Power My Home solar panels in the UK.

QR CodeX – A battle of ideas

On January 9th, 1988, The Economist magazine declared, “Get ready for a world currency.” Understanding where this push for ultimate control originates from, is the key to understanding where we’re going.

Recent events have demonstrated that the QR Code symbol can be used for good or malevolence. A global conflict is currently raging in deciding the direction of this cute little square.

So, back in the mid-naughties, at the time of The Great Broadband Rollout, it seemed weird that so much money was being poured into the Broadband project so I could download MP3s quicker. But it all makes complete sense when viewed as an electric fence in progress.

Historically, it’s been done before. The patchwork quilt of Drystone Walling across the length and breadth of Britain was developed by the post-1066 AD Norman hierarchy to remove the right to roam the land from the peasantry class.

QR Codes can be detrimental or beneficial to humans. We’re seeing a global war for the control of QR coding. This conflict is decentralised versus centralised power on the micro and macro world stage.

The rest of the world is sick of continued threats of Western sanctions. The BRICS Payment System based on Blockchain and Digital Currencies, will remove the financial pyramid structure that has held the world to ransom since 1913.

The flaws in technological limits caused by the combustion-ability of EVs and Cobalt mining using child labor may be our savior in this NetZero calamity unfolding. More African nations will step away from the Petrodollar System in the coming months in favor of the BRICS system.

The reason why policies don’t make sense

Today’s pyramidal power structure is terrified of losing control of the macro and microspheres. A restricted and unrestricted class of people has been the goal since the 1980s but they overplayed their confidence – in recent times.

“We believe that creating an independent BRICS payment system is an important goal for the future, which would be based on state-of-the-art tools such as digital technologies and blockchain. The main thing is to make sure it is convenient for governments, common people, and businesses, as well as cost-effective and free of politics,” Kremlin aide Yury Ushakov said in an interview with TASS.

Suddenly, it makes sense why The Great Bear’s flag incorporates a St George character slaying a Dragon. Interestingly, The Nations United headquarters hosts a bar called The Serpent – I find this a fascinating alternative view, and symbology hides the truth in plain sight.

What does all this mean for the solar industry?

In a nutshell, the BRICS grouping of nations and the crypto sphere are detaching themselves to reduce reliance on fiat banking for cross-border settlements. This fundamental change in global policy will require the UK solar industry participants to transition to cross-border crypto payments to survive long-term.

The UK solar industry has always been the leading edge

People have short memories, but I remember when solar panels were vilified by the mainstream media because independent homeowners generating their electricity, free from a centralised National Grid – was considered a rebellious act. Of course, ‘they’ figured out how to access public money via the original feed-in tariff, and the rest as ‘they’ say is solar history.

Today, household-named technology corporations like Tesla and Co are building literal killer robots. This is the utter state of the Western oligarch’s aspirations for the future. I call it, “SkyNetZero.”

Seriously though, battery storage is now ten years old, and the solar installation sphere has nothing new to offer. This period has been the least productive for advancements.

Therefore, using, and educating customers about the Crypto Sphere is the next logical step for our world-leading industry. Many will soon require it to service supply chains with China and reinvesting ‘export gains’ could become the norm.

Alternatively, we could discover ourselves on the wrong side of a global Berlin-style Digital Wall because our leaders became anti-competition. The original internet was a military project. The military can choose to free people or lock them down, depending on allegiances. Yet, they still require hearts and minds to achieve an objective. Recent events in Bangladesh demonstrate this – beautifully.

The UK solar industry has been leading the British zeitgeist since 2009. A global peer-to-peer payment system with no middlemen sounds like a level of independence, that pioneer solar panel adopters would love. Of course, others follow our lead via osmosis. My next article will be titled “Convert your export tariff revenue to Bitcoin.”

Solar panels were the original independence-promoting technology, but today, it is dependent on the system type selected. On May 8th, 2021, The Economist magazine declared, “Govcoins – The digital currencies that will transform finance.” It’s time to pick up the crypto baton and lead the solar adoption collective to safer ground.

The future of 21st-century digital money is decided. Central control or de-centralisation, programmable or open source, Microsoft or Linux, open road or pay-per-mile is not yet determined.

New world savvy.

"I've witnessed many fantastic changes, innovations, and installation companies come and go. My fellowship with ethically-minded MCS solar panel installers goes back decades. Today, I offer my experience to ensure you gain real independence from this crazy geopolitical world."

Stuart Lovatt
Power My Home Solar Panels
Sundial House, Panton Road, Chester CH2 3HX.
01244 722 607

Est. 2004.