that the total cost on finance for the panels ? If not i would say you could have a record for the highest over priced quote ever well over £10,000 over priced …
Give me a call I am sure i can help you solve this and help you 07533411807.
Mark Woollaston
Hi Dean,
I am the owner of a Solar company who install the product you mention and believe that is a good price in the current market.
I would check with En-phase themselves to their swap policy as I know a replacement will be sent out immediately should there be a failure but peace of mind about the scaffold would be suggested before purchase,but i would say better than a string inverter set up and no dc.
Hi Pablo
This would seem very expensive for a 10 panel system (assuming a 250w panel). Not knowing where you are based I would take an average of 900kwh/kw which would estimate a yearly production of 2250 kwh’s. With the current FIT rate, export rate and potential savings I would estimate the yearly total to be around £525 per year for 20 years = £10,500.
£36 lower than you will have to pay over 10 years!!!!
You may be in a part of the country that will have a higher output so therefore the figures will be higher but there still seems to be very little benefit to you. Any potential gain is swallowed up by the finance interest (and the high price to start with)
As a guide we would look to charge around £4500 for a 2.5kw system(10 panels). If you are in Scotland id be happy to look at an alternative for you, if not Scotland then im sure any of the other regulars on here would be happy to help aswell.
All the best..
Just had a quote of 16 x 8.33 Eternity Mono Black panels (4KW), Solar Edge SE 3500, power optimisers and a Schletter mounting kit. Fitted to a bungalow for £6,300 – can anyone advise if this is a reasonable price?
Nice Post Norman …
Solar-energiesukltd st Leonard’s road Bournemouth Dorset nothing but trouble. Sub contract all work, guarantee epc certificates totaly iligal process, how can they do that, send mcs in post, for a very expensive fee. Please check them out someone….
Although you only posted this 17 days ago, when I discussed the options on a quote from your firm last weekend I was told that 0% finance was only available up to 24 months which as you will appreciate came as a great surprise to me. I also believe that the interest rate on finance for 36 months was in excess of 11% or thereabouts.
Look forward to your comments on this
Laurence, you have made me really happy. If just one person benefits from my efforts to expose this dreadful company, then that will have be compensation in itself. Mike on here has been great, as have other reputable installers, too many to mention really. You have had a lucky escape. My system is dreadful. Documentation not correct. Poor generation. Not as contracted. Damage to my roof.
Bullying for a small outstanding payment.
Regulatory bodies poor.
You are well out of it and I hope your system is all you wished for, and more importantly, paid for.
I’ve now had 3 quotes following visits to my home in Essex. Another installer that I found through here has recommended that I get an EPC assessment done before they can arrange a site visit which makes sense but the other 3 sales reps have said that they would arrange an EPC assessment on the installation date or just after and that they had every confidence that the property would receive a D rating once the panels had been installed.
The most recent quote was from another installer that I found as a result of this Forum and this firm’s quote has been the lowest so far (I need to see the small print of the warranties though). The quote is to install 10 x Solarworld 250w Mono PV panels with Enphase Micro Inverters for £5617.50p.
Whilst the lowest quote so far, I’m still feeling that it is still on the high side compared to some of the prices quoted on here for similar installations.
Are my feelings wrong – is this a good price for the kit that would be installed in my area???
Hi all, I am based in East Kilbride, south Glasgow and have had 2 quotes recently and 2 completely different visits. Both companies are MCS approved. Let’s call them 1 and 2.
1. Guy did say he was not a surveyor. He did a fixed price quote using our existing useage without any survey there and then using sap spreadsheet. Said it would start paying for itself in 2 years. Did include for energy report in house. Cost was extremely high and only for 1 panel (apparently best in market from Canada).
2. Surveyor checked loft, angles, tilts, took photos, went away to quote and provided 3 options of panels, he checked for earthing of house, said the system would take 5-7 years to start paying for itself as he said he didn’t want to give best option available. Costs didn’t include energy report but he did leave a card of a local guy. The 3 systems are sharp, sun power and sun module. His paperwork of his tender was brilliant and I must admit I am really impressed.
