Power My Home solar panels in the UK.

How to buy photovoltaic solar panels?

I’ve been singing the praises of solar panels since 2004. I’ve seen many solar companies come and go in the earliest years. I’ve seen them all from corporations like BP to smaller groups.

The one thing they have in common is over-zealous and commission-hungry salespeople. Now, this is nothing unique to the solar panel industry, but having worked a couple of years in such an environment myself, I have heard and seen it all.

One thing I’ve noticed and realised was you can split my past-tense solar-selling colleagues into two categories. Enthusiasts and commission-hungry chasers!

As an enthusiast myself, I spoke from the heart and customers got this from me. The commission chasers, however, had faked enthusiasm! They worked extra-hard to replace missing enthusiasm, and this is where a few bad salespeople who’re working in this industry are spoiling it!

My time in that sales department was a real eye-opener. Poor attitudes towards customers made my blood boil, as do stories of poor-performing companies. The good news is unintended consequences of the feed-in tariffs re-alignment came. The ‘in-it-for-the-money types fell by the wayside. On the whole, such changes have had a positive effect on the standards of professionals still around today.

In response, we’ve created a solar panel consumer’s guide to installing solar panels. As for my questionable ex-colleagues, I’ve heard through the grapevine of life that many of them have returned to the financial industries from whence they came. Make of that, what you will?

Trust your instinct, but don’t beat yourself up because a good commission-chaser can be very charming and convincing. Never, never sign-up on the day without research. If you cool-off and digest what’s said, your instinct will kick-in automatically.

A seven-day cool-off period if you do sign is built-in. Take notes and record facts and figures that are relayed to you. A lousy salesperson is far more likely to turn off the crap if they know words are being recorded. I created Power My Home to help people interested in solar panels.

As a solar pioneer, ask questions. You may not be an expert, but you can still take control of the sales pitch in front of you. Suitability surveys shouldn’t take more than an hour of your day.

A classic untrue sales line currently circulating in the industry is:

“We make our own panels” Although this may be true in very odd exceptions in the solar heating industry, for photovoltaic salespeople it’s just untrue! This is designed to make the company sound bigger and better than it is. They may be merely adding their branding onto existing panels, but this strategy turns your home into an advertising billboard.

Another untruth is that all solar panels are the same! The efficiency specifications of photovoltaic panels vary massively. This is where research is essential.

Do you know the difference between Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline?

Will solar heating be better or should I spend more and get a PV system? I understand PV solar panels can be very confusing and that’s why good companies understand this. Reassuringly, because solar panels last up to thirty years, it’s always worth your investment. PV solar panel costs vary dramatically across the industry. Knowledge is power when purchasing a PV system.

In this industry, the good outnumber the bad, but a few will always spoil it!

Always purchase from MCS-accredited installers and check the specification of the panels before they’re attached. That’s where your previous notes become handy. Once installed, sit back, relax and bask in the pride that your PV system will bring you.

  1. Please read RECC report …. AND on no account sign up to Finance ….read every bit of contract

  2. I have nothing but bad experiences…..meeting scheduled tomorrow…will repost afterwards in order to tell my story

  3. I would also value any feedback on Big Green Company. Anyone got any experiences, good or bad?

  4. Has anyone used Big Green Company and if so how good/bad ,cheap/dear were they? My brother has just signed with them. I was there and it sounded a good deal but i now having doubts.

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New world savvy.

"I've witnessed many fantastic changes, innovations, and installation companies come and go. My fellowship with ethically-minded MCS solar panel installers goes back decades. Today, I offer my experience to ensure you gain real independence from this crazy geopolitical world."

Stuart Lovatt
Power My Home Solar Panels
Sundial House, Panton Road, Chester CH2 3HX.
01244 722 607

Est. 2004.