Power My Home solar panels in the UK.

Stuart Lovatt talks about solar panels

"I created Heat My Home in 2004 because the early solar heating industry was a wild west environment. Determined to help pioneering solar adopters, I showcased better technology while promoting more reputable installers. In 2010, I was commended for my independent contributions by the Renewable Energy Consumer Code, and delighted to report that I inspired 35,131 new installations at a time before solar panels became cool."

Stuart Lovatt
Creator of Power My Home.

Stuart Lovatt talks solar panels.

Food for thought:

Homeowners across the United Kingdom can now get grants towards the cost of installing systems such as solar heating panels and evacuated tubes. • Solar Heating Panels including Evacuated Solar Tubes– £300 grant (available to all homes, regardless of the type of the existing heating system). The coalition government unveiled a £15m Renewable Heat Premium

We’ve been shouting from the rooftops for years at how brilliant solar panels are. You don’t understand the benefits until you’ve seen them at work. After asking some of our customers, we have had great responses: “As scientists, we invested in solar heating panels years ago, proved it worked and saved us money. Now we

Investing in PV solar panels (photovoltaic) can be daunting for many homeowners. Looking back over the last two decades, we see energy prices doubling with more price hikes projected. This alone explains why solar panel technology is a positive thing. The financial benefits of installing a PV solar system in the United Kingdom consider it

Instead of paying high prices for power, generate your own with photovoltaic solar panels. This buzz came about when generation tariffs arrived last year. The idea of solar panels to generate power can be a reality for homeworkers. PV solar panels today are a thriving industry since we entered this crazy world. Homeworkers are now

Installing PV solar panels has had an unexpected benefit. Solar panels do make a house more desirable to buyers. PV increases the value and sell-ability. This applies if you install the solar panels yourself. Companies that offer free Photovoltaic solar panels will have the opposite effect. Do solar panels help sell your house? was last

PV solar panels uptake and the generation tariff? Working from home is a huge societal change that will increase energy costs. Solar panel adoption is growing amongst homeworkers. A perfect time then to think about solar panels. As an investment in the future, not only for your home but business too. Why install PV solar

Incentives for solar heating panels are here. The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is designed to increase solar panel adoption such as evacuated tubes. Currently, only a tiny proportion of the UK’s housing stock has solar heat technology. Up to 25,000 installations will help people benefit from solar-powered heating systems and ensure a fair spread across

Germany is pioneering PV solar panel’s success. I spotted this on a train journey to Salzberg. They were everywhere. They currently have ten percent adoption that began in 1997. Germany promoted solar panels through a world-pioneering feed-in tariff scheme. The German solar panel market remains the most exciting in the world, with its success forming

How to claim the export tariffs for solar panels. What do Birmingham City Council and farmers have in common? They’re solar panel adopters who use solar energy for a steady financial income. Export tariffs once known as feed-in tariffs have seen uptake increase so much. The current PV export tariff pays around 5.44 pence per

I am considering an offer of free PV (photovoltaic) solar panels on my house. The offer seems very generous. There is no charge, a 25-year guarantee, and all installation work is carried out by accredited installers. Is there any drawback to this type of free solar panel offer? Yes, there are several drawbacks. The feed-in

An admittance by a Ministry of Defense staffer on Jeremy Vine’s afternoon talk show came as a shock. An anonymous caller on the show admitted that the Ministry of Defense is already planning future wars over energy. What plans have we to reduce dependence on insecure resources? The show broadcast with the main topic of

Solar panels have traditionally been installed by environmental types but are now mainstream technology. The solar industry has evolved and the UK’s regulations are adopted worldwide. Today, you’re more likely to see solar panels on a retired couple’s home. Solar panels for the UK was last modified: March 16th, 2023 by Solar Stu

New world savvy.

"I've witnessed many fantastic changes, innovations, and installation companies come and go. My fellowship with ethically-minded MCS solar panel installers goes back decades. Today, I offer my experience to ensure you gain real independence from this crazy geopolitical world."

Stuart Lovatt
Power My Home Solar Panels
Sundial House, Panton Road, Chester CH2 3HX.
01244 722 607

Est. 2004.