Now, why ask for advice? I haven’t a clue on why I would pay and extra £1k for a different panel so I would appreciate any advice on the 3 panels I was quoted for.
Lastly, can anyone recommend a local company so I would be able to get my 3rd competitive quote?
Thanks in advance
Norman is your best bet to speak to or Kenny on here …As both are up your way …
Thanks for reply .we are south west and get the sun from midday onwards . We are situated just outside durham.
we will be getting 6 sun module plus 260-275 mono black panels.
Hi all, great forum and a big thanks to the contributors – I’ve found the info really helpful.
I’m building a block of 12 flats and am getting quotes on solar PV for the flat roof. I’m getting conflicting advice from installers and energy companies on FIT and am hoping an expert here can set me straight.
I’d like the panels to be able to power the flats, especially the electric immersion heaters. Some say this isn’t directly possible as the panels need to be linked to one meter only for the FIT tariff. So I can use them to power the landlord meter for say hallway lighting but if I want them to power individual flats, I’d have to install sub meters and divide and bill between the tenants myself while paying a single electricity bill to the energy company. Others say that this is not true and I can power and meet the flats individually without any problem. Who is right?
Many thanks!
Hi Lee
Could you name the company who gave these quotes please
It is against MCS selling rules to offer time limited offers for quick sign up. http://www.microgenerationcertification.org/
if you need help rescuing your investment contact us at http://www.microgenerationcertification.org/ and they will do their best to advise.
I could only find it on the Scottish Energy Saving Trust site too. I think there’s help in England for small to medium sized business’s only through the Carbon Trust. It’s just a shame that the rest of the UK haven’t got this.
So, if you live in Scotland, you can get up to £2500 interest free loan for five years fixed term from the Scottish Energy Saving Trust.
Sorry not to have updated sooner but installer attended and pinpointed problem with the inverter. One week later new inverter fitted but following todays remarkable summers day in march ive had another un-remarable day of average generation.
Again comparing to surrounding, similar systems im only at approx 40% generation.
Im going to have to get them out again but at this moment am dismayed with it all.
When they are selling you the system they hype up all that matters and once there is a problem make out my expectations are unrealistic.
Has anyone any experiance or knowledge of a system being removed following installation, due to poor workmanship?
All responses would be appreciated as i’m considering all options as to how long I put up with this shambles.
call me on 07809145268 to have a chat
Welcome Magdalena,
£14,200 is a frankly insane price for a 16 panel solar system. Also, if the discount offered was any more than £250 the company has broken the MCS guidelines that govern this industry.
All the evidence you present points to the sales call being the sort of thing this website seeks to safeguard against, i.e:
* Over-inflated performance claims
* Discounts offered for ‘on the day’ signatures
* Uncertainty over proposed equipment
* A crazy price
We offer customers a excellent mid-to-high end system for around £5995 to £6500 and provide accurate itemised quotations with reliable figures to get your teeth into. There are also plenty of other genuine and ethical people on here covering the length of breadth of the Country who will offer you a much better system for less than half of what you have been quoted.
Just to add a little more information, I have a business with a directly south facing roof, aprox 175m2 in area, obviously lots of potential for solar power generation, I am also next door (15m) to a electricity substation (not sure if this is a factor). Quotes are aprox £1000 / Output of KW (£20k for 20KW, £25K for 25KW, and so on upto 40KW.) I have 2 quotes which are very similar, however one is for Monocrystalline solar panels, and one is for Solarworld Panels. I would appreciate any advise. Thanks
Just to add to what Mike has posted both LG and Hyundai have a widely diversified portfolio of products so are more likely to last the 25 years of the guarantees.
There is a school of thought that says a good long term pv manufacturer should either have a wide diversity of products such as LG or control the manufacture of silicon like REC who make their own.
Silicon is the lifeblood of the of the pv industry and if you make your own then you are in a powerful position.
LG are a stunning looking panel. we used them recently on a house in a conservation area that needed a planning application. The irony was it was for a planning officer. The LG panel blended in best with the slates.
Hi Walter you can do far better ….Than this on cost and type of panel .. Sharp only do Poly panels….
Hi people just a quick question. One installer is offering an “ecosure ” insurance product; described as an “insurance backed warranty”. (ecoinsurance.co.uk) Apparently “the policy provided is paid for by the installer at no extra cost to you” which I must say, is a new one on me. Is this a worthwhile extra? – what I mean is, I know it’s an insurance policy and I know who’s probably REALLY paying for it ( i.e., me, the customer)…but Is this a standard practice? – thanks again.
I’ve recently had a 4Kw system installed. I checked the MCS list and selected 3 installers with proper business addresses and had 3 quotes; they were quite close on price, but I decided to go for a firm called Astrum energy solutions as the information they gave me was straight and honest, they also didn’t press for me to buy anything I didn’t need.
They came round at short notice to fit in with some time constraints I had and finished the installation in 2 days in the black of winter just before Christmas, everything was left clean and tidy.
So far in just over a month the installation has been very good, when we get a sunny day I check the system to see how much money its making, although I will have to wait a year to tell how much it really makes. Installation costs for everything including a hot water controller was just over £6000. So based on this I think Astrum energy are very good.
Got to agree with Nick on this. Sunpower do make great panels but there are also lots of other good panels.
Just like there are lots of great makes of cars, tv’s laptops, fridges monitors, ect ect ect.
My advice on here has always been.
1. Get three quotes from local companies
2. Ignore national companies using subcontractors and salesmen
3. Ask for contact details of six closeby customers
4. Check RECC, MCS Registrations and insurances
5. Make sure the projected figures comply with the new MCS Guidelines and contain a Shading Analysis.
6. If your quote has come from a company using cold calling its going to be much much more than it need be.
7. Do your own research
Then have confidence in your chosen installer. They are the experts..
Hi Jan
Like Nick I’m sorry to hear of your plight.
One of my posting colleagues on the electricians forum runs this site. Might be worth you contacting him:
Hi Neil
Good post. Lots of interesting questions.
I’m an electrician. I’ve been installing pv in Fife, Falkirk, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Perth for about four years. So I’ll try and answer your questions as best as I can. But bear with me.
1. With all guarantees not matter what the industry it all comes down to how strong they are when you make a claim. In most cases the responsibility lies with your installation company. If any guaranteed part of your installation fails then thats your first port of call. However with some companies like Enphase if their micros fail within five years then they assume the responsibility for replacing them…parts and labour. Plus under the terms of our MCS and RECC licence we should also give you an insurance backed guarantee.
2. If its a standard string inverter then the DC cable run from the panel to inverter should be a short as possible. In some cases where there is an integral garage then thats an option that should be discussed with your installer.
3. Yes temperature can affect performance with both panels and inverters. Lofts can become very hot in the summer and than can cause inverters to overheat and reduce performance. Likewise the more solar heat that hits the panels the efficiency can drop.
4. I have customers with REC and 833 panels and Samil inverters that are more than 2 years old. I also have customers with Solar Edge Optimisers and Enphase Mircos. I email them then every three months for their opinions on how their systems are working.
Never used Yingli or LG so cannot comment. Yingli have only been about for 18 months or so. LG are a huge company involved in a wide range of electronic products. Never used Eltek or Afore inverters so cannot comment.
We have been using Samil, Enphase and Solar Edge for more than two years.
If a pv system fails 90% of the time its due to the inverter not the panels. In three years we have had one single call back to a Samil inverter.
Hope this post is of help. If you need more info just let me know,
Hi Gary,I had a sales guy round last night from Scottish solar.I got quoted £6250,though he said I could probably get it done for £6000!.I was wondering what price you had been quoted at the outset,as then Recc guidlines state that if any discounts are offered over £200,then these must be open to everyone regardless of location or postcode etc.
Hi Dave
Great post and you make a very valid point about paperwork and it’s totally irrespective of installer but it’s something that many people loose site of when installing Solar.
Over the Xmas period I spoke to a lady (I won’t name her) but she came from this site (I don’t know who the installer was) and her install had been nothing short of a disastrous. However the biggest issue was that although she was able to alert RECC and MCS she, as Dave has just pointed out had no written guarantees, copies of roof and shading surveys or any form of insurance backed guarantees.
I have said this on the forum many times and it is vitally important that you receive all the relevant paperwork, test reports, guarantees, warranties, Building Control notification, DNO notification, MCS registration and importantly system schematics and shut down procedures etc, etc. Because without these documents you are leaving yourself wide open.
We had a very busy run up to Xmas and literally completed our last install in Manchester at 12:30 on New Years Eve. That final customer of 2013 received his hand over pack yesterday in the full and certain knowledge that he has absolutely everything he needs now and for the future.
Compliance in this business as Norman will tell you is a huge part of our day to day activities and the paperwork involved is extensive but in reality it’s there to protect you and your installation for the next 20 years so make sure you get all the relevant documentation as I cannot stress it’s importance enough.
I will try and publish a complete handover pack contents list in the next few days but if anyone is concerned they do not have the relevant paperwork or have any other queries please feel free to call me on 0796 462 9142.
Solar is still a great investment but as with all other investments you must protect it.
Happy New Year
Mike Smith
see this site for information on project solar
Paul & Neil.
Like you I will be withholding Final Payment if all is not well.
It surely will be in their interest that all goes well. After all this Site says to Name & shame installers who mess up.
Paul, why did you go for Micro Inverters?
I’m having an East/West set up with Single twin Inverter.
Hi I posted last night and got a message that mynpostcwas being reviewed…any sign of it yet please as I need some answers.
Hi Trevor
Norman is correct you should know what make of panels and inverter and mounting kit you are getting the output does seem correct the price seems far to high ..
I am always here to help and give good sound honest advice call me on 07533411807.
i have had my panels fitted 12 months and am completely happy
yet another new company i guess they offered you a very low price, they have not even filled out there first years tax return! look!
trident energy solutions are a new company:
You wont find Scottish solar on that site as they are classed as a ‘sole trader’.
Way way too expensive. Should be nearer the £7000 mark. Have a look at SolarEdge instead of Enphase…With Solaredge you get 25 years of remote monitoring of each individual panel for free.
see http://www.mmselectrics.co.uk
I had my solar panels installed by The Green Home company – which went into administration. another company have taken them over and did send a letter out. I have lost the letter and have no idea who they are – can anyone help?????
My planet are national and fit solarworld panels,the best German technology on the market.The Vatican City has about 440 million pounds worth of solarworld kit on its roof.I was fitted with a 4 kw system on my roof and I would recommend them to all,and have already.
I had project solar installed last Tuesday very good service no damage in loft or roof which other people had mentioned. paperwork received within 2 hours of paying balance and all sorted within 2 days for feed in tariff. My only complaint was with my energy supplier who out of courtesy I contacted as meter going backwards which I understand from which is an offence arranged an am change of meter I explained that I would be out for a half hour while taking children to school and was informed that should I not have someone at home to let them in they will force entry.
hey Famesflames,
Have you complained to Green Energy Power Solutions. If not thats the first thing you should do send them an email with your complaint an also send a letter recorded delivery and keep the receipt. You need to report them to REA on http://www.realassurance.org.uk/consumers/how-to-complain, also email a complaint to the finance company i take its CREATION consumer finance,and also you need to contact citizens advice bureau http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/ they can advice you and will refer your case to trading standerds who will investigate. It is very important that you fight these companies who scam people, if you stay quite they will carry on scaming vulnerable people.
I will be reporting very good news regarding my complaint in the next few days. In the meantime, here is the link for anyone who would want to know what has happened to Solar Energy Savings Ltd. This should be a good warning for cowboy traders.
As far as I know, nothing is happening on this. There was another reporter who had shown interest in the case about SES but they decided not to continue. Now SES was closed down by the Court, perhaps those media people will eventually want to make a documentary about it without the need to talk to the victims because a lot of information will be available openly, such as the website I have just posted (if a link is allowed here).
Any feedback on Your Solar?
The wiring runs across the roof for about 5m and is thus exposed to the sun and rain Is this acceptable practice
The power generated by solar panels is not dangerous.
The wiring is to compliant regulations and is well insulated, remember that these system are designed to be in-operation for 40 years, so their components and wiring is very safe.
Is the dc power generated by solar panels dangerous what care is needed with wiring between the panels and the inverter